i want to run my inboard mercruiser engine to tune it up etc...the problem is the boat is on my drive and not in water ,is there anyway of rigging it up so i can run it for a minute or so...
Yep! Get yourself a set of engine flushing muffs. They go on the outdrive with the hose connected to a tap. It'll make a bit of a racket tho, open exhaust, lots of grumble grumble pop pop!!
OK, to hell with it. Unbolt it and we'll use it as an anchor!
Ye. Stick a hose pipe up it's bum! If it's outdrives you can buy a thingy that looks like earphones to stick over the inlet watsits. Then stick hose pipe on that. You can run it all day if you want.
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Erm, Most outboard type shops sell'em for about 15 quid a set. I used to put a water storage tank under the outdrive, but this actually takes more water to fill than running the engine up on 'muffs for 10 or 15 mins.
OK, to hell with it. Unbolt it and we'll use it as an anchor!
Yes you have no raw water pump and you might get water going back up the exhaust. The pressure from the tap may be enough to circulate the water. Is the engine fresh water cooled or raw water cooled. If its raw water cooled you'll need a set of muffs to flush through after use anyway!
OK, to hell with it. Unbolt it and we'll use it as an anchor!