Well ... It was a bit windy last weekend so so save wear on the sails I motored around. Coiuld'nt stop as I had ran out of anchors. I also soon ran out of fuel. A nice man in a uniform gave me some more and left me tied up to a buoy to get sorted out. I tried to bleed the engine but it took too long so I decompressed the engine and whirled it round, it soon stopped! I then noticed water coming out of the air filter! After crawling around the bilges for a little while I founf a plug on a box on the exhaust system which I unscrewed, lots of water came out. I then replaced it. Soon after I managed to get the engine started. Question is : will the water in the engine have caused or is likely to cause any pernament damage, if so what should I do to limit any such damage?
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