Well-known member
The new owners specifically buy manufacturing businesses and turn them round. They aren’t a luxury retailer or a wealthy individual on an ego trip. They have a track record of success so it will be really interesting to see if and how they succeed.Seems to me that this thread is conflating two issues.
First, do Princess make nice 50-60 foot boats. Pretty sure the answer to that is ‘yes’.
Second, as a company, the principal objective for Princess must be to make a profit. This they don’t do; nor have they for years. The last owners sold the company to the current ones at a massive loss (judged against their investment in the company).
Presumably, the new owners think that they can turn things around, make a profit and sell in a few years for more than they paid.
Maybe they’re right. But, to do that there are going to have to be big changes in how they make the product. Because if they keep on doing the same thing, they’re going to get the same outcome; that is to say, poor financials.
I’m tempted to to say if they can’t do it no one can but with the caveat of not having the level of corporate and accounting knowledge enjoyed by many on this parish.