Well-known member
To play devils advocate for a moment, how many people here have actually heard a mayday AND been the first on scene to render assistance?
Well done to TSB240 and his assistance. It’s a brave move to tow a relatively large sailing boat in a small tender in those conditions. Thankfully TSB was upto it, but as he said, he had plenty of experience to undertake it with confidence. The outcome might have been worse if I had tried doing it. It’s a shame the casualty used ch 80 instead of 16.
As I’ve said earlier, I choose not to listen on the radio if on multi day cruises unless in high traffic densities or for weather etc. that is more to do with lack of facilities (no 12v system) and location than lack of respect. Should I therefore go out and invest in batteries, controllers , solar panels and a fixed VHF set in order to be allowed on the water by Capt Popeye? Of course I can still see flares or other visual signalling. Ah but no, flares are the devil’s making and are something else not allowed by forumites, along with CQR anchors.
I am not saying we shouldn’t have radios, nor would I suggest not listening to them if you can. But there’s an implication that radios are the only means of raising the alarm (true it might be very effective)but just how well prepared are forumites to hear a mayday, record the Lat and long, relay it accurately, plot it accurately and then effect the rescue. In other words it’s not just as simple as listening. So let’s here it then, what are your plans for receiving a mayday, how do you brief your crew?
Well done to TSB240 and his assistance. It’s a brave move to tow a relatively large sailing boat in a small tender in those conditions. Thankfully TSB was upto it, but as he said, he had plenty of experience to undertake it with confidence. The outcome might have been worse if I had tried doing it. It’s a shame the casualty used ch 80 instead of 16.
As I’ve said earlier, I choose not to listen on the radio if on multi day cruises unless in high traffic densities or for weather etc. that is more to do with lack of facilities (no 12v system) and location than lack of respect. Should I therefore go out and invest in batteries, controllers , solar panels and a fixed VHF set in order to be allowed on the water by Capt Popeye? Of course I can still see flares or other visual signalling. Ah but no, flares are the devil’s making and are something else not allowed by forumites, along with CQR anchors.
I am not saying we shouldn’t have radios, nor would I suggest not listening to them if you can. But there’s an implication that radios are the only means of raising the alarm (true it might be very effective)but just how well prepared are forumites to hear a mayday, record the Lat and long, relay it accurately, plot it accurately and then effect the rescue. In other words it’s not just as simple as listening. So let’s here it then, what are your plans for receiving a mayday, how do you brief your crew?