DISASTER day at launch



At least they didn't commit the cardinal error of trailering - launching with the bung still in the car...

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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urg, this sounds pretty awful, and dealer sound useless. I mean, even more useless than the normal dealer. It's certainly not me with the spell: I had the misfortune to just touch a motorbike in traffic on frioday, who then moved forward, then looked round, then jumped off his bike, so cost me £400, dang, and I daren't go into what boating costs even when it goes pefectly.

dare i ask if sunday went any better?

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30 Nov 2001
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Bad luck you have my commiserations. Would have come down but after Op knee isn't flexible enough to jump in and out of boats.
If you'd have been prepared to pay the costs you'd have been better off at Gillingham Marina as that way you'd have gone in with the Travel Hoist, not cheap but better than drowning a transit.

<hr width=100% size=1>Jim

Draco 2500


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6 Nov 2001
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Re: old sailers

No not that far west more in the Cornwall and Devon sort of West.
Any way its to sunny where you are to be grumpy about anything.

<hr width=100% size=1>Oooh look its still not dark and its nearly 5pm


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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Re: old sailers

Well, oim vrum Zummerzet done ee furget. Well, it's not sunny here today - in fact it's very dull and a cool 72F. Just like Sundays in childhood in the West Country, but warmer.
Anyway, I'm not grumpy 'cos we've just had an English b/fast at a place run by a couple from Guildford. Luvly grub. Now I have to lie down.

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28 Dec 2001
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Don,t worry not that bad ,on my first launch day my partners brother slipped on deck of the boat and parked his backside through the cabin window,had to go back next day and refit it.It does get better,as confidence grows you,ll relax more.
Best of luck

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8 Sep 2002
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Its only just beginning.....

I realy realy realy hope you enjoy your boating. But 2 years of trailering nearly forced us to give up boating for good. All those cock-ups, yours have only just begun. And the arguements on the slipway. Its your fault, you should have made sure the boat was.... blah...blah... blah. An in the water mooring transformed our lives and we are now so more relaxed ( and penniless!!!!!)

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27 Nov 2002
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Re: Trailers!

Years ago took trailer sailer to Caledonian Canal

Next to last day returning through locks at Fort Augustus tied on to fishing boat, on lock keepers instruction.

3rd lock of the five, fishing boat lost control, swung across the lock and used my boat as a fender. Lots of hull and topside damage.

Took the boat out next day onto trailer and set off home.

About 1am somewhere Nth of Newcastle a trailer wheel came loose. I called Nat Breakdown who arranged for transport home. Then had brainwave and tried to use spare from car. (It didn't fit of course)

In doing so I managed to bump the fuel cut off inertia switch, didn't notice until car engine stopped. So called Nat Bkdwn again. They diagnosed a dead fuel pump.

Eventually rolled home on a convoy of transporters.

Arranged repairs to boat locally after a bit of debate with insurers. Driving to yard for repairs loud bang and crunch from astern. Mudguard from trailer had become detached, almost certainly damaged when wheel came off, caught on wheel and been driven through bottom of boat.

Left boat at yard and had further debate with insurers who clearly didn't believe a word I said but eventually agreed to pay.

So got boat back and as a end of season trip took Sister in Law and husband for a trip on river. Nice day, pub lunch all troubles forgotten.

Err no

Recovered boat with SWMBO driving tow car, just tying everything down when She noticed boat not exactly square on trailer. I said it was ok, she disagreed. Heated debate ensued so we decided to back stern of boat into river, re-position it and try again. Only problem SWMBO, still angry from debate, set off flat out in reverse and applied brakes liberally. The inevitable result of course, car stopped, trailer stopped, boat didn't. Launched itself across river. Fortunately S in L's husband grabbed a rope and held on. So position is, boat 30 yards out in river, one crewman dangling from rope over bows, no rudder, no engine, no mast. Oh I forgot, weir about 200yards downstream.

Situation saved by passing motor boat towing the boat back.

I gave in at that and sold the bloody thing.

Would now rather have teeth drilled than have a boat on a trailer.

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18 Feb 2003
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Re: Trailers!

EXACTLY, I could not be bothered with the aggro of a trailer so spent a fortune on a berth at MDL Chatham, I aslo bought the trailer for the odd Solent meet and such like, but I guess for the £1,800 I paid for it I could have had it moved by someone else a good few times for that price.

I just feel fed up that the crane was out of service, not only did my new trailer get wet with sea water I then had to take it home to strip it and clean it, the £80 crane fee would have been an absolute bargain.

Anyway had a much better day today thanks to oldgit and Sun-Coast.

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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: there\'s laughing and laughing...

1. that slip is the pits; once upon a time about 25 years ago someone somewhere stuck a couple of piles in the river upstream and it's been full of mud ever since - however it's all there is (on paper). With a bunked trailer you have to wait for the water really, although you can rig a block to your trailer halfway down and, using rope through the block and back to the front use the winch to drag it back. However I don't recomend it for one your size (but some do) and you need to keep a large vehicle attached to the trailer or it tips up!!!
2. If it makes you feel better (and it's supposed too) I launched my first proper 'power boat' just upstream at Rochester a few years back....tootalled down the river with family and kids on baord having fun but noticed that water was coming in..........opening the throttle and getting up on the plane kept it out but as soon as I slowed it flooded back. Beaching it on the mud ( I had so carefully avoided earlier) at the marina, and a hasty call to the dealer later, I discovered the bung in the seat locker - when it should have been in the back of the boat. Note this qualifies me to take the piss out of anyone who suffers the same fate - after rendering assistance, and has therefore already paid for itself many times over
Welcome to the party we call boating! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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18 Feb 2003
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I have paid for an annual birth at MDL

What makes things worse is that I realised that all this trailer lark is time consuming, especially whilst trying to keep an eye on our baby daughter so we have paid for a year at MDL Chatham. I guess I should have just told the dealer to meet me at my mooring, job done. Anyway I have certainly learnt a lesson by someone elses mistake, unfortunately I was involved in it, got stressed up, smashed up my car, got covered in mud, saw the anti foul messed up under the boat, saw the scratch on the side stripes, watching my wife start to float away in a transit van (she had never been in a van in her life, and here she was in one with waves lapping up over the back wheels attached to a trailer with a boat on, with her back wheels skidding in the mud) best I just got on it at the marina, I wouldn't have known any better, but then again an experience is perhaps a good thing.

So NO I will not be a regular trailer person, I think I will just get my boat delivered to Mercury Marina, and enjoy the delights of Marina life.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


18 Feb 2003
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Re: there\'s laughing and laughing...

Is there a bung in my boat, I pulled out this rubber looking thing just before I left the marina tonight, I wonder if it was a bung?

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re:Yes but!

Did you have a bleedin good day out today to make up for all the trials and tribulations

Don't worry, it gets better and better, and everyone goes through the difficult bits.

By the way, I think half the forum were biting their tongues trying not to laugh at your post about launching. We've all been there (and I mean all, talk to everyone at the meet about their worst experiences), and it if you re-read it sometime in the future, you'll understand it's an absolute classic, up there with some of Haydn's best.

No one dared laugh though, because we've all been there too, and we can't laugh at someone who's had such an awful first day! and done all the things we've done.

Permission to titter a little bit please ;)

Make sure you keep a copy somewhere!! Haydn never has reproduced his exploding bog story after he and ybw conspired to lose it, yet it's still talked about years later

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6 Nov 2001
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Huh try this one.Unhitch boat from car on steep beach.Watch helplessly while boat descends beach gathering speed and then stops dead by skewering stern on Groin post with resulting hole in stern of boat.Needless to say this was on red hot perfect calm summer evening that you have been looking forward to all day.

<hr width=100% size=1>Oooh look its still not dark and its nearly 5pm


New member
3 Feb 2002
Teignmouth, Devon
Re: Trailers!

Don't give up on trailers.

I have just completed my first year and had about 20 launches and recoveries with no previous experience. Even combining all of my problems they still do not equate to anything like as many problems as you had on just one day. Your problems did make me titter and certainly made me feel better about my own efforts.

I would have suggested an all roller trailer - why didn't you ask for advice???!!!

Glad the next trip went well and I'll be launching for the solent meet if you are interested.

Keep smiling......

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