DEKPA latest?


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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I officially checked out of Greece in Kastelorizo this year, just to get an understanding how it works when you check back in after your DEKPA stamp has expired. After getting a lot of speeches and sermons on how I didn’t report to the PP when I arrived (which I don’t have to do with a Dutch flagged boat with Dutch crew coming from Rhodes) and that my insurance policy doesn’t refer to article 43 (first time anybody complained about that in Greece) I was told that I would be in a lot of trouble....
After trying to get a clarification, and I’m still confused, I think she meant that I had to get a new DEKPA. Knowing some people that had a lot of problems checking back in in Kos. I was wondering Chris if you know what the official procedure is and what proof, if any, you need to show that you’ve been outside Greek/EU waters?

Not sure if I have got your sequence correct here.
I am assuming that you sailed from Rhodes to Kastelorizo direct, with an valid DEKPA?

If so

Then there is no requirement to check in to PP UNLESS they specifically ask you to come.

To Check ou for Turkey from there, most of the eastern Greek islands adopt much the same process - take crew list to port police -plus passports and ships papers - they will direct you to immigration and then with the stamped form you return to PP and ask them to mark your DEKPA - not sure which spot - to say that you are leaving. END OFF. Officially there is no process in Greek Law - but its worth following what they do.

Now lets see the second half of the equation - when you return with an outdated DEKPA. Its either - your dekpa has expired - get another for €50 or they will stamp your existing one for a year from when you check in. Note your €15 stamping in fee. Should prove you weren't there paradoxically!

The DEKPA law goes into no details on how much of this happens and it is being largely sorted out from things that are found to be wrong and unfair.

One of the reasons PP get it wrong so much is that their job encompasses a large are of expertise, the smallest of which is yachts - so yes they dont read all the bumph that comes out as they do not regard this as a priority task....

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