Well-known member
I've not heard the vhf chatter. But I've spent many hours dived on the range waiting, along with a couple of hundred other people, for a clear range to conduct trials costing hundreds if not millions. Frustrating.Don’t have to go far to get unintelligible VHF comms - lots of non standard terms used in UK waters.
An outfit called BUTEC spend hours calling people and getting no responses. Partly because they fail to realise that many have no idea what the acronym BUTEC is, and they never explain their location and purpose. If they do manage to get a reply they want to “Chop” rather than switch channels, and “Roger” this and “Roger” that.
Was amusing last time past them when they spent literally 45 minutes repeatedly trying to contact a yacht - who clearly had their VHF switched off. What was more amusing, latterly they spent over 20 minutes trying to make contact with one of the three guard boats in the area to go and physically intercept the yacht. We could see BUTEC, the yacht and the guard boats - but for 20 minutes their own guard boat failed to respond on Channel 16 ! By the time they answered the yacht was in the middle of their live range.
For some reason, didn't often have the same problem at the twin site, AUTEC in the Bahamas.