Cruising in the UK



I've done all my boating in Germany and the Netherlands, and am thinking about visiting the UK next Spring, maybe the end of May. Anybody got any recommendations as to where to go? I'm looking to maybe spending a couple of weeks around the UK, before heading back to my favourite area - Zeeland (NL).

One of the main things that will be new to me is tides - the idea of not being able to get into certain ports for much of the time sounds very unfriendly!

We've also got two small children - who will be 3½ and 5 next May, who love being on the boat but who also enjoy time playing off it as well.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Which part of the UK are you most interested in seeing? Two weeks probably means staying in a relatively small area if you want to do much exploring.


No idea. Never spent anytime on the coast in southern England. I don't know whether to aim to go somewhere along the South Coast or somewhere up the East Coast. Ideally I would like plenty of quiet marinas, plenty of safe anchorages, interesting places to go ashore to visit, near good pubs/food etc.


New member
16 Aug 2001
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The Solent is probably your best choice if you want a large choice of marina's/anchorages all close together. Tides are no too much of a problem in most of the places you would perhaps choose to go ie Cowes, Lymington, Hythe, Newtown Creek. Although Port Solent (Portsmouth) and Chichester Marina both operate a lock.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Its a bit more of a hike, but you will not beat Devon and Cornwall, Dartmouth to Falmouth. Tides dont really count cos most everywhere is deap enough.
Its a lovely trip down from anywhere round the Solent Too, or hop a little down the French coast first.



South coast best for a two-week trip. The trick is to get as far west as possible as soon as possible: if you hang around the solent for the first week you may not get further, as the prevailing scoast UK wind is south west force four ish in summer. If on the other hand you put in a couple of days at the start, you could get to cornwall, all very lovely, and quite dramtically different from flatter holland, and probably following seas all the way home.


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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What speed are you hoping to cruise at?

We have done the reverse of your trip 4 times, cruising from the Thames to Holland (Zeeland) cruising around 18 kts. 2 weeks was fine if the weather behaved itself for the trip up and back along the coast, but does not allow much in spare.

Byron is right about the Thames. Stop in London at St Katherines Yacht Haven, right by Tower Bridge, and do the London sites. Then carry on up the non tidal Thames through Hampton Court and Windsor, and further if you have time. No tide or wind to worry about and plenty for the kids to do.

If you draw over 1 metre you may be better staying on the coast and doing London and then returning up the East Coast rivers, Crouch, Blackwater, Stour, Deben and Walton Backwaters. Not sure how much there is for the kids there, but I am sure others will know.

In my view there is no cruising (UK side) of merit between N Foreland and the Solent, and I would think to cruise to the Solent would be too far in 2 weeks, assuming you want some time to enjoy the harbours.

The West country is lovely, if you get the weather, but will cost a fortune in fuel to get to at speed, and if you don't travel fast you won't get there and back in 2 weeks. Again assuming you want to stop en route.

Enjoy your trip.