Crew to helm walkie talkies suggestions?


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6 May 2005
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I used the Airwave system for >5 years. I had an idea that it was being developed for emergency locations where the main aerials did not work. IIRC a small wifi base unit out to individual's radio/earpiece/mike.

Tait Communications seem to know a lot about it

Tait Communications -Your Critical Communications Partner

Could it be worth getting in touch with the LandRover AC HQ and asking what systems they use ?

The concept of having encrypted comms with the foredeck or dinghy has definite appeals


20 Sep 2020
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Why is the minimum age for Marine Radio Short Range Certificate SRC 16 years?

Those ^^^^^^^^^^^.

Cheap, waterproof and float if you drop them in.
We're still happy with them batteries seem to last a long time and very clear voice. More than enough for around the boat and designed exactly for the job. Headsets available with PTT switches inline TALKABOUT T92 H2O Waterproof Two Way Radio - Motorola Solutions - Europe, Middle East and Africa which if both users have them could make for very discrete marina entries. £60 a pair plus the headsets would be a bit more.
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22 Sep 2008
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Not totally relevant to this thread but why didn't I think of this 4 years ago? Comms with up to 6 kids on the water with stuff I have lying around the house...


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22 Oct 2012
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Presumably using mobile phones relies on you actually having a mobile phone signal and a SIM that’s recognised by the local provider.
It’s not so easy in lots of parts of the world if you’re away blue water cruising and that’s what we’re prepping for.
I live just beyond the pale for cell service.
My Bluetooth functions work ok out side of cell service.
I Don’t use a ear piece or mike so not 100per cent sure.
I expect earpiece and Mike would work to any phone they’re paired with. If within Bluetooth range


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13 Mar 2017
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As per the thread title. Any idea what radios might be suggested? Reasonably robust and ideally water resistant/proof and capable of using an earpiece with a boom microphone with VOX operation.
Two way so that crew on the bow can (for example) direct the helm how the cable lies when manoeuvring up to the anchor or pointing out coral heads etc.
Bluetooth earpieces with Mic, linked to your mobile phones, would work. Something like this:
You are obviously dependant on the phones having signals, though...


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22 Sep 2008
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With any of the intercom apps do you get an indication if the phones go out of bluetooth range.

If so they could be used for a MOB indicator also.

I haven't looked, but I'm sure there would be something that does that. (Might be some false alarms. ) BUT better to use GPS, there are plenty of proximity alarms, I'm sure one or more of them would work as a MOB alarm.


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3 Nov 2001
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I haven't looked, but I'm sure there would be something that does that. (Might be some false alarms. ) BUT better to use GPS, there are plenty of proximity alarms, I'm sure one or more of them would work as a MOB alarm.

Yes there are plenty of MOB alarms in fact I have one made by our very own Angus Mc Doon.

Its just if we can have a single device that will perform 2 functions all the better. Also Mobile phones these days do have a GPS so could also indicate where the signal was lost.

It seems a very simple piece of software to add to an existing function


Well-known member
22 Sep 2008
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Yes there are plenty of MOB alarms in fact I have one made by our very own Angus Mc Doon.

Its just if we can have a single device that will perform 2 functions all the better. Also Mobile phones these days do have a GPS so could also indicate where the signal was lost.

It seems a very simple piece of software to add to an existing function

Yes, I meant use the GPS on the Phone as opposed to loss of Bluetooth on the mobile phone. But on reflection that wouldn't work because you still need the phones talking to each other over Bluetooth to communicate the distance change to indicate the MOB so you might as well just use the loss of BT as your indication of the MOB since it's going to happen anyway.

So I was "differently wrong". ?


21 Jun 2013
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+1 for sabre and sena; shame they didn't have any in stock. We used them for the first time last season and they make a huge difference. Just being able to talk normally and be heard rather than shouting (into the wind) is great.

I think you can link them to a radio too, or for music but haven't quite worked out how to do it.

Of course, you could use hand signals, semaphore, midshipmen, a brass speaking trumpet or burning tar personal favourite would be voicepipes rigged to the foredeck, and one down to the engine room.


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
+1 for sabre and sena; shame they didn't have any in stock. We used them for the first time last season and they make a huge difference. Just being able to talk normally and be heard rather than shouting (into the wind) is great.

I think you can link them to a radio too, or for music but haven't quite worked out how to do it.

Of course, you could use hand signals, semaphore, midshipmen, a brass speaking trumpet or burning tar personal favourite would be voicepipes rigged to the foredeck, and one down to the engine room.
According to an engineer who I met when I joined the navy and had actually served on one of the last ships with an open bridge and voice pipes, one trick they used to get up to was to send boiled sweets down the voice pipe to the engineers from the bridge to bribe them to sort the machinery out.

I think they sold themselves cheaply...