CopperCoat with weedkiller

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Chiara’s slave

Well-known member
14 Apr 2022
Western Solent
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Again you've not read the comments properly,just dived in, somebody said that pesticides were illegal to which I merely replied they were not as you can buy them off the shelf at Sainsbury's ...... On another note I did find the McDonald's joke rather funny obviously you didn't.... Hey ho there's a new year around the corner
Cognitive dissonance on a Trumpian scale. And by the way, as we apply our Mclube, we’re usually finding as many things as we can to add the Mcprefix to. I daresay the folks at McHarken are doing much the same.


Well-known member
12 Dec 2013
Deale, MD, USA
Cognitive dissonance on a Trumpian scale. And by the way, as we apply our Mclube, we’re usually finding as many things as we can to add the Mcprefix to. I daresay the folks at McHarken are doing much the same.

Not exactly. McLube is a tradename coined by the inventor, Zell McGee of McGee Chemical. Not a play on McDonalds, IMO.

McLube makes at least 3 marine products:
  • Sailkote. The one most of us know.
  • Hullkote.
  • One Drop. This is the stuff for ball bearings, not Sailkote. It is mostly just 3-in-one oil IMO. Different purpose.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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It certainly would. One of the benefits of living on the South Island is that McDonalds have not taken over, they are few and far between.
Really? Surely , by the time you have sent the wife for your big Mac & fries, it is going to be cold when she gets home. Cannot say that is a benefit. She would have to park it down her vest to keep it warm & then when you went to bed she would be smelling of a burger bar. Not to mention any escaped bits of gherkin & fries in the bed:rolleyes: :unsure:

Chiara’s slave

Well-known member
14 Apr 2022
Western Solent
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Really? Surely , by the time you have sent the wife for your big Mac & fries, it is going to be cold when she gets home. Cannot say that is a benefit. She would have to park it down her vest to keep it warm & then when you went to bed she would be smelling of a burger bar. Not to mention any escaped bits of gherkin & fries in the bed:rolleyes: :unsure:
Gherkin or merkin?