Well-known member
Bah humbug
Stirring the pot here, I reckon less training and more experience is whats needed. Oh, and boats with good seakeeping abilities.
One problem (of several) with the Yachtmaster industry is that people come out of the sausage machine with a sustificate and believe they can do it all. But what counts is not the piece of paper but the amount of sailing they've done and the conditions in which they've done it. And you can't buy that with the charts and the morning milk.
And then - thank you Ben, Jen, Bav et al - when Bracknell does get it badly wrong, they find themselves stuck out there in a boat that requires so much active helmsmanship that they get so cream-crackered and so worried about the motion of the boat and the fact that it sounds like it'll break up at any moment - although it probably won't - that they dial 999 (and who can blame them?).
Two nights ago, Don Street told a tale of sitting out a 70kt storm, hove to somewhere off the Old Head of Kinsale. They were below, eating an oven-cooked three course meal (off a gimballed table) and washing it down with a choice of red or white wine. Can't do that in an AWB.
Stirring the pot here, I reckon less training and more experience is whats needed. Oh, and boats with good seakeeping abilities.
One problem (of several) with the Yachtmaster industry is that people come out of the sausage machine with a sustificate and believe they can do it all. But what counts is not the piece of paper but the amount of sailing they've done and the conditions in which they've done it. And you can't buy that with the charts and the morning milk.
And then - thank you Ben, Jen, Bav et al - when Bracknell does get it badly wrong, they find themselves stuck out there in a boat that requires so much active helmsmanship that they get so cream-crackered and so worried about the motion of the boat and the fact that it sounds like it'll break up at any moment - although it probably won't - that they dial 999 (and who can blame them?).
Two nights ago, Don Street told a tale of sitting out a 70kt storm, hove to somewhere off the Old Head of Kinsale. They were below, eating an oven-cooked three course meal (off a gimballed table) and washing it down with a choice of red or white wine. Can't do that in an AWB.