


My wife and I were in B&Q on Saturday and asked the assistant if he could show us some cleats but he just looked dumbly at us. I explained that they are used on boats to help hang washing but I didn't know much more. Anyway after getting the manager for us to check the computer it turns out they definately don't stock them, not in any of their stores, so Bayliner can't get them from there, Haydn. My wife and I generally find B&Q excellent value and don't understand what would be wrong even if they did come from there. What are they exactly anyway? Still the good news is while in there we found some shelves we could put up around the spare space in the engine compartment.


Re: windup?

A little further down you extol Bayliners. Now, you don't know what a "cleat" is. They are those dainty little metal things at the back for tying the lines on in a "figure of eight". However, if you buy a boat that isn't junk, then "Cleats" perform the same function, but they are massive, strong, chromed and at least eight in number on a 30-footer.

The shelving in the engine room - good joke! er, isn't it? ...


Re: windup?

Yes but the big problem is how to fix the shelves to the wall. Tried rawlpugs, but then the water comes in through the holes and they look real crap from the outside. Suppose I could try Sikaflex or maybe Soltron would work, it seems to cure everything else.


Re: windup?

Mmm, Soltron, my wife loves the sound of this product. She'd like to know if it could help get whites whiter than white if used in the washing machine?
But seriously, I'm just making a jest in response to Haydn's assumption that because I enquire about Bayliners, I've never been to sea. I have been sailing dingy's from 11yrs and more recently have chartered 45ft sailing boats and catamarans and sailed through the Virgin Islands, St. Vincent, The Grenadines, The Gibraltar Straites, Morrocco, The Cannaries, Spannish Coast,The Balerics and Turkey. I've single handedly coped with Force 8 storms under sail alone and understand the respect the sea should be given. That's why I did my RYA. My wife too.
So that said, when I looked over the Baylinner, of course I checked cleats, guardrails and side decks and in my view these looked comparable with many of the other makes I viewed in my original post. The Searay, it must be said had a very impressive looking set of cleats on her but then that's only to the naked eye. Could just be silicon implants for all I know. But that's why I asked for the Forums wisdom. Because it is only by seperating truth from perception that an informed decision can be reached. And that's why I deliberately framed the "Why not a Baylinner" question in the way I did.
Thanks to all for your very useful advice. The desion process is ongoing. I am looking at second hand options too, trying to establish the best boat for my needs within budget. Which Haydn, isn't an ugly tub to make the wife frigid on but a sun cruiser with sunbeds in the cockpit and yes, on deck too, for my babe to fry on. No Haydn, wife dosen't need to give permission to buy boat - my money, my boat - but I sure as hell would love her onboard and to keep asking for more. So if sunbeds help.... Off to Genoa in a couple of days to check those Italian models out - it's tough choosing a boat....


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: windup?

So all is forgiven (just) and please carry on even if yuv only done 6 of the 7 seas!!
But please not in a Bayliner. Think about conservation and heratage and bumf,eerr,and things. Wheres yer sence of pride
and God save here gratious queen and crap.
I give up. Yer a lost soul.
