Choosing a boat


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Frankly its a bit much, coming on here as a Newby and wanting to go to the Med and beyond........ you have to be more humble. Err people have been on here years and not got beyond the harbour entrance.......

Think you will find most of the people who have responded are speaking from personal experience..... which they are wiling to pass on.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Hi All

I'm after some advice. Me and my girlfriend are taking a year off work to cruise the med. If we feel confident then we will cross the Atlantic to explore there too. I'm finding it difficult to decide on the right type of boat with so much conflicting information and opinions out there. My budget is small so with this in mind i have been looking at Nicholson 32 and Contessa 32 however despite everyone's high opinion of these i'm not sure i could live on this for a year +. Now, after some research i like the look of the Westerlys and in particular the Discuss 33. I wondered if some experienced sailors could give me their opinion on the suitability of this boat for comfortable living and also an Atlantic crossing given that it's fin keel/ keel bolts and age etc (1978-82 with my budget) I'd also appreciate suggestions on alternatives.

Thanks in advance

Hum .... I would be wary of getting a 40+ year old boat and setting off. on a long trip anytime soon after buying it. The original performance and structure of any such boat will be irrelevant - much more important is how it has been maintained. I also think that the boat itself will take too large a chunk of the budget. Alternatives include buying a boat where you want it to be (med, caribbean) and fixing it up there - likely cheaper in the right parts of the world, altho still not cheap. Or just going travelling without the hassle of buying a boat.

My other idea is to work a bit harder and more effectively to get yourself a better boat, and a better standard of living overall. You could start by improving your written English. You wrote "Me and my girlfriend" which is glaringly and horrendously incorrect - you should have written "My girlfriend and I". It might seem unimportant, but no matter how much you or other people protest - it isn't. People who get things right tend to have been better paid, and hence often have better boats. That's because they're usually in charge of the people who get things wrong, and they are paid to either correct them, or to carry out any important written work themselves. Writing correctly doesn't matter much - until times like, well, right now., I suppose Because now you're having to consider a dodgy older boat - and that's because you didn't get a better job, which itself is because your exam papers had similar glaring mistakes and/or your application letters for the better jobs were badly written. You need to read more widely, and pay more attention to detail and get things right. You might also consider learning to play a musical instrument - another activity where "nearly the right note" is simply no good at all.

Hope this helps....


New member
6 Jan 2009
My other idea is to work a bit harder and more effectively to get yourself a better boat, and a better standard of living overall. You could start by improving your written English. You wrote "Me and my girlfriend" which is glaringly and horrendously incorrect - you should have written "My girlfriend and I". It might seem unimportant, but no matter how much you or other people protest - it isn't. People who get things right tend to have been better paid, and hence often have better boats. That's because they're usually in charge of the people who get things wrong, and they are paid to either correct them, or to carry out any important written work themselves. Writing correctly doesn't matter much - until times like, well, right now., I suppose Because now you're having to consider a dodgy older boat - and that's because you didn't get a better job, which itself is because your exam papers had similar glaring mistakes and/or your application letters for the better jobs were badly written. You need to read more widely, and pay more attention to detail and get things right. You might also consider learning to play a musical instrument - another activity where "nearly the right note" is simply no good at all.

Hope this helps....

WOW! I sincerely hope this is meant as a wind up.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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WOW! I sincerely hope this is meant as a wind up.

Well, a bit. I felt that the thread isn't going anywhere until the budget is known and the OP re-joins the thread. So may as well liven it up in the meantime....

The OP went away two weeks ago after a fairly vague but ambitious post with numerous mentions of his lack of money. The realistic answer is to consider some other alternative plans - or to get more money. My post addressed those issues, although, yeah - somewhat harshly!

But .... I think that sometimes the answer to "why am I poor?" isn't invariably a matter of luck. And although it's a nice ideal to which many including you seem to subscribe these days, the fact is that those people who can't or won't express themselves properly don't actually get equal credence as those who can and do. It seems that we've drifted away from helping people use their language correctly - and instead just give out warm feelings that "it doesn't matter". Yet it does. Note that the forum isn't merely "about boats" - it's about READING AND WRITING about boats.

Tony Cross

Well-known member
14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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Well, a bit. I felt that the thread isn't going anywhere until the budget is known and the OP re-joins the thread. So may as well liven it up in the meantime....

The OP went away two weeks ago after a fairly vague but ambitious post with numerous mentions of his lack of money. The realistic answer is to consider some other alternative plans - or to get more money. My post addressed those issues, although, yeah - somewhat harshly!

But .... I think that sometimes the answer to "why am I poor?" isn't invariably a matter of luck. And although it's a nice ideal to which many including you seem to subscribe these days, the fact is that those people who can't or won't express themselves properly don't actually get equal credence as those who can and do. It seems that we've drifted away from helping people use their language correctly - and instead just give out warm feelings that "it doesn't matter". Yet it does. Note that the forum isn't merely "about boats" - it's about READING AND WRITING about boats.

"Why am I poor"? Because I have a boat of course!


New member
6 Jan 2009
But .... I think that sometimes the answer to "why am I poor?" isn't invariably a matter of luck. And although it's a nice ideal to which many including you seem to subscribe these days, the fact is that those people who can't or won't express themselves properly don't actually get equal credence as those who can and do. It seems that we've drifted away from helping people use their language correctly - and instead just give out warm feelings that "it doesn't matter". Yet it does. Note that the forum isn't merely "about boats" - it's about READING AND WRITING about boats.

Sorry, you've lost me, what are you including me in?


New member
6 Jan 2009
Troll alert!

I'm very glad that I did not have you, or anyone like you, as a boss. How on earth does someone like you expect get the best out of people if you belittle them?

For what it's worth I consider my good fortune (aka luck) at being able to retire at 41 to be due to the facts that I made the right decisions and worked hard up to that point.

I'm perfectly capable of reading and interpreting long sentences, I was just giving you the chance to back peddle a bit......oh well.
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Well-known member
7 Jul 2007
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Not involving the above but tcm [unless there's more than one] has been posting on here for years & I think it would be fair to describe his posts as generally being both helpful & informed. {that'll be £10}


John G


New member
6 Jan 2009
Not involving the above but tcm [unless there's more than one] has been posting on here for years & I think it would be fair to describe his posts as generally being both helpful & informed. {that'll be £10}


John G

Except for the last few, very rude and completely unnecessary posts.

There are lots of contributors to this forum who give well reasoned, informative responses to many threads without resorting to nastiness.

Human nature means that we are usually judged by the most recent things that we do. Maybe tcm should head off into a corner to consider his responses on this thread. If I'd been in a bar with him I'd have poured a pint of (his) beer over his head.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Except for the last few, very rude and completely unnecessary posts.

There are lots of contributors to this forum who give well reasoned, informative responses to many threads without resorting to nastiness.

Human nature means that we are usually judged by the most recent things that we do. Maybe tcm should head off into a corner to consider his responses on this thread. If I'd been in a bar with him I'd have poured a pint of (his) beer over his head.

Ooh ouch. I'd have been in a different bar, and it would have been champagne, especially today, mwah...


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Troll alert!

I'm very glad that I did not have you, or anyone like you, as a boss. How on earth does someone like you expect get the best out of people if you belittle them?

For what it's worth I consider my good fortune (aka luck) at being able to retire at 41 to be due to the facts that I made the right decisions and worked hard up to that point.

I'm perfectly capable of reading and interpreting long sentences, I was just giving you the chance to back peddle a bit......oh well.

Oooh, not so. I'd have been your favourite boss and I wouldn't have belittled you and haven't belittled others either - I would always catch those doing things right. If I had been "your boss" then you too would have high or even higher standards. You would see YOURSELF as a guardian of high standards. You would spawn other bosses, as I have done many times over.

If you read my posts I didn't merely slam/belittle the culprit - I pointed towards the better way. Sometimes people need catching when they're wrong, and I am not afraid to step in where nobody else did, as in this thread. You seem to think that the correct behaviour is to accept poor standards of written English - and perhaps accept low standards in other regards too? I won't - you shouldn't - and neither should anyone else.

You are being over-protective towards those who would drag us all down to accept lower standards - "don't be nasty!!" . Poor show. I wasn't being nasty - I was pointing the way upwards, rather than quietly accepting their low standards.

The fact that you tacitly accept the situation that someone else is always "your boss" is telling. YOU should see yourself as a boss and thus a guardian of higher standards - as should we all. Working towards ever-improving standards and hence - yay! - the ever-upward progression of the human race is dependent upon the existence of those who would RAISE our attention to detail and adherence to higher standards (like me) and NOT upon those who just let things slip for an easier life (like you).

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Well-known member
9 Jan 2011
No fixed abode
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What do you mean old? Fixies are all the rage now, makes me howl because in the 1960's I had a 12 tooth fixed gear racer because I couldn't afford deraillier gears.