BVI - Wow!!


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19 Feb 2002
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Just returned this morning from a lazy two weeks cruising in the Caribbean, courtesy of P&O's "Oceana", all part of Mrs Nicho's recuperation. We visited Bonaire (just off Venezuela), Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Catalina Island, St Kitts, St Lucia, Antigua etc (fantastic ship by the way, and the itinerary is not as hectic as it sounds!), but the place that really blew us away, was Tortola in the BVI. What a beautiful group of Islands, what a sailor's paradise - lots of small islands within easy reach of Tortola, all with beautiful bays of white sand. This must surely be the Mecca for sailing in that part of the world, with year round temperatures of 28/32 degrees? We drove to the highest part of the Island (where there is 360 degree view over all the BV Islands), and the views were absolutely breathtaking.

Tortola's main marina has a large fleet of Beneteaus available to hire through the Moorings Charter Company, and it's a place we have vowed to return to for some 'real' sailing in the future.

Isn't it TCM's hideaway??

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26 Jan 2003
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You're right, its a beautiful place to sail. It's just a shame about the crap food and even worse service. It's a pity thay can't get American standards of food and service, but they don't pay enough, so they get the staff who are too idle to move to the American islands.

Oh, and do make sure you grab a mooring buoy by 3:30PM and pay your $20 or you'll be trying to anchor half way out of the bay!

It is a lovely place, but it has its drawbacks, so go with your eyes open and enjoy it.


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6 Aug 2002
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I keep dreaming about BVI - I've never been - and looking at the price of ex-charter cats with the present weak dollar I'm tempted but my main concern is mosquitoes etc which must be a problem as midges can be a big enough problem to me in GB. It all seems too good to be true - can anyone convince me otherwise ? Glad you enjoyed it.


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19 Feb 2002
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We were only there for one day, but travelled inland and to Cane Bay Beach. We did not suffer from any mosquito, or indeed any other insect problems. However, it may be different in the "wet" season.

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7 Dec 2002
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I'm surprised anyone can find the British Virgin Islands. Aren't the terms mutually exclusive these days?


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12 Jun 2003
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We had 2 weeks out there over Christmas and New Year and the sailing was fantastic -f3-4 first week and F4-5 second - though a lot busier after Christmas ! I wouldnt go for a cat though - they roll around like crazy on those waves !! The American influence on portion sizes is apparent but would definitely recommend The Last Resort at Trellis Bay - sensible portions, fantastic menu and lovely surroundings (dont be deceived by the outside). Despite the bad press they receive over here we went with Sunsail and were most impressed by the boat, organisation and friendly helpful staff. The only time we had problems with mosquitoes was at the base near land - order a can of Off with your food order from Bobbys ! happy sailing Jill

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Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
agree absolutely, fantastic sailing: shelters nearby, plenty of anchorages, sailing in the lee of the islands when it blows a bit more..

I think it was Pelican island: I could take underwater pictures of fishing pelicans, they flew in circles above the water and then one by one plunged over the fish, up to 1-2m below water, I was 10/20 metres away and could still take decent pictures. Must be pelican island indeed

No mosquitoes anywhere in my two weeks I have to say

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26 Dec 2001
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No thanks

Have been to the BVI about a dozen times , delivering boats , the last one less then a month ago .There is no place on the whole of the West Indies that I like less and would never return if not sent there.
You are right , the sailing is capital and the scenery is superb. And that's about it because living is outrageously expensive ; the officials are arrogant and sometimes downright agressive : if you are not a sorce of immediate income you will be at best ignored , at worst insulted. No chance of simple things like a friendly beer in a local bar , that's why the all foreigners hang close together in their resorts and "club" like bars. It was the only place I ever felt mistreated due to the color of my skin , and it is an eye opening experience....

People will probably reply telling me about all the good times they had in the BVI. I know of a couple of places with equally great sailing , a fraction of the annoying crowds of lubberly charterers and holliday makers ; better prices :majestic scenery and people more hospitable , friendly and interesting.
BVI , no thanks...

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16 May 2001
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Re: No thanks

your experience with the people i think is general in the eastern caribbean. officials are officious and shop staff rude. it certainly came as a surprise the first time i was elbowed out of the way by a shelf stacker - he'd have been fired on the spot in any uk supermarket.

you just have to accept that the british/american service culture hasn't yet reached there and take them as you find them. officials are pretty bad in most places. generally more so in the 3rd world though of course the usa takes the biscuit in that respect.

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