Bought a Never splashed Colvic Countess 33 on eBay, Looking for infos


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28 Mar 2018
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You are going to need much more than 3KW to get 5 knots - clearly I do not know exactly but it is likely to be more like 18KW/24 HP.

I cannot pretend to understand the rest of what you are proposing. That’s why I suggested a block diagram. ;-)

hehe Long day. i will have to make one and get the notes I got on paper into digital form. it's not 3KW my bad I'm quite tired and looking at my notes I gave you the figures for Selkie. which does not weigh 10 tons. We have a gen unit for Selkie and a few bits and bobs but no time for her now. We did plot some stuff and those figures came from there. For Oddity I did not estimate yet what we’re going to need to cruise at 5 knots.
My bad :cool:


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28 Mar 2018
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Greg, if you can even think that 3kw might be OK for 5kts in a 10 ton boat you really ought to be asking for help rather than pretending you know what you're doing. You're just making an idiot of yourself, and believe it or not, most of us want to help.

Whoops? I'm just tired and need bed. those numbers came from a different thing all together. We're not too happy with the 5HP outboard on Selkie as we had to wait an hour to get inside Portsmouth and plan to do something about it. Figures from Selkie same notepad. Hey ho I never refuse help, but there is a need to "sift" as you know ;)
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12 Aug 2014
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Greg, if you can even think that 3kw might be OK for 5kts in a 10 ton boat you really ought to be asking for help rather than pretending you know what you're doing. You're just making an idiot of yourself, and believe it or not, most of us want to help.

Just remember we like interesting forum posts evidenced by the number of visits. might be crazy and a little eccentric but not stupid that's for sure.



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28 Mar 2018
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Just remember we like interesting forum posts evidenced by the number of visits. might be crazy and a little eccentric but not stupid that's for sure.


Thank you Steviee but I did make an ass of myself there, I just looked... and looked right lol and that is why we’re looking at a 75 Hp motor. I wish it was 3kw ...


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28 Mar 2018
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So this is the reason we’re not happy with a 5HP Mariner Outboard. It stops .. and then we crash.
A couple of months ago in Gosport coming out of berth the outboard just stopped…again…and it’s new. A gust of wind turned us completely around and the tide did the rest. We crashed into a 175 HP outboard and the bow roller made a nice little hole on the cover. Insurance of course but still pretty upsetting that we cannot feel safe with the outboard.
Eventually we will get to it and upgrade Selkie a bit better but now no time and I’m dead tired. So g’night y’all.


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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

Greg, I had a 55hp egine on a 40 foot boat, it was overpowered and anything above 1800rpm caused the stern to dig in ad we did not go any faster, just burned more fuel.
Have a serious think about this before you make any decisions

It may depend on what Greg means by a 55hp engine. A 55hp marine engine is designed to deliver 80% of that for extended periods, but a 55hp automotive engine only occasionally has to deliver anything like full power. It spends half its time at half power and half its time doing nothing at all, ish.

Example: the ubiquitous marinised BMC1.5 is used on canal boats to provide about 15hp for cruising, but for vehicles it was a 40hp engine.

So, to get 35hp for a 10 ton yacht, you probably want to start with a 50 - 60hp car/van engine. I have a 40hp 848cc engine on my bench at the moment and it would be no use for this application at all.


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24 Mar 2015
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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

Greg, do a search on here for a thread of mine titled something along the lines of “Suzuki Df4 stalling - how I cured it”. Had same problem as you with small new outboard- turned out they’re all/mostly jetted lean to pass US emissions. I went one size up on jets and bingo, runs like a dream.


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

Greg, do a search on here for a thread of mine titled something along the lines of “Suzuki Df4 stalling - how I cured it”. Had same problem as you with small new outboard- turned out they’re all/mostly jetted lean to pass US emissions. I went one size up on jets and bingo, runs like a dream.

Yeah, I been hearing quite a lot about that. It seems I'm not the only one having problems with outboards stopping. I will go read your thread as I'm curious to see how you done it.
So far Barrus the main agent has been outstanding on care and response, but the outboards themselves are turning out to be a bit of a pain. Imagine my face as that thing just literally stopped without being revved up or down or anything.
The day was perfect for sailing. A bit of wind not too much, nice temperature not too hot not too cold. BP fuel new on the tank.
There was nothing that should have caused it to just stop. It had run for about 10m before we cast off.


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

It may depend on what Greg means by a 55hp engine. A 55hp marine engine is designed to deliver 80% of that for extended periods, but a 55hp automotive engine only occasionally has to deliver anything like full power. It spends half its time at half power and half its time doing nothing at all, ish.

Example: the ubiquitous marinised BMC1.5 is used on canal boats to provide about 15hp for cruising, but for vehicles it was a 40hp engine.

So, to get 35hp for a 10 ton yacht, you probably want to start with a 50 - 60hp car/van engine. I have a 40hp 848cc engine on my bench at the moment and it would be no use for this application at all.

It’s a 75hp engine we’re aiming to buy. After conversion we’re looking at 45 to 50 HP from what I was told. That would meet the 40 HP we ’d ideally like to have and does leave a bit in reserve.
It’s just that they like to nit-pick the details without even reading or understanding what is said or even read the rest.
It really depends on the whole conversion done to the engine what you actually end up with in terms of HP.

that's what it should look like with the marinization kit on it.

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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

Greg, do a search on here for a thread of mine titled something along the lines of “Suzuki Df4 stalling - how I cured it”. Had same problem as you with small new outboard- turned out they’re all/mostly jetted lean to pass US emissions. I went one size up on jets and bingo, runs like a dream.

lol if mine was not in the guarantee that is probably what I would do. They are jetted lean to the extreme to bypass legislation. I've heard of people installing different carbs on them to get around the problem.
Good work around ! :encouragement:


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24 Mar 2015
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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

So you'll just put up with an outboard that stalls? Drill the jets one size bigger, they (the warranty provider) will never know. Nice easy fix.


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28 Mar 2018
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Re: The Oddity PROPlem

So you'll just put up with an outboard that stalls? Drill the jets one size bigger, they (the warranty provider) will never know. Nice easy fix.

Haa NO, that won't do. First, I will talk to Barrus and see what they say and both my outboards are due for the 20 H service. They must be the ones to come up with a solution and to be fair to them so far, they did come through on my 8HP Mariner. But I do want to hear what they have to say about this.


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16 May 2001
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This is fascinating; may I ask what Ah capacity of Li-Ion batteries you can buy for £1200? And what current does the motor take at 4kts?

Yes you may and I will gladly post it later but now I gotta go for dinner as everyone is waiting.

Well, I'm still waiting too! What's the capacity of these magical batteries? And who sells them for only £1200?


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28 Mar 2018
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Well, I'm still waiting too! What's the capacity of these magical batteries? And who sells them for only £1200?

I'm afraid you’re going to have to wait a little longer as we are not prepared to discuss that matter at the moment. But we will post all the prices and where to get it etc, when the time is right and we got our ducks in a row.