Boat prices?


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18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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All this may well be true. However, as I know to my cost selling "modern" boats even though they have all the features you say are desirable are not selling either! - or at least not at the sort of money they were fetching only 2 years ago. In 2013, 3 Bav 37s like mine sold for over £50k, in 2014 one sold for just over £40k. Mine is still on the market at £45k so realistically likely to go for the same. Only 3 serious viewings since late 2014. Fortunately not my problem now.


Women are so stupid following fashion and waste money buying new clothes and shoes when us men buy sensible things like new cars, boats and cameras etc and in my case motorcycles!!

Lost £1000s in depreciation.

WRT boats there is a decline in younger people starting dinghy sailing and this is reflecting in the demand irrespective of other financial pressures like buying a house.

I am sure I read that spending money makes the economy work - that's my excuse!
14 Jul 2015
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All this may well be true. However, as I know to my cost selling "modern" boats even though they have all the features you say are desirable are not selling either! - or at least not at the sort of money they were fetching only 2 years ago. In 2013, 3 Bav 37s like mine sold for over £50k, in 2014 one sold for just over £40k. Mine is still on the market at £45k so realistically likely to go for the same. Only 3 serious viewings since late 2014. Fortunately not my problem now.

Sounds like a bargain, if I had 6k/yr to pay to park it then, erm... I'd rent one in Greece...


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Sounds like a bargain, if I had 6k/yr to pay to park it then, erm... I'd rent one in Greece...

Join a good club wait 25 years and the berth only costs £1200!

BTW if you do want it in Greece then that was its first home and ready to go back through the canals - one of the few biggish sailing boats that has shallow draft.


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1 Apr 2003
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Sounds like a bargain, if I had 6k/yr to pay to park it then, erm... I'd rent one in Greece...

To me, mooring costs is one of the biggest factors at play. Having owned big boats before (up to Moody 44), it was never the capital cost that worried me, but the 10k a year it cost to keep the thing. I have downsized to small newish boats and the lower running costs are what enable me to keep boating, even though I could still afford the capital costs of much bigger boats.


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24 Nov 2010
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To me, mooring costs is one of the biggest factors at play. Having owned big boats before (up to Moody 44), it was never the capital cost that worried me, but the 10k a year it cost to keep the thing. I have downsized to small newish boats and the lower running costs are what enable me to keep boating, even though I could still afford the capital costs of much bigger boats.

I agree however moving up from a 30' boat to a 40' boat only increases mooring cost by 1/3 (ie x1.33) but the space and comfort gained by the extra volume is significantly more (x2.35). So if the capital cost is not a factor there is a lot to gain having a larger boat. At least SWMBO is convinced :encouragement:

Conversely, downsizing from 40' to 30' only saves 25% of the mooring cost. But only when mooring is charged by length, eg marinas.
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1 Apr 2003
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I agree however moving up from a 30' boat to a 40' boat only increases mooring cost by 1/3 (ie x1.33) but the space and comfort gained by the extra volume is significantly more (x2.35). So if the capital cost is not a factor there is a lot to gain having a larger boat. At least SWMBO is convinced :encouragement:

Conversely, downsizing from 40' to 30' only saves 25% of the mooring cost.

I would also agree if you stay in marinas, but I'm finding that other mooring options are more available with smaller boats. For example my Jeanneau 2000 costs £380 a year moored about 50 metres from my also included tender storage. Such a cheap mooring is just not available to larger boats, even 30 footers.

In a marina it would cost me £3000 a year, which simply does not make sense for the reasons you say and the fact that the yearly cost would be a significant proportion of the cost of the boat.


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17 Mar 2004
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I've just had another read through the thread and it looks like her friend, the so called expert, was not far out. Many thanks for all the contributions.


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21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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