Biometric Residency Permits


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6 Nov 2017
Eating in Eksel or Ice Cold in Alex
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We have stuff to sort out in Scotland - we had originally planned to be home for Christmas, but engine woes and the sheer pointlessness of it all due to the covid situation have prevented that.

Now planning to go back end of January for a few weeks. The new temporary doc on the phone with a QR code sounds as though it will make life easier.

- W
Pretty much the same situation as ourselves here, but its my car that is being modified for Belgium, maybe see you in Argyll at the end of January then :D


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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That's the applications in for me and Catherine, and the temporary certificates with QR code downloaded and authenticated.

That was extraordinarily simple for a Portuguese thing . . .

- W

Be careful at the interview, if you get any questions wrong SEF are known to beat people to death with their batons.:)


Well-known member
22 Aug 2008
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Be careful at the interview, if you get any questions wrong SEF are known to beat people to death with their batons.:)
Only illegal Ucranians who refuse to board when being deported. I am not in any way excusing, only stating facts.
To answer several points : I am in the habit of travelling on my citizens card but don't know yet what will be the attitude in England next year.
Re what will be required in the near future, does not the airline ask for doc. details when booking ?
Residence docs are only required when entering Portugal, if then. If you have an outdated one it should not be a problem in the near future because it's been announced that because of covid caused delays the old doc. will be accepted.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Re what will be required in the near future, does not the airline ask for doc. details when booking ?
Residence docs are only required when entering Portugal, if then. If you have an outdated one it should not be a problem in the near future because it's been announced that because of covid caused delays the old doc. will be accepted.

As of last Saturday, 4 days prior to travel contact tracing info to be completed on line and printed out and kept on person. Passport control exactly as before but understand we will have to use third country queue after 31/12. Submitted residence card with passport and it appeared to be logged.


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24 May 2012
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As of last Saturday, 4 days prior to travel contact tracing info to be completed on line and printed out and kept on person. Passport control exactly as before but understand we will have to use third country queue after 31/12. Submitted residence card with passport and it appeared to be logged.

Was it the airline that requested you completed contract tracing info on line and printed it out? I had hoped that a screen shot would suffice. Did anybody look at or check you had your details.

Understand that travellers entering Spain have to have a Covid check before they travel, at their own expense, a set time before the date of journey? Any similar requirement travelling to Portugal?

Were you arriving at Lisbon? Understand that Faro has or will have a passport checking station dedicated to British Passport holders.

As a Brit holding Portuguese residency, I would have expected been processed as Portuguese.

Think the first week of January could be very interesting for a number of reasons ‼

Back to thread.

After the initial teething problems, registering on the SEF site and then requesting a CETIFICADO DE PEDEIDO DE TITULO DE RESIDENCIA ARTIGO 50. TEU (Redisent Permit Application Certificate Article 50 TEU) is going well.
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Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Was it the airline that requested you completed contract tracing info on line and printed it out? I had hoped that a screen shot would suffice. Did anybody look at or check you had your details.

Were you arriving at Lisbon? Understand that Faro has or will have a passport checking station dedicated to British Passport holders.

Flew to Lisbon. Contact tracing form required by government, regardless of airline - Turismo de Portugal (


Well-known member
15 Jun 2004
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Info for anyone coming back to UK :- I flew into Manchester last Saturday and the passport control man asked for my passport and my passenger contact tracing form. He seemed to scan the QR code, looked at the screen and then said ok and let me through. My wife went through a different desk and was not even asked for hers. It looks like they may be taking a look at a sample number of forms. So it seems you do need to have it just in case you're asked. The way I look at these things is that it's better to have it printed out on paper so there can be no hiccups at the desk.
Phones are ok but I've seen so many people have problems with phones when trying to show boarding cards at gates and security that it's just not worth the risk for me.
In Faro on Saturday, a family of 4 were sidelined at the gate because the phone their boarding passes were on was flat. They were eventually let on the plane but it was a potential problem I don't want to have.
I'm now on day 5 of isolation and not been contacted for a check yet. :)

Jungle Jim

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18 Jul 2014
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The last time I flew into Faro I had to fill in a paper form. Once I've done the on-line form, is that it or do I need a hardcopy of some description (I'm hoping to go out next week)?

Sorry the quote didn't work, this is for Graham376.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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The last time I flew into Faro I had to fill in a paper form. Once I've done the on-line form, is that it or do I need a hardcopy of some description (I'm hoping to go out next week)?
Sorry the quote didn't work, this is for Graham376.

We read somewhere (can't remember where) that contact tracing form had to be carried in case of hospital admission so they could get the ball rolling tracing flight contacts. No-one asked to see it at Lisbon, we just walked out after collecting bags, no need to quarantine. Flight was a definite infection risk, absolutely no social distancing from UK boarding gate to baggage reclaim, flight was virtually full mainly with returning students.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2017
Eating in Eksel or Ice Cold in Alex
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Belgium has just issued this:

(update 18/12/2020)


After lengthy negotiations, the Withdrawal Agreement, which sets out the terms of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union, was finally approved on both sides of the Channel. The United Kingdom left the European Union at midnight on 31 January 2020.
The Withdrawal Agreement provides for a transition period from 1 February 2020 to 31 December 2020. During this period, the European regulatory framework will largely continue to apply and UK nationals and their family members will continue to be able to exercise their right to free movement and residence. They did not have to take any further steps to do so.
The purpose of the Withdrawal Agreement is to safeguard the acquired rights of UK nationals and their family members who resided or worked in the European Union as British frontier workers before the end of the transition period. With regard to the right of entry and residence, which is the competence of the Immigration Office, the final steps are currently being taken to implement the Withdrawal Agreement.
All UK nationals and their family members who wish to retain their right of residence must apply for a new residence card as beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, including those who already hold a valid residence document (annex 8, 8bis, E, E+, F, F+ card). British frontier workers who wish to continue their economic activity after the transition period will have to apply for a new local border traffic card as beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement. Even if they already hold a valid local border traffic document (Annex 15).
The application for a residence card as a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement or for a local border traffic card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement must be made within the application period provided for this purpose, which runs from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. Until then, their rights shall be protected.
All UK nationals and their family members residing in Belgium will shortly be informed personally by letter of the procedure to be followed to apply at the commune for a new residence card as beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement.
You can find more information on the procedure to follow to obtain a new residence card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement or a new local border traffic card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement and on the impact of the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union on your stay HERE.
DISCLAIMER: this information is only provisional. The legislation to implement the Withdrawal Agreement at the end of the transition period is not yet final. For this reason, the Immigration Office is not at this stage in a position to respond to questions relating to individual cases.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Belgium has just issued this:


This exactly as I understand it but provided you are a resident, I wasn't aware there was any time limit on applying for the Residence Permit Application Certificate (Article 50 TEU).

Possibly somebody else could qualify these time scales.

A slightly different issue, provided you can satisfy the authorities you have been in Portugal before 1/1/21 and intend to get residency, until 30/6/21 rather than applying as a third nation national, you can still apply as an EU citizen, which is much more straight forward.

Again, although this doesn't directly effect us, I would appreciate any additional information.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2017
Eating in Eksel or Ice Cold in Alex
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There was always a time limit with regards to Brexit to be covered by the WA, it was until June 2021 but the above letter now says it is until Dec 2021 unless something different comes along in the deal/no deal Johnson is doing.
We have been expecting a new ID card with biometrics and this just ties in with what we knew.
The having to exchange cards to reflect the change in circumstances is raising a few questions in Belgium with regards to residency/citizenship and qualifying time spent in country, before it has been the case if you changed from one type of residency card to another then it reset the time counted as towards permanent residency and/or citizenship.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2017
Eating in Eksel or Ice Cold in Alex
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This is the letter they are going to be sending out:
"Dear United Kingdom nationals living in Belgium,
Dear family members of United Kingdom nationals,

On 31st January 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union. A transition period followed, lasting until 31st December 2020 during which time, freedom of movement continued to apply. As we approach the end of this transition period, I, as the Belgian State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, wish to inform you of your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement and the procedure to follow in order to safeguard them.

The Withdrawal Agreement protects the right of residence for UK nationals living in Belgium before the end of the transition period, and their family members. It also protects the exit and entry rights of UK frontier workers working in Belgium before the end of the transition period.

In order to continue benefitting from these rights, all UK nationals and their family members will have to apply for one of the new statuses for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement at their commune where they reside or usually work. For those already in possession of a valid residence document (annexe 8/8bis/E/E+/F/F+ card) or document for local border traffic (annexe 15), the procedure to follow has been kept very light. For those who do not yet have a valid residence document, the procedure to follow is almost identical to the one applicable to EU citizens. Please refer to our website (Untitled 1) for more detailed information on the procedures.

If your application for a new residence card is successful, you will be issued a new electronic residence card (M card) for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement. If your application as a frontier worker is successful, you will be issued a new electronic card for local border traffic (N card) for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Belgium has opted for an extended application period lasting until 31st December 2021 in order to make sure you have sufficient time to submit your application. During this period, the rights of UK nationals living in Belgium before the end of the transition period, and their family members, are protected.

We strongly recommend that you apply as soon as possible in order to protect your rights for the future and ensure as smooth a transition as possible. You can apply for your new card from 1st of January 2021 until the 31 of December 2021. I will inform every commune of the process.

The new residence document
If you have a residence right, you will receive a residence card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (M card). This card has a validity of 5 years, after you which you can renew your card or apply for a permanent residence right. If you have a permanent residence right, you will receive a residence card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (M card) which will mention your permanent residence right. This card has a validity of 10 years, after which you can renew your card. As a UK national or a family member with a residence right for beneficiaries of the withdrawal agreement, you can still apply for a permanent residence right at a later stage, as soon as you meet the conditions.

The new document for local border traffic
If you have a status as a frontier worker, you will receive a card for local border traffic as beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (N card). This card has a validity of 5 years, after you which you can renew your card.
Interim documentation
When applying for the new residence status, you will be given a certificate of application covering all your residence rights until a decision has been taken.
Until 31st March 2022, you can also continue to use your former valid residence document (E/E+/F/F+) in Belgium pending the submission of your application and a decision in Belgium. These former residence documents will be proof that you are protected under the Withdrawal Agreement during the application period, but they do not cover any rights reserved to EU citizens. After 31st March 2022, all former residence documents will automatically lose their validity but you can continue to use the certificate of application for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement until a decision has been taken.
Once a positive decision has been taken, your commune will issue you the new residence card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (M card).
Travelling outside of Belgium
In order to prove your status as beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement at the border, you will need to present both a valid ID and either the certificate of application or your valid electronic card for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (M/N card).
During the application period, which lasts until 31st December 2021, you can also use your former residence document (annexe 8, 8bis, E, E+, F, F+ card) at the border to prove that you are protected by the Withdrawal Agreement. After 31st December 2021, only the certificate of application or the new electronic cards for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement (M/N card) will be accepted at the border.
You will have to use the “ALL PASSPORTS” lane when travelling but on presenting the above mentioned documents, you will enjoy the same entry and exit rights as before.
Under the Withdrawal Agreement, you have unlimited access to the Belgian labour market. The certificate of application you receive when applying for a new status and the new electronic cards (M/N card) will specify this. It is automatic: you do not need to take any additional steps to continue working in Belgium.
We strongly recommend that you regularly visit our website (Untitled 1) for more detailed information on the criteria, procedure and documents to submit. On our website, click on the 'Brexit' section where you will find the latest news. This section is available in French, Dutch and English and is updated as soon as new information becomes available. You will also find up to date information on Living in Belgium. "


Well-known member
19 Nov 2019
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Info for anyone coming back to UK :- I flew into Manchester last Saturday and the passport control man asked for my passport and my passenger contact tracing form. He seemed to scan the QR code, looked at the screen and then said ok and let me through. My wife went through a different desk and was not even asked for hers. It looks like they may be taking a look at a sample number of forms. So it seems you do need to have it just in case you're asked. The way I look at these things is that it's better to have it printed out on paper so there can be no hiccups at the desk.
Phones are ok but I've seen so many people have problems with phones when trying to show boarding cards at gates and security that it's just not worth the risk for me.
In Faro on Saturday, a family of 4 were sidelined at the gate because the phone their boarding passes were on was flat. They were eventually let on the plane but it was a potential problem I don't want to have.
I'm now on day 5 of isolation and not been contacted for a check yet. :)
Ive done three flights back this year, no contact whatsoever

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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A slightly different issue, provided you can satisfy the authorities you have been in Portugal before 1/1/21 and intend to get residency, until 30/6/21 rather than applying as a third nation national, you can still apply as an EU citizen, which is much more straight forward.
This definitely is the case in Greece - I'd be amazed if things were much different in other EU member states.