If you are going north of the equator then there are none, as far as I'm aware. We used BA pilot books. If you are going south then Annie Hill's book is good until you get to about Rio. South of that and there is a new book 'Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego' by an Italian couple Rolfo and Adrizzi which covers the coast right around the Horn right up the west coast of Chile,
there is a new book 'Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego' by an Italian couple Rolfo and Adrizzi which covers the coast right around the Horn right up the west coast of Chile,
[/ QUOTE ]
Here's the web-site. http://www.capehorn-pilot.com/
Looks the biz, and has some great pics. Hoped it would arrive with Santa but no such luck /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif. I'll have to buy it myself /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
For my sins, I'm reviewing a copy for the CA. It is an amazing book. It even has pictures from a bygone era of white men hunting and shooting local Indians!
I'm going down that way next week. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Hope to get in a bit of sailing in the Beagle Channel and as far as Walaia bay (where Jemmy Button was abducted and subsequently an Anglican mission built). If I get any good pics, I'll post some on the web for your delectation.
In 2004, I spent from February to 24 of december going from Cabedello to Uruguay.. I have described all my trip in my web page (www.hylas.ws), but unfortunately, except the photos.. the text is in French..
I have been using four diffferent pilote books as none of them give all info, but they are complementary..
- SOUTH ATLANTIC CIRCUIT from Tom Morgan (RCC PILOTAGE FOUNDATION – onboardpublication@hotmail.com) wich is the more complete regarding South America
- CRUISING NOTES ON THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST of SOUTH AMERICA, by Pete and Annie Hill (Royal Cruising Club Foundation..)
- HAVENS AND ANCHORAGES – Brazil – Uruguay – Argentina - from Tom Mogan (RCC Pilotage Foundation)
- GUIA NAUTICO DA COSTA (also available in English- Cruising the coast of Brazil) From Marçal CECCON (rapunzel@netmogi.com.br)
and of course, you can always contact me, if I have the info you need? I will be more than pleased to share it with you..