right on - Most of the traditionalists on this forum would have had Ellen sail around in a long keel, heavy displacement, narrow hulled tank. You know what - she'd still be out there, trying to get to the finish line.
To those who decry the low displacement weight of the Bav 40 and compare to a Moody 42 et al- I would say, make a comparison between the dispalcement of these two boats - hardly a pound in it!
I have an aft Bav 40. Yes, she pounds going to waether in a strong blow with a sea running, but she feels as solid to me as my last boat - a Moody!
I'm not sure that boat design did change. The number of Rivals, Victorias, Tradewinds, Bowmans etc sold is tiny in proportion to the whole market. I don't know that any one of them has sold more than 70 and would therefore have little influence. As you imply they were, of course, "proper" boats according to the likes of YM etc.
I think this years Sydney-Hobart race required a minimum point of vanishing stability - 140 degrees - as a safety measure (after Sydney-Hobart disaster). Now, if that became the norm.....?
I wasn't referring to PDi oversights, rather the standard
8-10mm of the stuff they put all over their boats. It doesn't look too bad at the boat shows because the mastic hasn't had chance to get grubby but after a few years.............