Back from Holiday


18 Feb 2003
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I have been a 'holiday' /forums/images/icons/wink.gif but was also on a real one at the same time meeting up with some forum members. I had a briliant time apart from the bit below :-

Invited by a forum member to camp on the South Coast with boat. I forked out a fortune on camping gear including all the latest aluminium folding beds, tables e.t.c. Bought a 5 man tent and set off. Put the tent up, put the gear in it, including full electrics, generator, armchairs, dinner chairs, toaster, fridge, TV, Kettle, BUT only enough room to put up two of the beds !!! So SWMBO & baby had to sleep in the boat next to the tent in the field. The Camper canvas for the boat has not arrived from the USA yet so it is a bit snug under the trailering cover /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif. There was a tap that appeared out of the earth with a drinking water sign on it, I must say it was lucky I had packed the mineral water! I could have been in good hotel for what we spent on those three nights, nearly £800 per night, less anything I get back on selling the gear!! Plus totally knackered and looking like a bag of s..te. Anyway the boating was good, must get a Caravan next and try that for a weekend! Got good at launching and recovering (from the launching /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif) What a load of B....x that is, I got SOAKED twice a day. I have ordered my fcuk trailers and fcuk camping T-shirts already /forums/images/icons/wink.gif I forgot, but I also bought a Marquee to put the tent in, it's got carpets and lights, that cost us a lot of money but SWMBO didn't want to take it. So it has been a very, very expensive exercise. Let me know if you need to hire a Marquee /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

Oh and whilst I was there I went for a shower in the 'block' at the end of the field, no water came out of the shower head, but some kind person told me that you had to put 20p in a meter. Luckily I had one 20p piece and put it in, the shower started immediately and a timer counting down. I rushed got undressed and got in, I was all lathered up with Head & Shoulders and my sons Lynx, smelling luvely, then I realised my clothes were getting wet. I hung them over the door as there were no hooks and as I was doing so a buzzer went, I thought that meant 1 minute left so got back under the shower to rinse off the suds, but no, it stopped!!! /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif I was covered in suds and had no more 20p pieces, the only thing I could do was to go out to the sink area and use the small sinks with the push button tops to try and get rinsed. I felt foolish naked with one foot in the sink trying to rinse of my bits and pieces, just then a family walked in, I felt very embarrased as it was cold in there and I was not at my best. Anyway the moral is to have plenty of 20p's not that I ever will as my camoing days are finished.

Anyway it's nice to be back, I am still getting stuff sorted out with my boat, but that is for another thread. I am looking forward to the Mercury meet next weekend.


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30 May 2001
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Welcome back H1, you've put a smile on my face.

Keep posting in the same vein and there'll be no more enforced hols!

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12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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Welcome back Happy1,

The place hasen't been the same without you...


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11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Hiya Happy! Welcome back from your hols

Now, what were you doing with all that camping clobber, and not a nice little bivouac for you and family. Surely you could have knocked one up in moments for a fraction of the price /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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14 Feb 2002
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Tents! showers!

I thought you marine types were meant to be 'ard

I make my kids run around in the rain to get washed



Steve D

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31 Oct 2001
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I'm not saying a word, I'm too laid back apparently!!

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18 Feb 2003
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I think it's more knowing what the hell you are doing Barry, you have it off to a tee. I must say I was exposed to a few new experiences that weekend, what with trailers, new fangled dome tents with springing poles, pay showers, vomiting kid, freezing spaniel e.t.c. I think there is a time in your life when all that camping nonsense has to go out of the window, a caravan, well that's more appealing, so much more civilised than lying out under a thin piece of nylon in a field. When you are younger and doing it for a living and being paid it's a different matter, when you have to take into account all the responsibilities and gear required for a modern family and 16mth old and a dog, that's just crazy and unnecessary when you have left a half decent warm home for it.

Having lived in a trench with water up to my knees for a month or so, I promised to never ever live rough again in my life, mind you I spent eight weeks on a flat bottomed landing craft (LSL) travelling the length of the Atlantic through atrocious weather, and I promised never to go on a cruise again, but the sea bug has got to me and I am loving every minute of it now. Even having bought all the camping equipment we never had the room to set it all up, definately the Marquee as a minimum next time, I mean why have it and not use it, even if you pay for three pitches!!

Anyway as I am now a fully paid up member of the Farm launching club for the next year I am sure I will be using it quite a bit, just trying to negotiate this caravan deal /forums/images/icons/wink.gif The chilled way of life down there is a breath of fresh air compared to London. I guess things can only get better /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

I would like to thank those I met down there, you are all a great bunch, and I have learned a lot, especially about 'shear pins' /forums/images/icons/wink.gif Must get the Zodiac out of the bag and give it a blast (perhaps next weekend at Mercury), my engine seemed to go OK on your boat Duncan, don't know if it was longer than my Cadet 260. I think the summer will be great fun with those islands and coves to explore, must try that pub in Studland Bay.


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27 Nov 2002
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Re:Am I missing something

Or is the proposition that you are going to tow a caravan AND a boat?

That I would like to see.

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18 Feb 2003
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Your right, that last day i was down there, it was very quiet and a bit rough, I thought 'should I be out' as there were only a few people about. I left Poole harbour and headed West past Studland Bay towards Swanage, the sea was quite choppy and I was cavitating quite a bit, need to hone the wave skills I think. Anyway i only passed a great big Sunseekr whos' wake had us looking more like a jet-ski and a Police launch. We bottled out at Old Harry's Rocks as it was getting late the area was new to us and we had to get back to Wareham through the 6knt spped limit of Poole harbour, get the boat out, pack up the camping gear and drive back to London. SWMBO had already had enough and legged it home with the baby, a shame as she would have really enjoyed the Sunday afternoon we had.

I was pleased with what we achieved that weekend, we certainly got the launching and recovery off to a tee, just got soaked each time. I just had some Snowbee new Neoprene chest waders delivered so no more getting wet /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

If your dinghy is the same length as mine and it goes as well as yours, i will be really impressed, mind you, you have the posh air floor that may make it go faster.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


18 Feb 2003
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Re:Am I missing something

No, a certain member or two on here have their lives sorted, they are chilled out relaxed individauls who keep their caravans down there permanently, now that is the way to go, a real bed, toilet, shower and cooker, plus 4 walls a roof and floor /forums/images/icons/wink.gif SWMBO was very impressed with the way things COULD be done, my 5 man tent would only fit 5 very friendly mumified people in, by the time I had built two aluminium beds, half the tent was full!! Never mind all the other gear! The other people in the tents got the hump when I started up my generator at 7am each morning to get the heating, kettle, toaster, TV e.t.c going. You could see heads pearing out of the tents looking /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif.

So it seems a caravan OR buy a little property down there, they do seem pretty cheap, and would do for the odd weekend, just that we would not get the parking space for two cars and a boat at the price we would pay, whereas at the farm they don't mind. We had the 4x4 and the Merc estate full to the brim with our stuff for 3 days! Mind you the armchairs could have gone in the boat I guess.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


18 Feb 2003
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Re:Am I missing something

I meant for travelling down whilst towing it, not out at sea with them /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif They would have gone on the boat roof rack over the trailing cover but under the roofrack cover /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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21 Jan 2003
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welcome to the \"real world\"

hello happy
when you goin on hols again????

<hr width=100% size=1>Excuse me can you tell me where the nearest petrol station is ??????


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re:Am I missing something

Happy one seems to be doing all the the things we did. All but in a different order There must be a simple way of telling him. That it's nearly imposible to get lost on the soith coast. I mean. Duck farters from The Solent Only have to go south To Meet France. Us from Devon is a little more difficult. But Not much. And why does the Edistone light house apear right in the middle my course from Falmouth to Ssltcolmbe. Thats not fair. Why dont they stick it some where usefull... !!

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9 Jun 2002
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Welcome back

A good post Happy, had me laughing. Right out of the Haydn book of adventures. May you post be more in the same vein, but not so many of the disasters. See you at Mercury.

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12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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Re:Am I missing something

Would an option not be to bear and grin it with tents for this year and then trade up to a small gin palace boat for next year, that will sleep all four of you and extra space should you need it. (sorry extra space for all your gear). I think a caravan would be a last resort.


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18 Feb 2003
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Re:Am I missing something

I thought caravans were crap, but after a long weekend in a tent they look like a palace /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif. I am hoping to get a bigger boat at the end of the year, but just thought we could buy a caravan for the summer. I don't know why I am drawn to the Poole area because when I was down there, on the one good day it was like Piccadilly circus, total mayhem, with water-skiers, dinghy's, yachts, speedboats. gin palaces, jet skis, boats pulling dougnuts e.t.c. Utter madness, goodness knows what it will be like in the summer!! At least in the river medway, the shopping trolleys, bed springs, abandoned cars e.t.c don't drive at you like maniacs !!

Perhaps it is just the friendly people /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re:Am I missing something

my caravan has double glazing, central heating and 2 bathrooms - and it's 200yds from the poontoon - don't knock 'em/forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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