Well-known member
But there is another side to this ...
A couple of years ago on another forum - different subject matter entirely - I asked for opinions etc., and duly received same.
I then posted to say 'thanks, very useful' etc. - and was immediately hauled over the coals for 'wasting bandwidth'. I was told - very bluntly - that a post containing only 'thanks' added nothing to the general pool of knowledge or to any debate ... And my post was duly deleted by the mods.
Personally, I think it only common courtesy to extend thanks to anyone who has helped, or tried to help. But it would seem that not everyone, in this brave new technological world of ours, shares the same view.
I will often post a pm as a means of thanks to save bumping a thread to the top that others may no longer be interested in. Bit over the top by the posters of whatever forum you were on before to have a go at you just for saying "thanks".