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      I have been traipsing about and the midge population is horrendous, wet, windy, calm, cold and rarely warm, and the hotels and eateries...
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      It was 2016, I was 76 and up the 15m. mast all day with spreader templates setting up the discontinuous rig of our Finngulf 33, my wife...
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      Quandary replied to the thread Buying Teak Deck Plank - uk.
      I have some genuine burma teak in the loft over my garage, I fitted out an Achilles 24 hull in 1974 and purchased a sleeper 10"x6"X 10'...
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      Quandary replied to the thread Crinan Canal 2024.
      Chris, Not sure that you are correct here, I have never experienced the Cairnbaan Bridge being restricted by the operation of either of...
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      Quandary reacted to Aja's post in the thread Crinan Canal 2024 with Like Like.
      OK. Here's my update. En route to Ardrishaig got a call from @Quandry explaining I should lock in later that day (Wednesday) as the...
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      Quandary reacted to SaltIre's post in the thread Crinan Canal 2024 with Like Like.
      If the bridge gets fixed Scottish Canals then needs to provide somebody to operate it, so I guess it might suit them for it to be broken...
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      Quandary reacted to Baggywrinkle's post in the thread Craobh with Like Like.
      :love: ... yes, spot on .... virtual beer to @NormanS .... signed her visitors book every year as a child and a teenager. From ...
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      Quandary replied to the thread Crinan Canal 2024.
      The canal is over 200 years old and one of Scotlands Ancient Monuments, while it has had a lot of money spent on it recently it has not...
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      Quandary replied to the thread Crinan Canal 2024.
      Took a boat through yesterday so this is my report on how SCs target to assist all boats to transit is going. The intention is there...
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      Quandary replied to the thread Crinan Canal 2024.
      She is open right through from today, the locks are all manned by SC and three boats have gone west in the rain this morning.
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