Anyone Coming Out to Play at the Weekend?


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16 May 2001
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Re: 100 miles!!

Dom, sorry if I got your collar temperature worng :). But I'm struggling with your logic. I cant see how my clients are relevant. I'm selling nothing on this forum and as the forum knows I'm in the paper cutting business (thin strips dept) not the fuel business. What I'd like is some proof of the 14%mpg claim. That's such a big number it should be easy to prove. I cant see any reason why a lab cannot do a freestanding test for that, without affecting at all the confidentiality of the other client/customer material to which you refer.

Your strong resistance to this approach, your claim that loads of good data exists but it cannot be disclosed for seemingly spurious confidentiality reasons, and your introduction of stuff as irrelevant as my business and clients just makes me a whole load more suspicious about this whole 14% mullarky.

I repeat, a 14% mpg improvement is very easy to see, if it's there......

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26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
If you see a fat git falling in the water at Buckler's Hard, that'll be me.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can we stop the S*****n debate? I'm sure it's wonderful stuff, or completely useless, but either way I am rapidly losing the will to live................... :)

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27 Jan 2003
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Turned into your biggest thread Oh there goes another post/forums/images/icons/smile.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=>Sun Coast Sea School & Charter</A>


12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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I think it's my fault, sorry.

Everyone was mentioning Soltononandonandonandon or whatever it is and I just asked what it was, as I was the only one who didn't know. Boy, do I know now!

Hope you have a good weekend. Enjoy the see, it's miles and miles better than a boring old river, but a lot more dangerous. Howver, it will be fine as long as you find your feet at your own pace and don't go out in a force 8.


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: 100 miles!!

We are not claimimg 14% on every engine its says up to 14% we did actually get 14%, but in some installations its not just a case of chucking it in the fuel some boilers/engines need to have the stoichametric (sp can never spell that right) ratio adjusted to burn more efficiently.

Read carefully 'up to 14%' is what is claimed.

Remember this products does more than one thing and to filter bug ridden fuel after a very very small dose of Soltron through a 0.8micron filter 1.4 times faster than the untreated fuel is excellent. this ensures your filters dont gunge up and your engine stops.

Everyone looks to the fuel saving alone, you have to justify that a tow back to land will cost you more than the money you spend on soltron.

Going back to the Alan Priddy thing, he did not change the main filter once and went RTW picking up all sorts of fuel from good to nearly unusable. That filter is still in the boat. The distance was 23111 miles as the crow flies just imagine what that was over the ground. That alone is why the product sells.

Ok I am off, all this fun has made me hungry.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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7 Sep 2001
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Already been out sailing all week, in fact for the last ten days, mind you we are in Barcelona!

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Sorry Dom that\'s not true.....

Dom you are amazing! You jump down my throat as if I'm a dimwit who cannot read properly. "Read carefully 'up to 14%' is what is claimed" you say! Well I did read it carefully and those words you put in quotes aren't there mate. Here is a verbatim paste from the solly website:

"Fuel savings of 10 - 15% can be expected. Laboratory tests have recorded fuel economy improvement of 14%."

Where does it say "up to 14%"? You need to read carefully, not me.

Anyway, enuf of that. Please can we see the lab test that recorded the 14%? Or issit confidential? So far this forum knows more about my 0.5-arsed mercedes test that we do about this lab test :)


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Sorry Dom that\'s not true.....


1 I was referring to my advertising
2 that web site shoudl not be there any more or that, info the new web site should be up and running soon.

Apologies for any confusion as we werent reading from the same book.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: I said, stay on the subject !

Hmm! Just to wade into the arguement as someone who has a little scientific expertise (past not present).

I looked into this for fun, and without resort to a fully equipped lab I cannot do more than surmise given the information that's available, which is limited

1) I'd be extremely dubious about claiming increased efficiency, preformance etc. If I was the marketing dept for Soltron, I'd get out of that particular space unless I had extremely good independent results, and even then, there are so many variables that can affect this, I'd steer away from it.

2) I do believe that that the magazine test that keeps haunting Depsol was probably flawed. They were not testing Soltron for it's abilities. The test was designed to show which additives killed the bug. Soltron doesn't appear to kill the bug with any great effectiveness compared to other products.

That is missing the point. Killing the bugs doesn't stop the filters blocking once the bugs have already reproduced and grown in the fuel tank. The bug, like many other bacteria, not only grows and reproduces in vast numbers in a short period of time (normal for all bacteria given a food source they are 'happy' with) but they produce gum like materials which stick the growing individual cells together into big clumps. Again normal for many types of bacteria.

Killing the 'bug' has no effect on these gummy masses of bugs that have grown together. It's the gummy masses of dead or live cells that block the filters

What Soltron appears to do is to break down the 'gummy' bonding between the cells. It doesn't matter if they are alive or dead.

Individual bacterial cells are so tiny that you need special super fine filters used in labs and other specialist environments to be able to trap them. Fuel filters are designed to trap 'coarse' materials (from a biological point of view, and individual bacterial cells are so small that no conceivable fuel filter could ever hope to trap them)

What I believe Soltron is doing is breaking down the gummed together masses of cells, dead or alive, into individual cells, or small clumps which are so fine they can easily pass through a fuel filter.

So, in summary,
a)the test to show whether additives killed the bug was not showing the effect that Soltron actually has. It doesn't effectively kill the bug. But that's not the point
b) Soltron breaks the bug into particles that are so small that they don't affect or clog up the fuel filter
c) Soltron marketing and claims are crap, because they don't simply explain what it's doing
d) point c might be intentional, as they don't want the competition to know how the product works, or what's in it. Which means their marketing is crap

Can't prove any of this. Just an ex-biologist's view of what's going on, having read some of the more technical information that is available

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: ok then - tcm tests Soltron

interesting. The product seems to be lining itself up for a test in our boat. Iwill not aim to test performance, but will make a 10 gallon drum of diesel-with 1 litre soltron concentrate and bung it in. And will hope that the filter-bunging gunge vanishes.

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: I said, stay on the subject !

Thats probably the best reply to date.

Excellent thinking.


<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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30 May 2001
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Re: 100 miles!!

Nick after 5 yeats of pottering on the Thames and then being opened up at sea I would expect to see a reduction in the smoke cos all the nasties will be burnt up with the higher running temperatures.

Indeed many charter fishing boats will open up towards the end of a days fishing for the same reasons.

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11 Jun 2002
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Re: ok then - tcm tests Soltron

Simple test that doesn't need you to run fuel in boat

Two drums, both from same contaminated fuel

Chuck Soltron into one. Leave for a few days, but give them a really, really good shake every so often (roll them around, turn them upside down, over and over again. Soltron is going to have little effect if it's just sitting on top)

Get a funnel and some coarse filter paper (any school laboratory will have 'Whatmans' filter paper or similar). Suggest a really coarse filter, NOT a biological one

Take a half litre sample from both drums. Put each into a very clean one litre bottle with a screw top cap. Shake both like hell for several minutes.

Pour each into a separate funnel with filter paper in the funnel, and a clean bottle to collect into

Time with a stop watch each of the flows.

If the fuel treated with Soltron drains through the filter significantly faster, then it's passed one test

NB this test is nearly as flawed as the killing the bugs test, as fuel in an engine is pumped through narrow bore pipes under pressure, which will help break up the clumps if Soltron has done the job well. Shaking the bottles of fuel prior to filtering really vigorously for MANY minutes is the only way you can reproduce this to any extent.

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26 Oct 2002
Tewkesbury UK
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Flipping 'eck

I go away for a couple of days and miss "War and Peace" Anyway, Nick/Joanne Karen and I will be doing an ICC course Sat/Sunday with a tutor from Aquapower so no doubt you will spot us floundering around if you venture out. Start 10.00 am Saturday finish 18.00 Sunday.

Hope to see you around

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: I said, stay on the subject !

Why am I doing the sensible bits?

Can't you get the marketing people or even the scientists who developed the stuff, to give you a plain english explanation of what's going on and how it's working, rather than have me guess from little tidbits of information about "chelators", interpreting the mag review, and the like?

Would avoid a lot of speculation, and add a lot more credibility! If they reply in semi technical terms, I can probably interpret the biological parts into plain english, and there are several more people in these forums who could also interpret the technical fuel bits

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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cheers dom -more advice pls

ok, cheers.

But of course its a bliimin boat so not that simple. The fuel (2000 litres) is loitering in the bottom of one big tank able to take 6000 litres, yes 6 tons. First prob is getting the fuel out, and once out i spose easiest bodge is to run it thru muslin/coarse filter or whatever as u say. I am not at that stage yet, and unsure how much it wd cost top filter the lot.

Other prob is there is two tons of the stuff, so i could easily haul out nice fuel from the top, which wd pass any test of cleanliness. I can't hoik the fuel out and do things with it as you recommend cos i haven't got a 2000 litre drum...

I plamn to first try the soltron by making massive concentrated soltrony solution (say 1 litre S in 50 litres diesel) and wham that all in. Is this a good idea? Also, how long for the "first dose" scenario need to work with a known gunge scenario? A day? or two say? ish? Guidance welcome , cheers

a) getting a few cans

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: cheers dom -more advice pls

Test: What I suggested was a test to see if it works, not a way to clean up the entire tank.

Muslim no good for test, you'd need filter paper. You'd need some way to pump out two barrels from the bottom of your tank

Reality: If Soltron does work, it's not going to have an effect just dumped into top of a tank that size without some sort of stirring. No way is anything going to circulate round that lot by diffusion. It has to be stirred in well to have a realistic effect.

No matter what, you're going to go through a few filters first.

Suspect that for a tank that big that the 'professional type' recirculating pump and filter clean already mentioned is your best option. Then afterwards dump Soltron in and mix well to stop it re-occuring

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Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
Re: cheers dom -more advice pls

Put in 2 litres of solly,to 2,000 ltr,go for a meal and walkabout 24hrs later give boat good blast round the bay, change filters, problems gone,trust me RICH.

<hr width=100% size=1>rich :))


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: oh heck

hm. But his seems to point towards a pumpout as per jfm elsewhere PLUS soltron, you fence-sitting biology person you! But okay.

Alternatively... I have tried quite a lot with this problem, but after all the discussions, I may just give the boat 48 hours and then bomb it. Thjat's bound to work.

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