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9 Mar 2002
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Re: Soltron??

Don't tell me you got Paisley to drink some? Is that why he's been so quiet in recent years? /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: Soltron??

Oh dear.

The hornets are now all over the place. I definitely wish I had never asked.

However, I have to say that stading in the middle ground, it does all seem to be a bit of a veiled sales drive. However, can think of better places with more punters to sell my wares to than you will find chatting here.

Each to their own, I suppose.

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5 Mar 2002
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I can think of several reasons you might want to!

Firstly TCM is your biggest critic on the forum for lack of quantifiable proof when you've been blatantly promoting solly here. Surely you should try to win over the biggest objector to your product (Sales 101).

Secondly TCM is now an influential journalist and if convinced by your product might recommend it and give you better coverage than your getting amongst the forum group.

Thirdly TCM is not one to shy away from buying the most expensive gadgets and gizmos for boats on the basis that you usually get a better product if you have have paid more for them, yet in this area he seems pretty convinced that it would be a waste of money.

Fourthly many of us hereabout actually listen to what TCM has to say about products he has used because he has much more experience than many of us 'enthusiast' and isn't wedded to these products commercially so is completely objective and we often take what he says as gospel. Now if he were just a 50 posts user that was slagging your prodcut off and hadn't yet taken delivery of his first boat and didn't know his A from his E then I don't think you would have to justify yourself to him (Have I just described a singularly cheerful individual?)

Fifth when solly was evaluated by MBM it didn't come out at all well and that still hangs over its head.

Sixth the happy users around here that use it only provide anecdotal eveidence that their boat 'seemed faster' or 'less smoky' with solly but no hard data to prove otherwise. The only test performed has been by jfm in his diesel merc and that concluded that solly made no difference, although i'll grant you that this wasn't being used in a marine environment and therefore the fuel probably didn't have any bugs in it.

Seventh as TCM said if it really did what you've said the government would have made it compulsory by now and Solly would be bigger than BP.

Eighth, If solly does do all the things you state it will, and you do have many happy users around here all though the data is missing, when my new diesel engined boat arrives I will give you the details to my bank acount and a direct debit for a bottle a month!!!

I can only think of one reason you wouldn't want to give tcm the opportunity to test solly, and that is because you are fearful that it might not make a difference. Please prove me wrong.

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16 May 2001
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Re: Soltron??

To be honest, I'm not bothered - I was just pointing out that if the claims made on the web site are made in an advertistment then you have to substantiate those claims or qualify them, which is in no way done on the website. The fact that Parliament or Iain Paisley have spoken about it is irrelevant I'm afraid!

It was just a bit of friendly advice!

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: stay on the subject please

I haven't launched a personal attack, you have. I attacked the claims of the product, and your bizarre claim regarding the contents. Now, you're losing badly. So you've attacked me personally, or what I do, my wife or just about anything else. Stick to the subject: the fact remains that it comprises chemicals, not a mysterious"something else completely". The other issues are its price and efficacy.

Separately I don't (and neither do many others who could but don't) peddle their wares on the forum. As far as I can see you get away with it because you're so fabulously blatant, and your claims are beyond belief.

Oh and no , I didn't marry a rich woman, as it happens, and I am already succesful in lots of ways, thanks. But that is miles from the subject matter, namely, the blimmn product on your piccie!

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: I can think of several reasons you might want to!

I dont need Matts approval biggest critic or not. I would certainly doubt that one or two articles woudl dub him an influential journalist.

Matt does have some credibility but what he really knows about Soltron that is factual he could write on the back of a postage stamp. Plus you dont see influential journos conducting themselves in this manner in writing..

Because MBM didnt do a complete test, brands a product a failure, I dont think so, actually sales have increased since the MBM test which was not reported fully.

I think you have seen Phil's evaluation of Soltron v Fuel Set. Is he not credible enough for you, as an fully approved RYA instructor and man of great experience and knowledge about boats, skipper, captain etc.

No offense but JFMs test was purely anecdotal, I have seen no evidence to say otherwise. No engine references, conditions, mileage, temperatures etc etc just I did 100 miles with and 100 miles without and saw no difference. Sorry but as you see from other peoples observations their test is just as credible as JFMs so why not take there word for it.

Matt has experienced fuel contamination and broke down as a rsult of it. The knowledge and technology is and was available to Matt who thought he would be ok without it. This proves even with considerable knowledge you are still open to problems that can cause grief when you least expect it.

I am not forcing any one to buy it. People can make up there own minds as most have. There are alot of experienced people (qualifications and practical over a life time) on here who use the product, how come you doubt their experience? Because Matt says its no good?

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Anything else to talk about?

Oh dear, oh dear.

What a storm I have caused.

It all seems to be a bit personal. I thought we were here to talk about boats and boat related things.

There seems to be an awful lot of debate about a fuel additive here which, lets face it, even if you use it is only a tiny, tiny part of your boating.

There must be something else to talk about?

However I must say that, without meaning to be rude to Mr Depsol, he does seem to mention soltron in some way or other during almost all of his posts. I have noticed and heve only been here for a week. That's why I asked about it in the first place as it was being mentioned all the time.

In fact, it seems to be mentioned here more often than boats.

So I'll start as I began.

Oh dear, oh dear.

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: stay on the subject please

So you dont claim your boat is great then? Is that the same boat that is up for charter? So in saying that your boat is great and getting other people to say the same and what a wonderful time they had on it and just by chance that the same boat is available for charter in the Med with constant hints dropped in to posts to mention this and about aqua toys available and wonderful trips in complete luxury that this is not blatantly advertising on your behalf?

Oh and the fact that I am talking about it now is actually advertising on your behalf and is not your fault because it is me saying about it and not you!

Dont throw stones in glass houses.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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16 May 2001
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Re: stay on the subject please

can't stay out of a good fight..........

whilst Soltron ultimately, as everything else is made up of 'chemicals' (lets not get down to the nuclear level please!) it is generally accepted in science that biological processes differ from chemical ones.
I believe that Dom is claiming that Soltron is an enzyme, and that it works at a biological level rather than a chemical one
Arguing that it doesn't would be interesting but simply pointing out that everythings a chemical doesn't seem to add much.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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I said, stay on the subject !

sorry, no, anyone hereabout who has been on the boat has been on it for free. I have only ever chartered it once. I may charter it again privately, at some time in the future. I have offered it for charter but no longer. We don't have a permanent skipper.

None of my comments (nor any from elsewhere) come close to the raving commercialism we have seen from yourself regarding soltron. Which of course might easily be a lot better than it would seem from the never-ending pushy manner yet ignorance of basic physics/science with which you promote the stuff.

The answer to lots of the questions posed here about soltron could easily be "i don't know". But from you the answers have been limited to attacks on those who are doubtful (some of who who do actually have sigincant scientific expertise) and monster praise of anyone who says that yes, possibly it might work.

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16 May 2001
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100 miles!!

Dom you are getting massively hot under the collar here, calm down.

But I need to correct you on my test. It was not "purely anecdotal". It was a measured test carried out by someone with some relevant qualification. The test did have limitations as conceded at all stages but they were not significant limitations relative to what I was looking for, namely a 14% (that's what the website says) mpg gain. 14% is a helluvalot.

It was not 100 miles it was 3000 miles. 100 hours . The engine data has been given as have the method of testing and the general conditions. I wont repeat here.

Like TCM I'd really like to be proved wrong and would happily eat forum humble pie. I did a test just to add something to the debate, that's all. I have never questioned the bug-zapping ability of solly but I still say the claim of 14% mpg gain is total nonsense and am still waiting (after 2 years) to see even some half-arsed proof of this easily-provable claim.


12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: Anything else to talk about?

Ah well.

So tell me about this boat of yours. It sounds big ans shiny and glad to hear that someone who can afford a proper, proper boat is actually a boat person. If you see what I mean.

If you are very praising/semi dismissive of other boats (a la Jeremy Clarkson) in your description it might enrage Depsol, which would be amusing. Also intersting to see if he can reply to a description of your boat and include a reference to Soltrolononon (or whatever it may be) in his reposte.

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Active member
5 Mar 2002
Cote d'Azur
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Now you see a smarter answer would have been

ok then I'll supply x gallons of soltron to TCM, the test will be conducted in the following way over the following period of time, fuel will be analysed before during and after and comparisons of consuption and performance will be compared along with a sample patches of GRP at stern exposed only to solly treated and no solly treated exhaust fumes and publish the lot on here and if solly ain't better i'll each my hat....

Or something like that would have impressed me or even satisfied me,

I am sure Phil Cool is very credible indeed however is unknown to me and probably most of the forum expect CNG and a few others down in the MED.

Seems to me you are passing up a huge opportunity to 'influence key influencers' by avoiding proof of capabilities with TCM and JFM (Sales 102).

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Anything else to talk about?

ooh it's all fab. Except it has fuel contamination. Yes, really. So iam gonna buy some fuel additive. Which, if it works, will be excelent news. But if it doesn't will be a blimmin total waste of 60 quid.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Not to worry! -plan B

i am gonna buy some of the stuff anyway, to see if it clears the fuel problem. I need about a litre.

Soo... if it works in this instance, then that's fine. BUT if it doesn't, well then it obviously is a magical non-chemical that requires positive vibes like thiose from hlb, philcool to make it work.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: Anything else to talk about?

Why do I not quite believe you.

You have also left the door wide open for another missive on soltronlononononon. He seems to have so much time to write so many long peices on it you would almost think he is being paid by the post!

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: 100 miles!!


I am certainly not hot under the collar. For those that know me I am quite the opposite. All this is just a bit of play fun really.

You have got to think of it from my point of view. I have lots of information that I don’t want in general release as it has clients names and references and information relating to the government and trials for customers who have yet to digest information or in agreement process.

I don’t ask you information on your clients and their cases so why should everybody get mine. If you were a customer that was negotiating a contract with me then I would make you privy to certain information in order to evidence our claims.

To put this information loosely and freely available on the internet would be stupid and no matter what taunts I get from the sceptics I will not do it and will not expose my hard earned information to the Americans for their use. I will not bee bullied into doing things I don’t want to and will protect my clients data as I see fit. Some companies don’t want people to know the state of their machinery before Soltron came in and made amendments to the way they run things.

I will run my business my way and by the rules I dictate and the rules dictated to me. I will not bow down to pressure to satisfy someone’s curiosity. If you approach me in a business like manner with a proposition then things may be different. There best reference is from someone who has used it and is happy with it, you can have loads of facts and figures but at the end of the day the product will stand up on its own merits.

If you want to see hot under the collar then Joanne, Nick Clive and others witnessed that last night, it wasn’t pretty!

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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8 Nov 2002
Gerrards Cross
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Re: 100 miles!!

I can vouch that when Dom is really hot under the collor the F******s and B*******s really do fly!

I cannot believe how this innocent post has been drifted to such a major extent !!

All good fun I hope.... and by the way I do think that Soltron has worked for my engines as the smoke has deminished and they didn't let me down after five years of ticking over on the Thames.


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