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12 Mar 2003
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Without meaning to sound silly, what is soltron. Everyone else seems to know. My guess from what's said here is that it is a chemical thingy that stops diesels smoking.

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Re: Soltron??

Soltron is not a chemical it is a complex chain of 20 natural plant enzymes.

Yes it does reduce smoke from unburnt fuel by increasing the combustability of the fuel. It also has many other properties to ensure that you dont get contamination.

Best try their new website coming on line today or tomorrow..

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<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: A short history of Soltron

You are right. It's a fuel aditive, supposed to reduced smoking, eliminate "bugs" in the fuel, eliminate the water in the fuel, improve the fuel burning, the mpg, and the power.

So why the big scene here? Well, a few years ago, "depsol" arrived and started extolling the virtues of the stuff, to the extent that at one point mosts of his posts were all about how fab soltron is, making various quite ambitious claims for the stuff inclusing 10% more power and so on. Eventually it turned out that he has a commerical interest. This doesn't make it rubbish, but explains why many are suspicious.

There are some converts to the wonders of soltron hereabout, and lots of non-converts. A test in MBM on lots of fuel additives didn't rate soltron as the best of its type, tho some say the test didn't last long enough, and so on.

There are a zillion posts if you search. . On depsols side, there are lots of people wanting to use it, and that's fine. On the doubters side, if any chemical gave 10% more power or more mpg, either the fuel manufactuers would use it, or the engine manufactuers would use it, or soltron wd be a massive company. I think the bugeating, fuel cleaning is true though not "instant" like say washing up liquid dissolves oil, so not obvious how much (or little) to use of what is actually an expensive product. Further on, though, its unproven that there's monster power/mpg gains to be had.

The quiet agreement here is that there won't be any more fights about it!

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Everything is a chemical

I should correct this. There are 108 known chmeical elements, and everything in the world is a combination of these in various quantities. Saying that Soltron is "not a chemical" is like saying that it is not a liquid, or a gas or a solid: it simply must be one or a combination of these.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: A short history of Soltron

OH. Right.

Something of a hornet's nest then.

Without meaning shake this nest, do you use it tcm?

Not sure we will if it is expensive. Don't really need any more power. Not used the boat much yet, but in late Sept we got 38 knots with full tanks, 6 crew and a month's growth on the hull. Also never had any problems with bad fuel, but maybe I shouldn't tempt fate!

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Everything is a chemical

Matt if you werent so anti the product you might take a little time in learning about it and getting your facts right.

If you are ever to succeed and get a reputation as a good journo I think this is a lesson you should learn quickly because if you had put that in print in a mag I would be writing to the publisher to have it pulled.

Soltron is a combination of 20 natural plant enzymes and suspended in Kerosene. Thats it, no snake oil, no ball chemicals.

So whats your problem with it? you always harp on about how useless it is but have never tried it yourself. Its like saying I dont like Lobster, having never eaten it.

Matt, you know a lot about a lot of things and peope respect you for that but you are letting yourself down here as you do not have the real facts.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

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Re: Soltron??

Unless they had the lab tests to prove it!

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: Soltron??

Oh dear, the Hornet's nest appears to have been well and truly shaken.

I wish I hadn't asked.

However, if it's in kerosene then surely that is made up of various chemicals. I bet the kerosene manufacturers employ chemists. Also, should the government decide to tax aviation fuel, does that mean that soltrom subject to duty?

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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Soltron??

The enzyme is in Kerosene, the enzyme is Soltron, I make no claims for Kerosene!

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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16 May 2001
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Re: Soltron??

Benny, a year ago I ran a bit of a test, documented on here. It wasn't a perfect test, but neither was it total rubbish. I ran a new mercedes diesel (in a car) for 100 hours with soltron and 100 without it. 100 hours is a good season's boating. There was zero mpg effect. I do not comment at all on Solly's ability to kill bugs, it is probly quite good at that, but the claimed 10-15% mpg/bhp gains are imho suspect So, imho buy it if you are worried about the bug, not as a performance enhancer. It aint viagra.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Chemistry lesson for depsol

Now, in the bad ole days things were thought to be made of earth air fire and water. but, then they found elements. We're now nearly up to the age of er a 12 year old schoolboy who learns that everything is a chemical.

And there no thing at all, anywhere in the universe that isn't a combination of these elements. Absolutely everything is a chemical combination or mixture of elements.

Now, stop the personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. You're looking even more silly than normal.

Hm. Well as i said above, I do want it to work. Tests so far indicate that it is more expenisve and less expensive than other additives. Sorry.

Of course, i really do want to succeed and then I wouldn't have to push bottles of fuel additive against forum rules and I'd be able to get a big boat and er oops I'm getting mixed up with you now.. shall we stop the personal attacks?

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16 May 2001
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Re: Soltron??

agreed, but to state "the enzyme that reduces emissions to below the new EU mandatory international levels" needs to be qualified on any advertsing - not saying we have lab tests to prove it, you need to state if it is with any engine, or specific criteria etc., etc. The CAP rules are very specific about substantiating product benefit claims, the fines for non-compliance will make your eyes water!

I am obvioulsy not debating if solly works, just how it is communicated to potential consumers


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5 Mar 2002
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There is a way to solve this once and for all..

Depsol if you're so confident that your stuff works then give TCM a load to try in his leopard this season. I think TCMs got the biggest boat and engines around these parts so if there are any improvements however small in percentage terms then they are more likely to be detected following a season in his tanks.

Would also give TCM something boaty to write about in his column!

Dom, I guess you should put you solly where you're mouth is, you can define the tests with TCM prior and then there can be no dispute when the results come in.

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takes one....

“Now, stop the personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. You're looking even more silly than normal. “

Black the Kettle Pot the calling , are words that spring to mind.

“Hm. Well as i said above, I do want it to work. Tests so far indicate that it is more expenisve and less expensive than other additives. Sorry.”

Apology accepted, first one that springs to mind is REDEX which is more expensive per dosage. Need I find more? I think that the expense of it justifies itself in its capabilities as it does more than other additives and has more tests and approvals than other additives. Better than breaking down in the middle of the Med with fuel contamination.

“Of course, i really do want to succeed and then I wouldn't have to push bottles of fuel additive against forum rules and I'd be able to get a big boat and er oops I'm getting mixed up with you now.. shall we stop the personal attacks?”

If a big boat is a measure of success these days I am going to do it the easy way and marry a rich woman. Trouble is I give too much Soltron away to the forumites and others, so will never get rich, but I am happy with what I do and how I am doing it and dont need to measure myself on other peoples assets.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: There is a way to solve this once and for all..

Why should I have to justify things with TCM.

There are enough people on this forum who are happy with Soltron who are much more experienced than Matt, they know who they are I dont have to name them.

They are the peolple who are happy using it. Why should we have to have one persons approval on something for it to be accepted. you use your boat you like it you would probably recommend it to someone else.

I dont need Matts approval and as he has declared before 'he has never used Soltron and never will'.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me


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16 Mar 2003
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Maby it does work?

Having driven lots of boats and some would you believe have had fuel contamination. I’ve had to use what ever is available at the time?
For instance. My first outing with Mr Neighbour in his broom we found ourselves losing an engine by the barrier on the Thames due to this problem, any way after cleaning the pipes and changing the filters we carried on to Brighton and all was well, upon servicing we found the filters were packed full of cr.p so decided to add... yes you got it s.....n. so a few more trips and fills with the additive then checked the filters and they were clean as a whistle.
Iv’e just done the trip with Joanne and nick only to find that the back of the boat was black on our first leg so we added s.....n. when arriving at hythe marina their was a significant difference and an increase of speed.
Now another trip with a fairline 50 to the med and breaking down due to this problem again, the only additive to hand was (fuel set). So adding this and lots of fills and 16 filters later the problem is still there but not so bad. So I will be taking s.....n with me in a few days and give it a fair chance...

Will let you know of the outcome...


<hr width=100% size=1>Sun Coast Sea School & Charter


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Soltron??

Dont worry Mark it is all covered as far as the EU issues are concerned. If you do a search on the net you will probably find all the bits where it was talked about in Parliament. What you wont find is the correspondence from Ian Paisley.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dom

2003 is going to be a good year for me