It is five and a half years since I last posted on the forum, but I thought it worth revisiting to seek assistance on the question of solar panels for motor boats. Given the incredible increase in the cost of electricity in the southern Italian marinas that I frequent, on average a 250% increase, this has meant that in my home berth when we are away from the boat but connected to shore power to just keep the batteries and anti-corrosion system running, the monthly cost has leapt from around 100 euros to nearly around 250 euros a month. And when on board in the marina in summer, with the air-con and ovens in use, the daily cost of being on board has gone from around 55 euros to well over a 100 euros a day. And in marinas that used to offer free power, they now of course charge also, and since in high summer the cost of a berth for my 21m boat is expensive enough as it is, the additional cost of power is becoming something of a concern. So we already are now spending even more nights at anchor than we usually do, but therefore needing to run the noisy generator for the aircon since the heat and humidity makes sleeping without it difficult.
So I was wondering if it would be worth looking into flexible (movable) solar panels that could be laid out over the bow seating area, and up over the windscreen if neccessary, during the long periods when not on board in our home berth to at least keep the batteries fully operational, and then even also the fridge and freezer going, without the need to be connected to shore power. And if then they could be rolled up and stored ashore in our storage unit whilst we we are away cruising. Any advice gratefully received!
So I was wondering if it would be worth looking into flexible (movable) solar panels that could be laid out over the bow seating area, and up over the windscreen if neccessary, during the long periods when not on board in our home berth to at least keep the batteries fully operational, and then even also the fridge and freezer going, without the need to be connected to shore power. And if then they could be rolled up and stored ashore in our storage unit whilst we we are away cruising. Any advice gratefully received!