Anual oostende cruise


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21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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When I reached 75 visits the RNSYC precented me with some momentos to commemorate the fact. I was given a watch, a briefcase & a medalion. . My wife having acted as race officer on one of the Belgian national Dragon events circa 2005. For that she was given champagne & flowers at the thankyou speech. I would regularly go for 3+ weeks at a time. I like to go for the Paulusfeesten
I won a few mercator race prizes best place was 13 from 30 +starters, and 1 race took us 24 hrs in an 8m yacht?


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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A bit of FRED DRIFT ere ! Ahoy there Mr Sailorman ; fingers crosse d for you both , not being nosy but helpfull (I hope?) ; have you got a Blue Badge for when someone takes you out in a car ? although you might not yet be able to drive a Blue Badge can be used by any driver /car to take you places ; I have had one for a good few years now , they are really invaluable for Mobility access ; Take great care both
good news yesterday, and a phone call from my neuro physio, they I am now 6th on see list she will visit me shortly with the aim of getting me walking outside and into shwmbos car?. I feel more confident something positive is happening

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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In those days gk24s would race over?
Most of my early trips to Ostend in the 70s were the sponsored Stella Artois races in my Stella. We would usually get 20 plus Stellas. Finishes were often so close there would be arguments over who had crossed the finish line first, sometimes between as many as 3-4 boats
Stella Artois sponsored us at the same weekend as they finished the cycle tour on the sea front. It was always a big event & we were treated to free beers, & a meal in a hotel. I still have 2 of the Stella Artois flags presented to me at the event.

Capt Popeye

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30 Sep 2011
Dawlish South Devon
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good news yesterday, and a phone call from my neuro physio, they I am now 6th on see list she will visit me shortly with the aim of getting me walking outside and into shwmbos car?. I feel more confident something positive is happening

Well that is good news Sailorman very good progress indeed ; might suggest that you make yor application ASAP for your Blue Badge , as swmbo can more easily take you places , getting arround , plus parking closer to To Public Toilets and Eating Out again ; Believe me , my BB has and still is a great boon for my restricted mobility etc ; Might suggest that apply to your local County Council AND lay it on about your very restricted mobility , stressing access to Public Toilets , Weather , being able to park near places means that you can access them ; Parking with a BB is usually OK for max 3 hours on Double Yellow lines ; unless hatched then NO ONE CAN park there at anytime ; believe me gaining a BB is to open another world that had previously been denied ; Wishing you both all the very best Sailorman CP


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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Most of my early trips to Ostend in the 70s were the sponsored Stella Artois races in my Stella. We would usually get 20 plus Stellas. Finishes were often so close there would be arguments over who had crossed the finish line first, sometimes between as many as 3-4 boats
Stella Artois sponsored us at the same weekend as they finished the cycle tour on the sea front. It was always a big event & we were treated to free beers, & a meal in a hotel. I still have 2 of the Stella Artois flags presented to me at the event.
great times now sadly passed, but up to the bsr for a re run, and where it Sall went wrong we still have mny friends from our haven series daysand racing deffo makes one a better sailor?


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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Well that is good news Sailorman very good progress indeed ; might suggest that you make yor application ASAP for your Blue Badge , as swmbo can more easily take you places , getting arround , plus parking closer to To Public Toilets and Eating Out again ; Believe me , my BB has and still is a great boon for my restricted mobility etc ; Might suggest that apply to your local County Council AND lay it on about your very restricted mobility , stressing access to Public Toilets , Weather , being able to park near places means that you can access them ; Parking with a BB is usually OK for max 3 hours on Double Yellow lines ; unless hatched then NO ONE CAN park there at anytime ; believe me gaining a BB is to open another world that had previously been denied ; Wishing you both all the very best Sailorman CP


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6 Jun 2001
UK East Coast
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good news yesterday, and a phone call from my neuro physio, they I am now 6th on see list she will visit me shortly with the aim of getting me walking outside and into shwmbos car?. I feel more confident something positive is happening
I hope you are still planning on getting a motorboat once you are getting out. I recall you were considering an Antares 760 a while ago.


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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When I reached 75 visits the RNSYC precented me with some momentos to commemorate the fact. I was given a watch, a briefcase & a medalion. . My wife having acted as race officer on one of the Belgian national Dragon events circa 2005. For that she was given champagne & flowers at the thankyou speech. I would regularly go for 3+ weeks at a time. I like to go for the Paulusfeesten
dragon class, Roberts favorite owners


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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THINGS ARE MOVING ON WELL, MY PHYSIO LSDY CAME BAC 22/2SHE SEEMRD PLEASED WIYwalking down stairs,she placedmy commode frame over the downstairs loo &had me do a solo dry run, since then i seem to have managed5 active visits&for he first time in 3 years sans an audience
TH MY WALKING ABOUT THE HOUSE DOWNSTAIRS.i feel so much better for becomming more normaleach day. on recommendation of my physio, who thinks going up the stairs is too early yet. we had the man from sstannah to see us today.cest la vie


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14 Feb 2007
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THINGS ARE MOVING ON WELL, MY PHYSIO LSDY CAME BAC 22/2SHE SEEMRD PLEASED WIYwalking down stairs,she placedmy commode frame over the downstairs loo &had me do a solo dry run, since then i seem to have managed5 active visits&for he first time in 3 years sans an audience
TH MY WALKING ABOUT THE HOUSE DOWNSTAIRS.i feel so much better for becomming more normaleach day. on recommendation of my physio, who thinks going up the stairs is too early yet. we had the man from sstannah to see us today.cest la vie
I’m glad you had a dry run. The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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My crew Mel has done 30trips mostly just for a we, but leave deben friday afternon bck in th arms for a Sunday lunchtime pint?oh plus a boat full of stores
I have planned a club cruise to Ostend for the may spring bank holiday. Unfortunately it seems that this event will clash with our cruise. Can anyone advise on the typical availability of berths etc. We will go on sun 28 May then nip to Middleburg if weather is OK. This is to give a couple of smaller newbies a taster of the canals.
Then return to Ostend Thurs 01 or Friday 02 June ( will clash with Voore Anchor) to get customs clearance out of shengan & come home sat 03 june. So with several boats we need several berths. ( not in the Ostend YC we want the RNSYC) . It is important as we need to get clearance. It is also important to keep the trip lengths down for the newer boats. So we do not want to exit Blankenburg. We would rather not do Nieuport as it will catch awkward tides from Middleburg being a bit far for some to do in one tide. Ostend just fits in nice. We will do Ramsgate saturday then Bradwell sunday
This will be my 79Th trip to Ostend, so I know all about the place & I am very friendly with Simon, but I have never been to the Voore Anchor event
So has anybody been to the Voore Anchor & what has been their experience of berthing please?
I did say it will be my 79Th visit. :rolleyes:
popeye was the 1st hm i knew
I have planned a club cruise to Ostend for the may spring bank holiday. Unfortunately it seems that this event will clash with our cruise. Can anyone advise on the typical availability of berths etc. We will go on sun 28 May then nip to Middleburg if weather is OK. This is to give a couple of smaller newbies a taster of the canals.
Then return to Ostend Thurs 01 or Friday 02 June ( will clash with Voore Anchor) to get customs clearance out of shengan & come home sat 03 june. So with several boats we need several berths. ( not in the Ostend YC we want the RNSYC) . It is important as we need to get clearance. It is also important to keep the trip lengths down for the newer boats. So we do not want to exit Blankenburg. We would rather not do Nieuport as it will catch awkward tides from Middleburg being a bit far for some to do in one tide. Ostend just fits in nice. We will do Ramsgate saturday then Bradwell sunday
This will be my 79Th trip to Ostend, so I know all about the place & I am very friendly with Simon, but I have never been to the Voore Anchor event
So has anybody been to the Voore Anchor & what has been their experience of berthing please?
My 1st oostende hm was popeye👍

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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popeye was the 1st hm i knew

My 1st oostende hm was popeye👍
Bald as a koot & I do not recall ever seeing him wear a top.
I recall how he used to run around with a net on a pole cleaning the rubbish out of his harbour. Everything was clean, except for ancient communal showers in the RNSYC. Where they would be full of naked blokes, whilst the cleaning lady was nipping between them, with her mop & bucket trying to clean up. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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Bald as a koot & I do not recall ever seeing him wear a top.
I recall how he used to run around with a net on a pole cleaning the rubbish out of his harbour. Everything was clean, except for ancient communal showers in the RNSYC. Where they would be full of naked blokes, whilst the cleaning lady was nipping between them, with her mop & bucket trying to clean up. :rolleyes:
those were the days💪good showers too I recall