Alarms from Volvo Penta engine


18 Feb 2003
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As some of you may be aware I have had a few problems with bits on my engine. I was getting an alarm going off, and investigations showed that there was a loose theaded cap on a flush pipe that was letting sea water into the bilge. I emptied and flushed all of this out and tightened (or Canboria kindly did) the cap, as I thought this was a bilge alarm. Anyway I was out on Sunday and the alarm went off again, I checked and the bilge was empty, I took the boat in for fear of damaging anything. At least the alarm lead me to the water coming aboard as apparently there is NO bilge flooding alarm.

I contacted the dealer on Monday and no Volvo mechanics were available for some weeks, anyway I got a call from one today who had been contacted by my dealer, he asked if I had checked my engine manual, I told him I didn't get one with the boat and when I questioned it, was told that you did not get one. Anyway he confirmed with me that as my oil pressure, amp meter and water temps were OK that it was a faulty sender in the ignition alarm box. He told me this was not the first case and that a new sender would need to be fitted, I was told not to bother and just enjoy using the boat with the alarm going!! Anyway I have been luck enough to get it booked in for the 30th April 2003 for the new sender to be fitted, I may as well have my first service as well or I may need to wait until 2004 for that!!

So if you see me in the Medway river don't be ALARMED at my ALARM as there is nothing wrong. FAMOUS LAST WORDS !! So Brilliant, what a laugh this boating industry is, I really do not know why people put up with the crap service that is offered, and then pay well over the odds for everything. I guess like the rip off on cars the government may stick there nose into the great baoting Rip off's going on, and that may not be a bad thing.

P.S. Anyone got spare ear defenders to drown the alarm noise out /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I can only say that you have a crap dealer. They all know each other in the trade and if they have a mind to they can pull out all the stops (or not in your case!)
A case for name and shame?. You have paid a lot of hard earned (we assume) cash for your boat. There is a time for going ballistic and this is it.

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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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I think it's a case of shouting louder.

A friend of mine who had problems with Volvo's on a new boat had the engineers on board in 2 hours.

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18 Feb 2003
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I have just had a call from Volvo Penta UK, they have discussed my problem around the office and have come to the conclusion that when my water was leaking, the exhausts could have become hot, they have sensors on, one each side on the manifolds and they may now have stuck on. Luckily for me I have photographed every bit of the boat including engines in case of theft, I e-mailed a picture to them and they pointed out the spark plug looking thing that is the sensor on the new engines maniflolds. I have been told to run the boat and when the alarm is going to take of one of these at a time to see if the alarm stops. Well I will go and do that, it seems I have bought a 'kit boat'.

The joys of owning a brand new boat eh! Perhaps they will send me the service kit and a video on how to service your own engines next, then just ask that I send the normal service cost by cheque to the dealer!

Yes I have already been very angry at bits missing off the boat, but in the end you have to just go along with it as it seems the same everywhere. Should have the boat kit complete by the end of the month /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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9 Feb 2003
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Hardly preasurable boating with an alarm going off all the time, how noisy is it ? can you temp disconnect the alarm buzzer to stop you going mad ?

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18 Feb 2003
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The Volvo engineers have guided me to what they think it is, I had taken today off to go on the boat but that has been wasted waiting to get it fixed, and now told to just disconnect the alarm! Alarming to say the least. I will have to try and see if pulling off the heat alarms on the manifolds does the trick, OR I could just get a 3.3hp Mercury attached and potter about practicing parking until 30th April when they are coming to look at it!

It's hard to convince passengers that they should just ignore the alarm, even worse when they see you pull the wires out to stop it, and say don't worry, Volvo told me to do that /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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6 Nov 2001
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Absolute classic case. Seem to recall last year a poster complaining about not getting jobs done on his brand new half zillon squid Fair/sea/prin something or other based in the Med.Think I remember that lawyers were being lined up for the tussle.

<hr width=100% size=1>My little Princess/forums/images/icons/laugh.gifthe 33 of course.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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I've fallen for this one myself.
Although you are all merrily joining together to solve the problem, it is their responsibility and by you getting involved you are making things very complicated if something goes wrong (like an engine seizure). All instructions have been verbal (I guess) and you will see them all back off if something expensive happens as a consequence.

I'm the same as you and like to get involved but beware!!

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