Advice problems after boat sank


Well-known member
12 Aug 2014
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Firstly was the harbour negligent in letting the pontoon break free and collide with his boat and secondly following the initial damage did he take adequate steps to minimise his loss (although it is possible the second event didn't cause any additional damage).

Following the initial collision. The boat was moved we are told at the request of the harbour to a safer place. Then it was explained in a second storm the boat sank.
Who moved it. was the Harbour(whoever that might refer too) accepting liability in doing so?. or were they carrying out a duty?. Sorry but where was the OP involved in this(not being difficult, but its important to understand who was making decisions and carrying out actions)

Its one reason why ive always wanted to know where my boat was or is, and ive never been a fan of add hoc people touching lines etc. Most other boat owners have the best intentions but ive seen other people move others boats and leave them poorly tied up , if at all. Its another reason why we all think twice before touching someones boat. I have to say Ive always thought about it and then just did what I thought right. Removed a loose headsail in a storm etc.

Hope the thread is helping the OP. No definitive answers though other than a surveyors opinion would sound wise.

