Well-known member
Had a great weekend: out on Saturday (grey but calm) and again yesterday (took an extra day off work) when we went down to Yarmouth in greyish, calmish weather and came back in the evening under sunny skies and in a flat calm /forums/images/icons/smile.gif. Yee-Hah!
I have, however, a niggling throttle/gearshift problem. When, and only when, the engine is cold, I am finding it difficult to get the boat out of gear. As far as I can tell, it's related to the fact that the revs won't quite drop back to tick-over if I throttle back, sticking at about 1000 - 1100 rpm rather than what should be about 700 rpm. As soon as she is warmed up, tickover drops back to what it should be and there is no further problem. I think I'm right in saying that the engine isn't meant to come out of gear above tick-over revs, but don't quite know how I get round this problem, since an EFI engine should, surely self regulate it's tick-over speed at any temperature? (well, that's what the engine in my car does). Three questions: (1) am I right in my diagnosis? (2) any alternative theories? and (3) anybody got any idea as to what should be done to overcome the problem, before I hand it to the men in white overalls? The engine is a Mercruiser 5.0 EFI with an Alpha 1 drive. Oil level in the leg is all correct and has no sign of water contamination.
This hasn't caused a problem yet, tho' mooring at the Buckler's Hard fuel jetty yesterday was a bit of a challenge /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
I have, however, a niggling throttle/gearshift problem. When, and only when, the engine is cold, I am finding it difficult to get the boat out of gear. As far as I can tell, it's related to the fact that the revs won't quite drop back to tick-over if I throttle back, sticking at about 1000 - 1100 rpm rather than what should be about 700 rpm. As soon as she is warmed up, tickover drops back to what it should be and there is no further problem. I think I'm right in saying that the engine isn't meant to come out of gear above tick-over revs, but don't quite know how I get round this problem, since an EFI engine should, surely self regulate it's tick-over speed at any temperature? (well, that's what the engine in my car does). Three questions: (1) am I right in my diagnosis? (2) any alternative theories? and (3) anybody got any idea as to what should be done to overcome the problem, before I hand it to the men in white overalls? The engine is a Mercruiser 5.0 EFI with an Alpha 1 drive. Oil level in the leg is all correct and has no sign of water contamination.
This hasn't caused a problem yet, tho' mooring at the Buckler's Hard fuel jetty yesterday was a bit of a challenge /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho