2003T problems in S Brittany


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23 Sep 2002
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Travelling through South Britanny and French not so good and would appreciate some tips on some concerns we have with engine. Unfortunately we did not have a chance to get to know the engine very well before we left. By the time we got to Guernsey had a bit of white smoke. Had the injectors serviced, but still have a bit of smoke. But more concerned now that oil level gone up by 4mm in 35 hours. Coolant level same and seems to point to fuel getting in oil. Has been suggested could be from fuel lift pump. All filters have been changed. Anybody got any ideas for things to cheque etc. Any help nuch appreciated:

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19 May 2003
I would suspect the lift pump however i have heard of another 2003t that had a seal in the injector pump gone and was leaking diesel into the sump that way.

It is imperative you find and cure the problem as it will certainly runaway if left.


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30 May 2001
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It is possible to get fuel into the lube by the primary lift pump (split diaphragm ) or defective injector pumps (excessive plunger/bore clearance) if these are directly operated by cams located in the engine block, as the 2003 is, if my Brain is working ok this morning.
It is not difficult to change the primary lift pump diaphragm but perhaps advisable to have a spare to hand before attempting this if engine repairing is not your day job or DIY thing.

Unburnt fuel can appear in exhaust as a whitish/bluish haze if it is hot. You must be careful, if the lub oil gets very diluted then a worn engine can 'pick up' and run away as it uses the fuel in the lube oil to do this. The lube gets into the cylinder combustion space through worn rings,valve guidesetc. The only way to stop it is to remove the oxygen source or let it self destruct.

A non laboratory way to see if your lube oil is diluted with fuel is by pumping out a sample and then running a streak of it down a flat surface at 45 degrees alongside new oil at the same temperature. The diluted oil with fuel in it will run down a lot faster. If water is present you get a chololate type colour compared with the new oil.
If you do not have any new oil you can pump all the oil out of the sump and let it settle out into oil and fuel again, but I must confess I have never had to do this on small engines of less than 200kw - it is real get you out of the monkey poo in the jungle stuff.

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4 Feb 2003
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i had the problem of fuel in lube in my volvo and the reason was a worn seal in the injector pump. oil pressure alarm sound off n a rising dipstick level.

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