Not a whitewash, Brilliant white gloss paint was how a journalist on News 24 put it. I think she got it about right. From the Government point of view if you ask the right question you will get the answer you want.
The problem is, if you had listened to much of the evidence placed before the enquiry, then it's pretty obvious His Lordship was either asleep, or is anti BBC!! It was so one sided, it does not have any credibility, and is sure to be challenged by the media over the coming days/weeks. The outgoing BBC Governor has already fired an opening broadside in his resignation statement. If TB thinks he's seen the last of his troubles, he's another think coming!!
Now, about those WMD's........where CAN they be I wonder!!
>>>Now, about those WMD's........where CAN they be I wonder!!
They're definitely somewhere because the government statement, which we now know was definitely NOT "sexed up" said they were ready for deployment in 45 minutes.
Oh no! Sounds like you have (or know of children) who have read the same wretched book - my youngest became a trifle tedious with that refrain over Christmas...
Did you see old Rite Hon.Mr M Howard backing out of all his pre arranged media interviews.
Blimey they will be looking for another new leader soon.Lets see 10 to 1 on for..........well.....just about anybody who is still breathing ./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>If it aint broke fix it till it is.
It seems to me that a number of people are complaining because the result is not what they wanted or expected and therefore it must be wrong.
The answer on WMD came out recently. The corrupt officials and scientists in Sadam's Iraq pretended to produce them to obtain money and influence and Sadam was in fact (without knowing it) 'crying wolf'
The report set new standards in lighting - How come that the committees chaired by Bliar were believed - when they didn't keep minutes (a formallity which both you and I would keep at an office meeting - and Guilligan - who kept some notes - but did not write down the most crucial item. Could it be that this item was so memorbale that he didn't need to write it down?