Wiring Problem


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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I have a young friend who occasionally phones me when confronted by technological problems. Normally, I am able to help and feel that he has gained from the depths of knowledge and expeience I have collected over the years on a number of issues - some marine related, others not. For example earlier this year he arranged a weekend away with myself and other venerable members but failed to obtain the necessary permissions from his betrothed. I was able on that particular weekend to help smooth the waters by lending him a fiver so that he could afford the full cost of chartering a boat from a scottish marina where the tide went round in circles.
Today my young friend has come to me with a rather more complex issue related to marine electronics - well, the wiring of a radio sort of device.
He was speaking to me from the casualty department of Southampton Hospital apparently having sustained minor burns to his finger ends. This appears to have happened when he touched two wires which were quite hot. Do you think that when my young friend thought to himself "Jings but its michty hot in here - ah'll turrn doon ra eberspachie" he should have realised that something was amiss? Furthermore - do you think my young friend should have gone to the chandlers and bought a fuse rather than using the silver off his kit kat wrapper when he switched on the power and heard the muffled bang?

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple>regards
Claymore<font color=purple>


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10 Sep 2004
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Ah! the smell of frying pork in the morning, lovely!

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.topcatsail.co.uk>Woof</A>


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Couldn't have happened in Scotland.

We dont have Casualty departments any more thanks to the parish council.

Du*ta**an*ge per chance?


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22 Dec 2003
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We still have them Donald but there bloody useless....just returned from A and E at Ayr after being sent there by my GP. Large ammount of fluid on knee, eventually seen by African doctor whom told me it needed draining but would check with his registrar. Came back 5 mins later full of apology...as it was not considered an emergency he would not be allowd to do it!!! however as he retreated he told me if I was in "his" country it would have been done straight away!!! Sent back to GP to start all over again...the fact that I can hardly walk with it and in considerable pain did'nt seem a problem to them!!!!!


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6 Nov 2001
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I live in Dumbarton. One of the 'sickest' places in the UK. They closed the one at Vale of Leven hospital.

Choice for me is now Paisley.....or Oban!

Just what Jack and his chums are spending the money on defies explanation.


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This will teach those North of the Border for voting for their own Parliament.

Costs the earth to build and now look at the situation. AND we (dahn sarf) had to pay for it.

At least the Geordies showed more sense last week.

Now we MUST stop Scots MPs voting on matters applying only to England - that includes Blair, Brown and Reid.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Can I suggest that you tell your young friend to ensure that he passes the aerial through the outer skin fitting before emptying the contents of a tube of black silicone rubber into the hole and skin fitting .. will mean there's a lot less mess.

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18 Nov 2001
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Earlier i had a call on the very same subject and thought of you so i suggested that you might have the requisite experience of such matters. For example, i am sure dear heart will have been less than pleased, now that the nights are drawing in, to inspect your progress with the polyliner cauliflowers in the pitch dark and would have requested some illumination.

I also know that any alternative you might have proposed, such as the provision of a torch, would have met with short shift and a visit to the local quack to extract the dibber from your head. She would of course have reminded you of the Tigh an Truish incident.

The provision of the wiring, fuses and switches etc, I felt sure, would have gained you much experience. To be added to this catalogue of competence should be included your brilliant wiring of an ebespacher which to this day has stubbornly refused to suck when told to blow but these are mere trifles which should in no way detract from the picture of ability which I imparted to our young friend.

So you can understand the shock when I heard of his admission to the Southampton A&E. I had complete confidence in your knowledge of these matters and that our young friend's problem would be quickly resolved but never did I anticipate such an outcome ... He clearly could not have listened to your advice.

I could not comiserate with him by mobile telephony as I understand that these devices are not allowed in such places so I can only hope no permanent injury has been sustained but have despatched on your behalf a fiver's worth of grapes and a few flowers to cheer him up ...

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Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Accidents will happen

Would this be your young friend who has in the past proved himself to be somewhat accident prone, loosing such things as the way from his bunk to the cockpit, holding tanks, rudders, sense of proportion, legal battles, containers and/or fridge-freezers awash, guests' glasses, virginity, etc?

Oh, and by the way, right or left hand?

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