Why are mobo owners such inconsiderate beeps?


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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They are ignorant in a uneducated way because learning , passing a test a gov set test is something they never had to do .
They ( most I assume ) have done a bit local boat society work , who s income is dependent on the volunteer student and they never really weed out thick folk . Is it still called the RYA ? ;)

Thought my post on state examinations done buy other EU states was self explanatory.

As I said you rarely see it in the Med in my experience.
So the only difference is lack of proper impartial formal training.


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6 Sep 2016
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The Med might be different....during the season every morning a non stop stream of boats leave port...and the afternoons they all return. There is no mad rush for high tides or lock gates....so perhaps it’s more orderly


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13 Jul 2021
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The boat name rings a bell, and not in a good way.
There was a VHF altercation off Hurst Castle a couple of weeks ago along similar lines.

But a boat similar to that wouldn't make anything like 6ft waves.

Mr Googler

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11 Apr 2008
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Been a long days sail and going bed now. I will mull it over if I've got them wrong. Reciprocation?????
Get a mobo……much more relaxing than faffing about with all those bits of string and life on the lean. You wont be half as tired after a day out.

better still…..a pair of sabres in a semi displacement boat will drown out any shouts or swears from fellow water users which adds to the relaxation factor ??


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Unfortunately there is little understanding or sympathy between power and sail. I am of both persuasions.

Yes, the are some very inconsiderate power boat skippers but conversely, the dinghy/yacht racing community do not help with holding their events in crowed waters (harbour entrances) and ignoring COLREGS/IRPCASs, with shouts of, “Don’t you know we are racing”.

The same bunch have a similar attitude to other water users.
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Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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They are ignorant in a uneducated way because learning , passing a test a gov set test is something they never had to do .
They ( most I assume ) have done a bit local boat society work , who s income is dependent on the volunteer student and they never really weed out thick folk . Is it still called the RYA ? ;)

Thought my post on state examinations done buy other EU states was self explanatory.

As I said you rarely see it in the Med in my experience.
So the only difference is lack of proper impartial formal training.

Why do you Speculate so much when you have no idea. Despite the fact that U.K. boating is generally unregulated many have passed various training and tests I for example have done the Of Shore power boat 2 and hold and ICC


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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Unfortunately there is little understanding or sympathy between power and sail. I am of both persuasions.

Yes, the are some very inconsiderate power boat skippers but conversely, the dinghy/yacht racing community do not help with holding their events in crowed waters (harbour entrances) and ignoring the IRPCASs, with shouts of, “Don’t you know we are racing”.

The same bunch have a similar attitude to other water users.

plus one about the Dinghy racers like flys buzzing around all over the place


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6 Nov 2001
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It is difficult to appreciate the amount of problems that wash can cause if you has never been on the receiving end.
OG has a theory.
For those of us from the wrong side of any posh marina security gate, the ownership of series of small boats would have been the order of of the day , making you very aware of the mayhem caused by some rich git in monster gin palace going past at speed .
However it remains in the memory forever.
For those fortunate enough to be able to buy a large quick boat, perhaps as first purchase, there can be no comprehension of exactly how much grief excessive wash can be to all other users.
At some point you may be lucky enough to won one of those rich git boats and hopefully remember that other people still have small boats.
As Portfino has stated The UK is the only country where if you have the dough, you can buy 50 + ft of fibreglass capable of 40 knots turn the key and go .
The only reason for any insurance for a cash buyer is the marina might want to see it ?


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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Why do you Speculate so much when you have no idea. Despite the fact that U.K. boating is generally unregulated many have passed various training and tests I for example have done the Of Shore power boat 2 and hold and ICC
Analytical mind , no such thing as luck , chance , “ just happens roll with it mate “ .There’s always a reason .You just have to peel back the layers .

What’s your explanation of why somebody would come bursting out of a marina / harbour and immediately start to plane the “15-20 knot “ .Sorry lads back to hull form the op mentioned the bow was high obscuring the helms view .He’s correct there there are some shocking riders out there , look like airplanes that have rotated attempting to take off .If only it had wings :) .

Why not just pootle alert to other users to some where safe then do the mock take off thing?

Additionally I was informed wait until the jacket temps are north of 60 *C before letting rip with the throttles ….you know engine sympathy and all that .They are not Co leased cars where owners don’t give a dam .


If you told him the price of a turbo ( cold oil ) and showed him this pic
sorry about the orientation.
Questioned him on vis so close to the entrances etc .

Put him in a small yacht suffering from boat wake , I bet he would change his behaviour.
Just the guy has zero idea .

As much idea of etiquette as most mo Bo ers it appears have hull form , EGT s and load :):):)
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Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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It is difficult to appreciate the amount of problems that wash can cause if you has never been on the receiving end.
OG has a theory.
For those of us from the wrong side of any posh marina security gate, the ownership of series of small boats would have been the order of of the day , making you very aware of the mayhem caused by some rich git in monster gin palace going past at speed .
However it remains in the memory forever.
For those fortunate enough to be able to buy a large quick boat, perhaps as first purchase, there can be no comprehension of exactly how much grief excessive wash can be to all other users.
At some point you may be lucky enough to won one of those rich git boats and hopefully remember that other people still have small boats.
As Portfino has stated The UK is the only country where if you have the dough, you can buy 50 + ft of fibreglass capable of 40 knots turn the key and go .
The only reason for any insurance for a cash buyer is the marina might want to see it ?
And that’s the only difference ^^^

It ain’t busyness .


Well-known member
30 Nov 2002
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Its strange as here in Norway where 1 in 5 has a boat and raggies and mobo’s wave to each other when passing and generally show consideration.
However we have our share of d**kheads in mobo’s and powerboats who have no idea how to operate a boat safely, they seem to be a certain type who play music loudly and probably broke the speed limits on the way to the marina, and parked in the disabled slot while picking up stuff from the supermarket, you know the type I am referring to, they seem to think that rules anywhere and everywhere don’t apply to them. Raggies have to learn to sail and get to know their boat so as to use the wind whereas any idiot can get in a mobo and hurtle around, I know, I have unfortunately over the years had to deliver dozens of Hydrolifts, Windy’s and similar boats to guys who shouldn’t be in charge of anything faster than a lawnmower. You know its not going to end well when they crack open the tinnies as they drive out of the marina.
I both sail and have a mobo so have seen it from both sides.


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19 May 2015
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You guys need to try motorboating on the rivers, That's a narrow channel. Dingy sailers going bank to bank missing (usually) moored boats by less than 5ft on the turn. Get half a dozen or so in a pack and its like threading a needle. Just hope you don't meet a couple of rowing 8's cos they really think they own the river.


Well-known member
30 Nov 2002
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You guys need to try motorboating on the rivers, That's a narrow channel. Dingy sailers going bank to bank missing (usually) moored boats by less than 5ft on the turn. Get half a dozen or so in a pack and its like threading a needle. Just hope you don't meet a couple of rowing 8's cos they really think they own the river.

Brings back memories of driving a friends Broom along the Thames between Sunbury and Windsor at weekends when we went for cruises, its exactly as you describe.
It seems a sympton of society today that an individuals rights are more important than anyone else’s no matter what the law says.
In Norway we have Share the Road posters and tv ads promoting that cyclists should be given more consideration, but they are the ones who don’t realise there are others in the road when they cycle 2-3 abreast and don’t use cycle lanes specially made for them, don’t get me started!

Andy Bav

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8 Jun 2013
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My first foray into boating was an RYA Dinghy sailing course with my sons… a laser Pico ain’t that steady in a wake !

However, as OG alludes to above, that experience has taught me empathy with dinghy sailors (at least), and other in similarly less-than-stable watercraft, so i try to be as respectful to them / cognisant of my size as much as possible.

All of our motor boating has been done in the sea, and at entrances to harbours / marinas where i see dinghy’s sailing, its always interesting to second guess when they are going to tack (in front of us) and try to pass safely and with minimal wake.

I am sure a large proportion or mobo owners have similar backgrounds and the vast majority are respectful of other vessels but, as is usually the case, its the minority that tar us all with the same brush.


Well-known member
21 Aug 2006
Us raggies are always ridiculed for ignoring mobo owners. Here's why. Again, sailing into entrance of harbour today and within harbour speed limits and all we see is a bow in the air doing about 15 or 20knts coming out. Heading on collision course, last minute correction, pass 50ft to stbd but no change in throttle. Boat coming out of dartmouth called "coco". We are left with 6ft waves on the quarter which throws everything and smashes stuff. Had it enough times from numerious ones. No etiquette, thought, nothing. Do we need to aim a rocket flare or speargun? I think it might be time. Signed fed up with you and gonna fight back if you don't give a .... nor will we. What I'm saying is have you ever looked back and considered the effect of those expensive 6ft waves are causing other people........naaaah.
Perhaps too many gammons wearing gold medallions? It's not difficult to be kind, but we all know the types that don't give a toss. Karma has a way of sorting that out.