Who sailed in Portugal


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19 Oct 2002
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I plan to sail next summer in Portugal, some questions:
Where is the most attractive coast line to sail one week one way?
What is the best mounth cocern to good sea condition ?
Where to start and where to finish ?- itinerary in details
Is there along the itinerary nice bays to anchor and swim ?
Any other importent tips ?

With thanks

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16 May 2001
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without a doubt - the algarve. my most memorable sail in years was from cape st vincent to lagos, warm offshore wind with a scent of pines, flat water and blue skies, lots of harbours & anchorages.

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16 May 2001
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I spent a very memorable day in Lagos on ccscott's Englander /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

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Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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I agree that the Algarve is where you want to be, especially if you only have one week. Lagos is very nice, with the town close by.

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New member
22 Nov 2001
on board or in Austria
As everybody already said, the Algarve is the best place for what you are looking for. From Cabo Sao Vicente to the Spanish border at Rio Guardiana, and further into Spain there are many nice places. Three major marinas Lagos, Portimao and Vilamoura and a smaller one at Vila Real. Some all weather anchorages like behind the Portimao breakwater, the rivers at Alvor, Guardiana or Tavira, or the great lagoon around Faro/Olhao. In settled weather many others, like just around the corner from Sao Vicente or off the beautiful coast south of Lagos. In the summer the Portugese West coast is dominated by a strong northerly that disappers as you round the corner and the whole weater pattern changes into a quite benign one, with a sea breeze during the day and a mild land wind at night. In such settled conditions you can anchor about anywhere, but it may be a bit rolly. The whole area may get boring after a month or two, but for a week it is simply great.

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6 Mar 2002
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Where do you want to end up? If you're prepared to go East of Lagos/Vilamora/Portimao (Lagos ludicrously expensive):

- OK, not East, but a new marina has opened in Albufeira - not tried it.

- The channel into Faro is exciting, but has less depth than charted. Forget the pool off Faro itself, it has a *very* shallow sandbar before it - Reed's is wrong here.

- Villa Real's great, but the marina's tiny and has vicious currents running through it. I had to wind ship to get out. Lovely town, though - highly recommended, despite the challenges, but stay well nestled up to the port breakwater on entry/exit.

- Forget Chipiona. The marina's unfriendly and half a mile out of town. NB less than the charted depth: at LWS you'll be lucky to see 1.8m as you round the breakwater.

- Highly recommend Sancti Petri, but the entrance is a nightmare. It has sandbars on either side that shift around: the channel now does a jink to stbd just inside the markers. Suggest you follow a local fishing boat in as I did.

NB The whole of the Algarve/Bay of Cadiz is rife with pot markers & tuna nets - you'll need to keep a close eye out the whole time, particularly around the firing ranges just South of Cadiz.

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6 Oct 2002
South of France
I've spent about 6 weeks in all on a range of trips sailing in Portugal. HaraldS and others right that the Algarve is the place to go. Also recommend Tarifa - it's a little way out of townand the bar can offer you some interesting moments but it's very sweet and friendly. Lagoon at Faro/Olhao is fun; if you anchor off Olhao, do not go swimming, but it's lovely off Isla Calatra and the other sandbanks. However the fish market in Olhao (and the water poodles) are well worth conning the channel for. Olhao is sweet little place. You cannot get a yacht right into Faro and it's a horrid channel (I have done it as far as you can get a 38' Rival).

Alvor is also good pilotage practice - not bouyed and it's all transits - but a lovely anchorage. Cant' speak for the town but the bay is sweet (we never bothered to get off the boat). If you do go to Villa Real then consider going up the river to Alcotim, which is really lovely and I've found v friendly (on two seperate visits). And from Chipiona you can visit Seville - which is a nightmare lock and 60 miles upriver but truly stunning when you get there.

Enjoy it anyway - dead straightforward sailing except for a few bars, mostly reliable winds (if you're going in season, and largely even out of it_, friendly and good food.

<hr width=100% size=1>Sarah&Pip


16 May 2001
New Zealand
Don't agree about Chipiona. I've found the Marina very friendly, with a few UK and other European liveaboards. Restaurants (good) and chandlery (average) at marina. Groceries 300-400m. It is a holiday town for the Spaniards though. Sanlucar 6m away is more traditionally Spanish, but no useful marine facilities.

Water is OK. I draw 2.74m, and I did touch on entry 2 hrs after HW springs just off breakwater. Keep to port side of channel. I'm there for the winter.

Each to his own.

DAR - if you're on your way down I think that Cascais is worth a visit (but expensive), I also liked Sines. Agree with Montezuma about costs in Lagos (I was there high season).

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