Moored outside St Kats yesterday for 2 hours waitin to get in. During the 2 hr period I saw many large passenger boats come and go from St Katherines Pier perfectly safely.
Unfortunately, the same could not be said of the Thames Clipper launches. On at least 3 occassions they passed within a few (2-3) feet of my boat, causing considerable concern to myself and passengers. Initially I asked them nicely to keep clear as they were passsing. The Captain simply ignored me whilst his mate stood by him, smiling and laughing at our worried faces. The next time, I told them in no uncertain terms to to stay away, this had no effect as they repeated the manouver some time later. This time, I contacted a River Police boat on VHF Channel 14 that happened to be standing by in the area. The police boat informed me that he would "have a word with the Captain later". This brought an angry response from the skipper. He claimed that my boat, a 40ft Sportscruiser, was too large to be moored in this position and that I should have more common sense. At this point I declined to take part in a public slanging match on the VHF and decided to take this matter up when safely ashore. Since then I have considered dropping the matter. However, having thought about this incident I have decided to complain. I just want to make sure of my facts first so here goes...
1) I am unaware of any limits to size on these moorings.
2) If I had ventured into the middle of the field of bouys my manouverability was reduced and I could have risked hitting other smaller boats that were moored up there.
In any case simply ignoring the fact my boat was there and continuing to make his normal approach was not the conduct of a professional seaman. Any views?
Moored outside St Kats yesterday for 2 hours waitin to get in. During the 2 hr period I saw many large passenger boats come and go from St Katherines Pier perfectly safely.
Unfortunately, the same could not be said of the Thames Clipper launches. On at least 3 occassions they passed within a few (2-3) feet of my boat, causing considerable concern to myself and passengers. Initially I asked them nicely to keep clear as they were passsing. The Captain simply ignored me whilst his mate stood by him, smiling and laughing at our worried faces. The next time, I told them in no uncertain terms to to stay away, this had no effect as they repeated the manouver some time later. This time, I contacted a River Police boat on VHF Channel 14 that happened to be standing by in the area. The police boat informed me that he would "have a word with the Captain later". This brought an angry response from the skipper. He claimed that my boat, a 40ft Sportscruiser, was too large to be moored in this position and that I should have more common sense. At this point I declined to take part in a public slanging match on the VHF and decided to take this matter up when safely ashore. Since then I have considered dropping the matter. However, having thought about this incident I have decided to complain. I just want to make sure of my facts first so here goes...
1) I am unaware of any limits to size on these moorings.
2) If I had ventured into the middle of the field of bouys my manouverability was reduced and I could have risked hitting other smaller boats that were moored up there.
In any case simply ignoring the fact my boat was there and continuing to make his normal approach was not the conduct of a professional seaman. Any views?