I saw your reference to the Shiant Isles - can you tell me anything about the anchorage and its suitability for an overnight stop? The pilot is not very encouraging.
Firstly Jurmo (the northerly one in the Aaland Islands) its such a beautiful place - a small island covered in a sort of wild garden, seen on a beautiful and very hot day. It seems a long way from nowhere but has at least two ferry services and a shop.
Secondly the next day motoring in a flat calm and bright sun through a very complex passage between more little rocky islands with pine trees, all beautifully marked with beacons and buoys. For two hours at least we the only sigh of life was a commercial fishing boat tied up in a natural harbour with a shed. Eventually we got out to more open water closer to Kumlinge, the motor boats started moving and peace was lost - but it was a gergeous trip. I didnt raise sail all day but it was still magic.
I'm afraid the pilot is right - you can only anchor overnight in settled weather. The wind got up to maybe 10 - 12 knots while we were there and when we swung you could hear and feel the anchor chain rumbling over the rocks on the bottom. If it had got up to 15 knots plus I think we would have cleared out. (It was a moonlit night, so not too difficult . . .)
Basically you will be lying to the weight of the anchor and chain, so put out everything you have got. You can anchor either side of the col between the two main islands depending on which way the wind blows, and if you get blown offshore you will soon be in deep water - so a depth alarm if you have one is probably the best idea.
Worth it though if you get the opportunity - a wonderful place.
It could be the lovely peaceful anchorage off the south side of Guernsey or the time we spent sailing in company with our Dutch friends, but surfing at 10.5knts again and again and again coming back from Cherbourg Sept 2005 must be the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
middle of the bay of biscay.... goose wing rig in the lightest of winds.... alone at the helm on an almost glassy sea.... a million stars and two playful dolphins at the bow
bucklers hard... on a very english summers day
hitting 16.5 kts at the wheel of a lyons 49 in this years china coast race from hong kong to hainan
Thanks Nick,
I now have the crew and boat chartered ready for an attempt to visit in June. Thanks for your comments - we'll try to arrive early, keep anchor watch and have a 'run away' plan.
You don't happen to know if Loch Seaforth is a suitable launch pad/retreat - it looks good on the map: nearby and sheltered - whats the anchoring like?