vhf part 2


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21 Jan 2003
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thanks for all replies sorry to revisit this but i was in a hurry this morning and also wished to ask can you actually FIT the radio in the absence of a valid licence, as i read some where that it was illegal to fit a radio without one ???

<hr width=100% size=1>what!! more petrol??


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3 May 2002
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i think it is illegal to have a radio on board without a licence and there must also be an operator who holds a valid certification.

the former they enforce
the latter they do seem to give more leeway on. mainly cos you can charter a boat with a radio and license on it but without a licensed operator on board.

best thing to do is check with the <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.radio.gov.uk/>Radicommunications agency</A> and go to the maritme section

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=red>I can't walk on water, but I do run on Guinness</font color=red>
Hi again Julian,

Just to highlight what I covered in the original of this thread.

If you have the radio available for use without a licence you would be breaking both UK law and the Radio Regs as they both require it to be licensed by you with your Administration. Installation obviously means making it "available for use" therefore the clear answer is that you need a licence

The Operator certificate requirement is also part of the licence terms but it applies to "actual", non DISTRESS use of the radio. This is why it is possible to licence a vessel without holding an Operators Certificate, i.e. the licensee (owner) of the boat may never operate the radio and the fact that the previously mentioned part of the Regs regarding Distress calling wouldn't mean a lot if you couldn't licence it without the qualification.


<hr width=100% size=1>Manager,
Aeronautical & Maritime Services Section,
Radiocommunications Agency


New member
8 Apr 2003
Solent Base
It is theoreticaly illegal to fit a VHF to a vessel without a licence.
This is an area often ignored though, thankfully, by the bulk of the manufacturers, as deliverys of new unsold vessels offshore would be very un-pleasant without them!

<hr width=100% size=1>Work? You call this Work?


New member
7 Mar 2003
Too far from the sea....
licence 20 quid and you are covered as soon as the form and cheque are in the post (keep photo copy of both for cover) operators licence via your local RYA training centre. On the topic of operators licence i would not argue about the 80 pounds, but it is a total waste of a full day, the course could be completed in max 2 hours

<hr width=100% size=1>

Sorry to be pedantic but the manufacturer of the boat doesn't need to licence it they have a thing called a Maritime Radio Suppliers Licence, it covers their use of vessel equipment as they are not the owner and shouldn't appear on thge MARS database.

The Del. Skipper usually has a Ship Portable Licence to cover his grab bag kit and of course in DISTRESS he can use any fitted kit.


<hr width=100% size=1>Manager,
Aeronautical & Maritime Services Section,
Radiocommunications Agency

Unfortunately, in the world of "Government business" it's not enough. As my Chief Executive and Minister end up seeing every tiny grumble about the system (around 5-6 a year) and rarely any positive feedback.

Ever heard of anyone writing to their MP to say how cheap and efficient the service is? No, nor have I.

But I'm not bitter, I know that my team, contractors and I play an important role in the use of Maritime Radio AND provide the best VFM around.

Mike :)

<hr width=100% size=1>Manager,
Aeronautical & Maritime Services Section,
Radiocommunications Agency


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Get 'em to join MoBoChat then they can see both sides and have a laugh as well.....Well now, just imagine...a Government Minister on the forum.....the longer they spend here the less time they will have for inventing new rules and procedures !/forums/images/icons/smile.gif
You never know...they might even catch our 'leave well alone' attitude to things that aint broke........

5 or 6 a year........blimey, didnt realise that many people voted.....
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