UK Epoxy Resins


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18 Jul 2011
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Haven't you (like thousands of others) caught on yet ?

West 'Systems' (LOL) is a brand-name marketing exercise.

From a builder's point-of-view the stuff is expensive rubbish - a crazy mix ratio (which then means you have to buy special pumps ... from West), and the stuff is too damned viscous to soak into plywood - so you then have to dilute it, which leaves the epoxy semi-permeable, defeating the object of using it in the first place.

Using West becomes like a religion - a blindness to 'what else is out there'. My advice would be: try as many brands as you can (including West) and choose the one you're happiest with.

The fact that you're questioning 'cheaper' brands, exposes a belief that West is some kind of 'standard'. Why not reverse the thought, and question why West is so much more expensive than other brands ? I've even seen 'West' woven glass fibre tape at +50% the price of 'ordinary' woven glass fibre tape !

As other have said, there are only a handful of epoxy manufacturers in the whole world: major multi-national corporations of the size of ICI or Union Carbide - small outfits like West simply add a couple of ingredients, and then claim to be manufacturers ...

Very good point try and see!
West is sub standard in my book!! very toxic and they dont seem to have up dated there epoxy formual in donkeys years!! not to mention there lack of range!!

My recomendation would be Sicomin products not the cheapest but they have a great and LARGE range of products and the bristish suppliers are a gd bunch of guys with alot of knowledge!

But again just try a few and see what you are comfortable with