Twitchers at it again!


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9 Apr 2002
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Today sees the launch of a new multi-agency initiative aimed at reducing human disturbance to wintering waterfowl in the Upper Thurne, in the northern Broads.

The project has established a number of refuge areas for wildlife and produced an advisory leaflet, poster and signs. Formal letters will also be sent out to inform people about the risk of heavy fines for disturbing wildfowl on Horsey Mere.

Are we to be licenced and driven off the bits of silted up puddles by something that should be hanging from a butchers shop Oh sorry EU don't allow that.
Whats wrong, with these idiots.

<hr width=100% size=1>I greet you all R Well


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21 Jan 2003
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The RSPB are one of the most powerful and succesful lobbyist's in the U.K,take them on at your own Peril!! However we could do well poaching some of their top peeps to see if they can save our red diesel!!

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30 Apr 2004
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Quote:Today sees the launch of a new multi-agency initiative aimed at reducing human disturbance to wintering waterfowl in the Upper Thurne, in the northern Broads.Endquote:

Firstly, I haven't looked at the subject matter at all, but mindfull of my recent topic about EA wanting to Rule The World (where I got flamed to some extent), I am wondering if this might not be a storm in a teacup; that is, will it really affect many (any) boaters since most boating folk hibernate in the winter? The hardy Broads Boater (if any) is possibly flexible enough elsewhere??

Secondly, On the Other Hand, it seems to me that it is symptomatic of this Nation's current approach - Sod the other bloke, I'll do my own Thing...

What made the British, Great, used to be an ability to compromise, and to see other peeps point of view and possibly accommodate them. It make Us stand out from the rest. (NB) I ascribe our success in Iraq and recent posting of the Black Watch to sort out the Yanks, to this spirit of compromise and practicality, whereas the afore-mentioned US colleagues seem bent on Kicking Arse regardless. Here at home the reverse seems to be true. (With a dose of IMHO..)

An example: A while ago a band of dedicated peeps slogged long and hard through appalling conditions and against multiple odds to restore a very muddy ditch called The Basingstoke Canal. Against all odds they completed the task. Now the "tree huggers" have ruled that the waterway cannot be (much) used 'cos they want to protect some bladderwort (which was only there as a result of waterway traffic), again, nobody can go to the upper end because of some bats who live in a tunnel (created for the canal in the first place). The tree huggers won;
Result: the canal is now a stinking ditch and nobody goes there...

This is a serious post, so I expect either to be flamed, or more likely, ignored.

C'est la vie.

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Stop what you're doing and wait my signal


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9 Apr 2002
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Looks like we should have the right to bear arms against all do gooders VIVA BUSH.! Bomb them.

<hr width=100% size=1>I greet you all R Well