Today is our anniversary . Words to the undecided amongst you .


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31 Jul 2011
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As per the title of the post, today marks one year, or 366 days ( leap year ) since we dropped our lines, left our east coast marina and wandered off into the blue.

So as we sit here in the Caribbean and reflect on a year living aboard and a year sailing, we both can honestly say it's been the best bloody year of our lives. Awesome in every way. We have a lifetime of memories already stored up, hundreds of new friends and various new and developing skill sets we didn't know we had.

We deliberated long and hard as to whether to keep on working, save more, put more into the pension, or cut and run and go now. I believe 100% we made the right decision .

So to all those on here who are contemplating it. Please try it, at least for a year and see where it takes you. It really is the best decision we ever made. We have met so many retirees in their late 50s to late 60s who lament that they didn't do this 20 years earlier when opportunity presented itself. Obviously not everyone gets the chance, and we consider ourselves really fortunate to have had the opportunity. But if you get the opportunity. Go.

There is an article on our website, which I believe is mentioned below of our highs and lows.
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1 Mar 2005
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Congrats! And yes health can run you up agin those railroad buffers! Glad I quit the main job early.Keep on boatin'


19 Nov 2006
Darnac, France
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain

"Just do it"



Well-known member
24 Jan 2010
St Albans
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Congratulations and looks like you made the right decision to escape the rat race early.

We are one year (not exactly) behind you and hope to enjoy the experience as much as you guys do. We will be turning left into the Med though.

Currently we are in Brest awaiting engine servicing followed by a pleasant weather window.

Your thought of 'don't rush' is in my mind as I try to press the service guys for an early booking, and look at the weather everyday, as if we have to be back for work next week. It's clearly going to take me a while to adopt the 'don't rush' mantra.

Anyway, enjoy your anniversary!



New member
31 Jul 2011
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Congratulations and looks like you made the right decision to escape the rat race early.

We are one year (not exactly) behind you and hope to enjoy the experience as much as you guys do. We will be turning left into the Med though.

Currently we are in Brest awaiting engine servicing followed by a pleasant weather window.

Your thought of 'don't rush' is in my mind as I try to press the service guys for an early booking, and look at the weather everyday, as if we have to be back for work next week. It's clearly going to take me a while to adopt the 'don't rush' mantra.

Anyway, enjoy your anniversary!

It took us about 9 months to finally start slowing down. We have met many cruisers who are new to this life that still hare around, despite having an open ended sailing life.
It's difficult to change attitudes, especially, if like us your sailing was limited to a few weeks here and there every year.
Slowing down was one of the best things we did. It has transformed our sailing because of the people you get to meet and how you actually start to feel like part of the culture you are visiting.


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17 Oct 2001
Getting drunk with your daughter
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So as we sit here in the Caribbean and reflect on a year living aboard and a year sailing, we both can honestly say it's been the best bloody year of our lives. Awesome in every way. We have a lifetime of memories already stored up, hundreds of new friends and various new and developing skill sets we didn't know we had.
Hmm, suggestion: Delete your post immediately. You really don't want to be encouraging the riff raff or telling them how good this cruising life is. Do you realise how crowded the anchorage will become? As for places like Roger's Beach Bar - there'll be standing room only.

No, potential cruisers. Don't listen to Oscarpop, they are telling porkies about how good it is. We need you to stay at home so that there is someone there to keep the jobsworths occupied with mindless new regulations.


Well-known member
15 May 2005
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Really enjoyed that, thank you OscarPop.
We dream of following your footsteps, although yesterday we were aboard the boat in glorious sunshine (Skye was the hottest place in Scotland at about 30C) and wondering how on earth we are going to cope with proper tropical heat.