Titchmarsh Harbour Lights


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5 Sep 2018
Walton On The Naze
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Think it cost us £7 each way last time were were in Titchmarsh (few weeks ago). Unless they are virtually giving food away in Walton, i can't see a saving.
We are lucky that our boat is moored at Titchmarsh and we are local. So visits to the boat mean we have the car with us if we want to take a trip into town . As previously mentioned above, most of the take away establishments will deliver to the Marina gate though.
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5 Sep 2018
Walton On The Naze
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We are lucky that our boat is moored at Titchmarsh and we are local. So visits to the boat mean we have the car with us if we want to take a trip into town . As previously mentioned above, most of the take away establishments will deliver to the Marina gate though.


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2 Jun 2015
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Had an email yesterday from Titchmarsh advertising the opening. Must be tough launching any new business these days.

Will certainly try and support them . Hopefully the product will be both tasty and of good value.

Perhaps a big name who gets plenty of media coverage could give them a good kick start. It's in the Clacton constituency so I would be offering Nigel Farage a few dinners. :):)
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27 May 2016
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I know that cheap does not always mean good value but there are eateries around Walton that one can get very good quality meals at prices that are lower than those being charged at Harbour Lights. I would like to spend my hard earned cash wisely and If we are visiting then perhaps we may treat ourselves on the odd occasion but when they are charging £19.95 for fish and chips, £29.95 for a 10 oz sirloin steak and £12.95 for a BLT baguette, IN WALTON, then the food certainly needs to be both tasty and good for value at those prices.


Well-known member
14 Feb 2007
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I know that cheap does not always mean good value but there are eateries around Walton that one can get very good quality meals at prices that are lower than those being charged at Harbour Lights. I would like to spend my hard earned cash wisely and If we are visiting then perhaps we may treat ourselves on the odd occasion but when they are charging £19.95 for fish and chips, £29.95 for a 10 oz sirloin steak and £12.95 for a BLT baguette, IN WALTON, then the food certainly needs to be both tasty and good for value at those prices.
They are high prices, but I wouldn't see this as an attempt at a rip-off because it is not as if they have a captive or guaranteed clientele. My hope is that it will be really good and that it is part of an honest attempt to get us to appreciate quality. I hope to give them a try some time and am keeping an open mind.


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4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
They are high prices, but I wouldn't see this as an attempt at a rip-off because it is not as if they have a captive or guaranteed clientele. My hope is that it will be really good and that it is part of an honest attempt to get us to appreciate quality. I hope to give them a try some time and am keeping an open mind.
I think restaurants face a dilemma. They have to satisfy customers on three things: quality, quantity and price.

Quality is satisfied by having good chefs and good ingredients. Of course, good chefs will do their own marketing. But that means paying a good salary not only for the chef but for the rest of the kitchen team.

Quantity is tricky, as some customers want to see a full plate; others prefer a smaller portion. I'd prefer a smaller portion of good quality, but others want a large portion! Restaurants can't win on this one.

Price is always hard - it's like the old engineering maxim of good, cheap and fast - you can only have two of the three! If you want good food your staff costs will be high; if you want cheap food, the quality will suffer - or be uneven so you get a good meal one day and an indifferent one another.


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27 May 2016
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They are high prices, but I wouldn't see this as an attempt at a rip-off because it is not as if they have a captive or guaranteed clientele. My hope is that it will be really good and that it is part of an honest attempt to get us to appreciate quality. I hope to give them a try some time and am keeping an open mind.
I didn't say that this was an attempt at a rip off. I was just making an observation about the higher than usual prices compared to other eateries around the area. When one is charging £12.95 for a baguette then that needs to be one heck of a good quality tasting baguette. Eventually it is the customer that will vote either to return or not.


Well-known member
14 Feb 2007
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I didn't say that this was an attempt at a rip off. I was just making an observation about the higher than usual prices compared to other eateries around the area. When one is charging £12.95 for a baguette then that needs to be one heck of a good quality tasting baguette. Eventually it is the customer that will vote either to return or not.
I hope I wasn't misquoting you, but I was really just picking up on your, no doubt true, comment that good quality meals are available in the area at lower prices. Seafood does seem to be inherently expensive and I think that we British have not always been prepared to pay the premium for good fish. On German menus for example, when we were calling in there regularly by boat, a meat dish would be typically around 12-14 euros while fish would be 14-17 in the sort of places we ate at.


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6 Dec 2005
Frinton on Sea
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Wife went yesterday lunchtime with a group of friends. In her words, the service was diabolical. Place was heaving, and the youngsters serving were overwhelmed. Chips cold, wrong food delivered, long wait to get food/drinks. Food arrived for six of them, but long wait for the other member of the group. Several other tables having problems and complaining. Perhaps just one bad day, everybody else I've heard from very impressed.


Well-known member
4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
Wife went yesterday lunchtime with a group of friends. In her words, the service was diabolical. Place was heaving, and the youngsters serving were overwhelmed. Chips cold, wrong food delivered, long wait to get food/drinks. Food arrived for six of them, but long wait for the other member of the group. Several other tables having problems and complaining. Perhaps just one bad day, everybody else I've heard from very impressed.
I've encountered that problem with a newly opened restaurant elsewhere. Waiting staff need training, and it's often on the job! And they aren't well paid.