Time to start planning


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10 Sep 2002
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Hope the new boat arrives on time and lives up to your expectations. I got my new boat in early December and due to a small problem, which has been repaired under warranty, the only cruising I have done is to berth it! (In a cross wind and made a complete mess of it). So like you I am chomping at the bit to start using it.

The dream is the Med, but practicalities may dictate otherwise - I want to be able to get plenty of time on the boat.

Loch Lomond, and the west coat of Scotland are definitely in my thoughts. Stunning scenery and great people. Also considering North Wales.

Can you tell me a bit more about Lomond. Whats around the Loch, where are the marinas (how much for a 30' mooring) and what are services like - repair shops, petrol availability etc. What is speed limit situation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

<hr width=100% size=1>Martyn


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14 Feb 2002
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I can heartily recommend the west coast of Scotland its a fantastic area and although the waether can be a bit variable there are always plenty of sheltered spots to sit it out.

then there are the lochs to cruise, Etive being one of my favourites but I'm not sure how you would get anything larger than a 17ft sea kayak onto it, 'tho I did see a few small fishing boats on it.

The Islands are great I especially like the area around Oban which is relatively easy to get to and has lots of lovely offshore Islands to Visit.

Also you could put in around Glasgow and cruise up through the canal (Crinan?) or for the more adventurous the Gulf of Correvrekin.


Steve D

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