Tide calculation?


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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The Admiralty tide stream atlases are inexpensive and hard to beat.
I do like them but the information is identical to that in an almanac and the admiralty ones take up a fair bit of space if you collect a few so I now only use one for bigger trips or where tides are complex.


Well-known member
7 Apr 2011
Somerset / Dorset border
. I was wondering what apps you use to plan a daily trip
Tide tables are the starting point, but the tide stream charts are the goto place to see when the tide turns in your favour to make your passage. (See my link above).
There is a Marine principle called 'proving a port' which relates to knowing when the tide turns wrt New and Full moon and a related tide table.
You suggest the Solent, but that area is within the 'mid channel' area. In that area of water the tide happens to turn with High and Low Water Dover, from HWD to LWD the current flows from E to W along the English Channel, from LWD to HWD the current flows W to E. It also happens that HWD occurs at midday and midnight on Full and New moon (Springs), and LWD occurs at midday and midnight on the half / three-quarters moon (Neeps).
Knowing the above, a glance at the moon will tell you approximately whe the tide will be in your favour when planning a passage.


Well-known member
28 Jul 2012
immaculateyachts on Instagram
Not the Solent, but where we sail on the UK East coast, choosing a route to cross the Thames Estuary with best tide / fastest passage time can be a complex affair. There’s also sometimes the consideration of having enough water either during the passage or upon arrival. Luckily, a very helpful member of this forum, @tillergirl maintains a book of tables with options of how to cross and when for all major departure and arrival points. :)