Thrown out of Ibiza


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15 Mar 2007
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Intelligent people deal with the unknown intelligently.

Imbeciles deal with the unknown imbecilically. :rolleyes:

For Christ's sake, grow a backbone and call out imbecility. (y)

OK. Anyone who only reads one side of a story and takes it at face value is an imbecile.


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15 Mar 2007
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Are you on some kind of retainer from the Spanish Government? Your attitude towards fellow sailors who have been treated abominably is embarrassing. :(


Of course Im not. Duh. Cmon Richard we know you are attempting to deflect away from your post about your ancient view of Spanish rules. Its nothing like as bad now as you tried to make out. Ive plenty of personal experience of this, which I dont think you have. Or mebbe you do?

However feel free to continue being embarassed, secure in the knowledge you got no idea whatsoever what I think about, well, anything really. Stay safe.


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26 Jan 2004
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Guy if can put my two penny's worth in .
Take in consideration that this cruisers was safely anchored in one spot with the knowledge of a local police, CG what ever then start moving around for what even reason he want to post, when it clear people are to stay put which ends up with the situation he found himself in , one have to ask did he bring it on him self.
There been quite a few cases like this now , cruisers at anchor because they happen to be left alone at that spot , think they can move around and still be left alone.
Well it's clear that's not the case .


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15 Jun 2004
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Agree Vic, it looks like they could have stayed where they were and kept their heads down and all may have been ok.
They chose to move and that kicked off the problems for them.
It still doesn't explain or excuse the extransigent behaviour and decision making by the authorities with regard to this situation. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the sensible approach to the situation but the authorities chose not to take that route for some reason.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Guy if can put my two penny's worth in .
Take in consideration that this cruisers was safely anchored in one spot with the knowledge of a local police, CG what ever then start moving around for what even reason he want to post, when it clear people are to stay put which ends up with the situation he found himself in , one have to ask did he bring it on him self.
There been quite a few cases like this now , cruisers at anchor because they happen to be left alone at that spot , think they can move around and still be left alone.
Well it's clear that's not the case .
But he was not safely anchored. It was open to the north and getting too rough once the wind changed so they decided to move. I'm sure that we've all done that and, frankly, I can't see any alternative other than hope that the boat does not end up on the beach.

They were given permission to move to a more sheltered anchorage further south by one set of officialdom but that permission was not recognised by another set of officialdom. Their options were clearly limited by the ghost of Franco. ;)



Well-known member
24 Jun 2007
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Guy if can put my two penny's worth in .
Take in consideration that this cruisers was safely anchored in one spot with the knowledge of a local police, CG what ever then start moving around for what even reason he want to post, when it clear people are to stay put which ends up with the situation he found himself in , one have to ask did he bring it on him self.
There been quite a few cases like this now , cruisers at anchor because they happen to be left alone at that spot , think they can move around and still be left alone.
Well it's clear that's not the case .
But he was not safely anchored. It was open to the north and getting too rough once the wind changed so they decided to move. I'm sure that we've all done that and, frankly, I can't see any alternative other than hope that the boat does not end up on the beach.

They were given permission to move to a more sheltered anchorage further south by one set of officialdom but that permission was not recognised by another set of officialdom. Their options were clearly limited by the ghost of Franco. ;)

I think theres a bit of both going on. Initially anchored in Portinax, then moved to San Antonio, then on to somewhere else unnamed but probably close to the 'Bali Hai' island. Moved from Portinax because its exposed to the N, it is especially with a forecast mistral; moved from San Antonio because the water didnt suit his water maker; where he ended up was very exposed from S thru W. With hindsight he'd probably have been better off staying in San Antonio, there seemed to have been other cruisers there, rather than being in an isolated anchorage and the object of attention.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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For tho of us who cruising different country it stands to reason that what one official say can be very different to the next one we meet , so if as in this case the skipper decided to sit out the lock down at anchor and happen to have the consent of the local CG , it best not to move around ,
Richard remember everyone had warning and enough time to get to some where safe anchorage or marina ,
some have decided that wasn't good enough for them and they was going to carry on has they please ,
they can't now start complaining when they told other wise.
This isn't the first case , there's been two in Portugal and another three in Spain plus one in Italy they I know off .
This family where lucky there arrived in Sardinia and the local CG let them stay , it could had been another Italian port different CG and been made to move on .

If you not able to move anchorages especially this time of year in the Med isn't a good options I can't think of many 100% all round safe anchorages .


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19 Dec 2016
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For tho of us who cruising different country it stands to reason that what one official say can be very different to the next one we meet , so if as in this case the skipper decided to sit out the lock down at anchor and happen to have the consent of the local CG , it best not to move around ,
Richard remember everyone had warning and enough time to get to some where safe anchorage or marina ,
some have decided that wasn't good enough for them and they was going to carry on has they please ,
they can't now start complaining when they told other wise.
This isn't the first case , there's been two in Portugal and another three in Spain plus one in Italy they I know off .
This family where lucky there arrived in Sardinia and the local CG let them stay , it could had been another Italian port different CG and been made to move on .

If you not able to move anchorages especially this time of year in the Med isn't a good options I can't think of many 100% all round safe anchorages .

Exactly, he obviously should have done the responsible thing and taken a long-term berth in some posh marina, then he could have comfortably passed the lock-down on forums such as this berating idiots who have the audacity to ask questions about moving, and generally having a brilliant time telling people to get off of his lawn......


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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If you not able to move anchorages especially this time of year in the Med isn't a good options I can't think of many 100% all round safe anchorages .

I agree totally. If you are at anchor when lock-down starts, that anchorage may well become unsafe when a new weather system comes through. You either have to take the gamble with the children on-board and stay put or you have to move. I agree that a marina is the best bet if they accept you but in Croatia at £100 a night, I would be destitute before too long. :cry:



Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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I agree totally. If you are at anchor when lock-down starts, that anchorage may well become unsafe when a new weather system comes through. You either have to take the gamble with the children on-board and stay put or you have to move. I agree that a marina is the best bet if they accept you but in Croatia at £100 a night, I would be destitute before too long. :cry:

Hi Richard .
Yep that the painful side to all this , we had so far paid two months marina fees and a real possibility a third to come .
But it's that's or do as others have done and risk a very good chance of getting caught , which we not prepared to do.

We did consider if it goes on much longer to stack theboat up with food and fuel and do a non stop sail back,
but weight everything up we be no better off or even worst off if the UK don't come out of it for many months .
We hoping if things continue to get better we may be allowed out to sail within Italy , but I have to say since the new rules on the 4th May given people a bit more freedom isn't working , the town is packed soiled , traffic hardly moving and the marina is over flowing with locals walking around , we hoping they not opened the floodgates and things going to get back to what they where some weeks back .