Thrown out of Ibiza


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26 Jan 2004
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I'm not disputing what 25931 wrote just like to read why they been moved on .
I am sure if it's some thing your interesting in you .
His reply to me was ( you can read what I read ) so that's why I am asking him for a link .
Is that a problem ?


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26 Jan 2004
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Ok if I remember rightly some years back all the buoys that where laid by yachtie some in a dangerous way where removed and some kind of byelaw was brought out to stop people anchoring and use the official buoys .
Even so it's a bit odd really over the top to kick people out at this moment .
But then you don't know if people are still arriving from other countries and they can't keep control wh is who .


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21 Sep 2012
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Every year boats at anchor get told to leave San An in Ibiza because on May 1st the buoys go out - since 2015 the anchorage is leased to the marina for the summer to charge for buoys - lots of backhanders and local officials got a good cut as I understand

I suspect that the anecdotal story in the facebook group that started with being told to move out of San An may have got exaggerated in the telling but I can find no corroboration for EU or any other flagged boats being told to


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Every year boats at anchor get told to leave San An in Ibiza because on May 1st the buoys go out - since 2015 the anchorage is leased to the marina for the summer to charge for buoys - lots of backhanders and local officials got a good cut as I understand

I suspect that the anecdotal story in the facebook group that started with being told to move out of San An may have got exaggerated in the telling but I can find no corroboration for EU or any other flagged boats being told to
You could had hit the Nail on the head .


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20 Mar 2002
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Good info, understood to OP. Sympathies re avalanche of repeat/translate/clarify/confirm/prove responses. Jeez! I wonderwhat reponse to 4 minute warning would be? What time is it now? Says who? Please post from FB. What's a four minute warning? who are you to give 4 minute warnings? BOOM haha
Basically the OP is passing on a silly rumour he has either made up or not verified and certainly hasn’t articulated clearly.

So people rightly want a little more info.


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17 Mar 2006
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As I've posted previously there is a page Trapped@Sea - a Covid 19 situation.

For those interested, where the link doesnt work, Stu Tate posted this:

"Hi Mates, hope your all dug in well.
Bad news I'm afraid. Very disturbing news.
We are in Ibiza. Sant Antoni de Portmanny to be correct.
Please check your sea charts and comment what you see at these co-ordinates 38°58`36" 1°18'18'4.
Yesterday we were all approached by the Port Authorities (POIB) and the Guardia Civil and told to move. We are under a British flag and were told that the bay is at private Anchorage. Yet no charts of mine, or other captains' charts show this.
It gets worse. A number of yachts have found themselves here, as is usual for this time of year.
These authoritarian persons mentioned above have given orders to all foreign vessels, whose crew are not Spanish or residents here to leave the bay instantly. They are to leave Spanish waters immediately and return to their home port. Last week it was a family of 4 from Australia. Medical specialists, early retirement, sailing the world in their catamaran with their children. They spent their time offering their services to the hospitals here. They were in the port of Ibiza after being hassled out of San Antoni. The hospitals declined. But then came the Guardia Civil. They were escorted out of the Harbour and forced to anchor at sea, with little protection. Then given orders to leave Spanish waters. Father, Mother and two younger teens! Whilst the Mediterranean was experiencing bad weather, and most Spanish ports are closed.
Please check your sea charts. We are trying to gather as much info as possible. Either the charts are wrong, or the corruption here has reached new heights.
The yachts here are all European!
May your bums and feet stay dry and the bar flowing steadily mates!"

Not close to being similar, but we were asked to leave the anchorage inside the breakwater at Pto. Andraitx by the Guardia in 2007. They deemed us to be in the channel, even though we werent, (close, but not in it). We were left in no uncertain terms that we ought to obey, so we did.


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26 Jan 2004
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Problem is we never hear the full and truthful fact only what people want us to read.
I had a email from a fellow criuiser the other day , basically saying he don't give a F what other countries port officials say he going off sailing and no one can stop him has he got Internationaal laws on his side,
I couldn't resist but to tell him what a wanker he was thinking he could over ride what other country rules was and do as he please .
Watch this space ..... let see how long it be before he posting on sailing forum how he being kicked out of some where .

I do feel sorry for them who have been on anchor from the start and just stay put and now there being told they have to leave . But there a bunch of sailors out there that was safely tucked away and decided to stuck two fingers to everyone and move around has if these are normally times .


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15 Mar 2007
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Regarding restrictions in many countries, doombug or not. Seen lots of people over my years aboard taking yachts to lots of places that seem to think they are something special and can do what they like. Its a hard fall when they find out the worlds not like that. Expensive too.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Regarding restrictions in many countries, doombug or not. Seen lots of people over my years aboard taking yachts to lots of places that seem to think they are something special and can do what they like. Its a hard fall when they find out the worlds not like that. Expensive too.
I think it's all ages new comers to crusing are just as bad , I understand full in their frustration not being able to move , but it is what it is , we paying big bucks to be in a marina where we would normally had been on anchor for six week by now and there nothing stopping us from leaving but for what to play hinding seek with the official and maybe get fined in the mean time .
Little bits of light are started to show a thousand the end of the tunnel , just maybe with a little luck we may be out sailing mid June .


5 Nov 2009
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FYI Here's the version of events from the Canadin catamaran that got kicked out and ended up in Italy:

Covid-19 Field Report: Expelled from Spain | Noonsite
My Brother-in-Law lives in Spain for some reason that I cannot fathom as one thing about Spain is absolutely clear, when brains were being handed out by Our Lord, the officialdom in Spain were otherwise engaged. :(



Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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My Brother-in-Law lives in Spain for some reason that I cannot fathom as one thing about Spain is absolutely clear, when brains were being handed out by Our Lord, the officialdom in Spain were otherwise engaged. :(

Fortunately, Franco is dead now and times have moved on. :sneaky: