The stupidest thing I ever did.


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28 Nov 2002
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I rather foolishly alluded to the fact that I had perpetrated the most foolish act by anyone ever by quite along way yesterday in response to a post by Stamfordain, and subsequently I came under pressure to share it with the forum.

So here it is, its quite brief, and maybe not too well written as its kind of hard to explain why anyone would do something soooo fundamentally stupid, I still, about 18 years later, have absolutely no idea why I did it.

Before I go any further, I need you to picture the flame that comes out of a bunsen burner, you remember from chemistry at school, bunsen burner, two types of flame, sort of waving yellow flame, bit like a match but bigger? well, not that one, the other one, the fierce blue rocket blast cone shaped very hot affair, picture that, but about oh, about 4 feet high.

Clears throat.

Well, I estimate I was about 13 years old, my best mate then (and still) and I were, well I dont know what we were doing, but we were, mucking about, in my dads shed, I had a box of matches.

There was a half dismantled garden cultivator in there, sort single cylinder two stroke petrol driven thing. Well, its semi dismantled state included that the fuel tap on the bottom of the tank and the cap from the tank were removed, and probly had been for sometime, although that does not explain why, I choose to light a match and insert it into the tap hole in the tank whilst looking down the filler, remember that 4 foot flame I asked you to picture, well thats what shot out of the tank, only for a second or so, just long enough to burn off my eyelashes, eyebrows and fringe.

Er, thats it, cept my mate was larfing so much he was sick and that my mum went er, beserk.

See, it really was very foolish.



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Nice to see youv'e come out the closet. Did'nt hurt much now, did it./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
You have just reminded me....

As a kid, I used to play on a local rubbish tip (all sorts of goodies there!) and there were loads of empty paint thinners cans, not the plastic ones you get these days but the metal gallon ones.

Open lid, drop in lighted match and whoosh, out comes the blast of flame. Bit of a bugger if you happen to be looking over it at the time.

Anyway, that wasn't the stoopidest thing I ever did.........

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9 Jun 2002
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Kind of reminds me of wifes brother.
At about the age of 9 or 10, whilst they were living on a farm in Louisiana, he became intrigued by the rattle from a spray can of paint. When informed by an older brother that it was a ball bearing inside, little brother wanders off trying to think how he can get said ball bearing out of can.

About 10 mins later the family are surprised to find what they thought was a little black boy, appear in the kitchen.

It turns out, that whist in the workshop, lokking for a means of opening spray can, he spied an axe and laying the can on the bench took a swipe at what turned out to be a spray can full of automotive black gloss.

Apparently his mother was laughing so hard she was in tears for the best part of 3 hours, whilst trying to turn him back into her little white son.

According to the wife, his young life was just full of incidents like this./forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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15 Jan 2002
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
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As a young(er) person, I did not believe that Iodine could be as flammable as my parents told me it was…

Decided to test in the bathtub…pouring the content in whilst having shower running into the toilet nearby ( good safety precautions there I thought)…

Lit a match, threw it into the bathtub……, boy did it catch fire……… and trying to put the fire out with the shower was somewhat less than successful. Just imaging, young boy lying on the bathroom floor, bathtub alight, flames increasing with the water dispersing the fluid …. Needless to say that my parents were less than impressed and we did need to re-decorate the bathroom after my experiment….



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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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We used to mix up sodium chlorate & sugar. fill a length of tube with it, sprinkle some on the ground, place the tube in it, light the stuff on the ground and run like buggery ... blew up a garden shed like that ...


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31 Aug 2001
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Re: Pounce/Gotcha

Now in this highlty theraputic confessional area, do we read

<<Anyway, that wasn't the stoopidest thing I ever did.........>>

Oh yes we do,

we're waiting you just know you're going to feel better for getting it off your chest


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16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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Mr B invited a client to dinner at our house. Now I HATE cooking and I HATE this client. Anyway, one five course meal and copious amounts alcohol later, this horrible man fell asleep on my sofa - how rude!! So I gently removed his shoes and socks, painted his toe nails bright red and replaced his footwear.

He was still asleep an hour later, so I decided to put Imaac hair remover on one eyebrow. The smell made him throw up. He was very apologetic and insisted on clearing up his mess - I bet he never falls asleep after a dinner party again.



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3 May 2002
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Introduced a guy with a beard to Flaming Ouzo

basically set light to Ouzo in a big spoon and pour it down your neck
his face caught fire.

Put a calor gaz bottle on a bonfire. Police were called as someone thought a bomb had gone off

Nicking some of the flags on poles that were just screwed into the ground during the G7 summit in Birmingham ( that involved a brief police chase on foot and made the papers that did)

Lying on the boot of a spitfire whilst speeding around Richmond cos we had filled the car up with beer

falling in a bonfire whilst walking along a wall ( 3 months in hospital that one, but i did get the bike i wanted for my birthday)

Knocking a hole in my mates bedroom wall and using the bricks to make a BAR B Q for a party.

Blowing up a fume cupboard in a chemistry lab.

i'll stop now.

Wedding can be an anagram of 'JUST HANDOVER THE MONEY' if you can't spell.


Re: The stupidest thing I ever did....

...was listen to a photographer when he said: "it all looks a bit boring. Can't you hang the back end out a bit further." At the time I was testing a very expensive sportscar belonging to that bloke from Dire Straits, which he'd bought but not yet driven.

So the next time round I gave it more gas, dialled in a bit of opposite-lock and wanged it sideways through the corner. "Good," said the photographer, "but still not sideways enough." This was the point at which I should have said "bollocks...that's all you're getting". But I didn't. I gassed it harder.

And when it did let go, mid-corner, it let go big-time. According to the photographer it span through 720 degrees, clipped a grass verge, and flipped twice in the air and then rolled a couple of times before coming down upsidedown across a ditch. When everything had stopped spinning I was hanging upsidedown in the five-point harness with petrol pissing all over me. There was no roll-bar, so the ditch saved my life. Sadly the car shed three of its four wheels, most of its bodywork, the engine was off its mountings and the chassis snapped in several places. Needless to say it was a write-off.

Bloody photographers!


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3 May 2002
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Are you feeling peeky?????????

you appear to be leaning on the back of a car about to throw up
you been cooking again?????????????

Wedding can be an anagram of 'JUST HANDOVER THE MONEY' if you can't spell.


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21 Jun 2001
Boat's in Chatham, I'm in Essex
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Well (cringe) something has just come to mind for me too.
Do any of you remember when Crombies were all the fashion? You know, them big coats that the pop group "Madness" wear?
It was a couple of years after they went out of fashion that I got mine and it was whilst wearing my Crombie I found out, purely by accident, how to do a fantastic trick and impress all and sundry.

Ready..... Then I shall begin;

My mate Roy (one of our gang) showed up one evening with his dad's "Zippo" lighter, you know the petrol powered ones with the cool flip top that James Dean used in Rebel Without His Draws or summit like that.
Well this lighter needed filling up, so, me being the big fat lump of the gang was nominated to go buy the red and yellow can of Ronson lighter fuel from the local off license. Which I did and the filling up of the lighter began, by me of course because I got the petrol. Once full to the brim, I put the can of petrol into the safety of the inside pocket of my beloved Crombie so it was out of harms way.

Flick...Flick.. went the lighter, nothing. Flick WHOOOOMFFF.
Up went the lighter, my hand and the right sleeve of my Crombie..
After frantic screams, slaps, spits and dirt clouds the flames went out. We were all amazed that there was no damage to my hand or my sleeve. Now its about now that you're probably thinking, "Yes Syd that was a stupid thing to do", but I'm not finished. We experimented a little more with the same results. No pain, No damage...
So a really cool plan was hatched.
Roy squirted the back of my Crombie with some petrol, we crept up on an unsuspecting bus que, I put the petrol back into the safety of my inside pocket and gave Roy the signal. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the people in the que as a fat lump came screaming from behind the bus shelter with a monstrous yellow flame enguling his back... They were a picture to remember. All open mouths and really wide eyes.

Unbeknown to me one of the que (big hairy bloke) seemed to have some experience in fire fighting and promptly flipped me on my back, dragged me to the nearest grass verge and started rolling me about like a lump of pastry. This was having the desired affect for a lttle while but, it was when he started to get over adventurous in his rolling technique that the can of petrol in my inside pocket would squirt a little more fuel onto the ground which was then ignited by my aflamed back. After what seemed like hours of kneading he was reaching exhaustion so called for help, with this the rest of the concerned que joined in. About this time the can fell from my inside pocket, there was an immediate change in tempo, the gentle patting then took on a heavy pounding attitude, I'm sure I would have eventually been beaten to death had the 370 bus not turned up when it did!

Syd :)


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31 Dec 2001
I remember my Dad telling me that when he was a lad they used to go to France ( (I guess this was in the1920s) and collect all the ammo that was lieing all around post WW1 in the area they went to.... and they would build a big fire and spend there day chucking the stuff into it ... sounded quite good fun! Later went on to get shot down in his Lancaster so maybe it was good practise! Good charicter building stuff.


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1 Oct 2001
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Number one son comes home from collage and asks SWMBO what if for tea. The answer is nothing coz it’s about time you were looking after yourself so you can cook some chips and there is a Fray Bentos (sp?) steak and kidney pie in the cupboard. Anyway half an hour passes and SWMBO asks number one son if he had any trouble using the electric tin opener as it had been playing up. Number one son looks puzzeled which is about the time that SWMBO realises why. When SWMBO gets to the oven there is a football shaped tin in there which she removes and puts in the middle of the kitchen table to cool.

Well SWMBO is furious at number one son, telling him how stupid he is and that it could have exploded and if he thinks he is getting anything else for tea he is mistaken. No, he has cooked that pie and if it’s ruined then it’s his hard luck and he is going to eat it anyway, then SWMBO goes to the kitchen draw and pulls out a manual tin opener. Fearless SWMBO calmly walks over to the metal balloon and sticks the tin opener into it. Well you can guess can’t you, it started like a spinning top spraying gravy all over the kitchen before it gained enough speed to overcome gravity and turn into a Frisbee. It took off on a jet stream of mince and gravy, first banging against a cupboard then making an exit via it kitchen window which it opened all by itself and terminating it’s flight in the back garden.

SWMBO not wanting to appear as if anything unexpected had happened calmly walked outside, picked up the projectile, returned to the kitchen and turned the remains out onto a plate along with the chips and gave it to number one son. The true horror of what had happened was only apparent to me when I got home from work and was tasked with the tidy up operation.


It may be the early bird that catches the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.


Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Re: Pounce/Gotcha

Didn't take long did it?

I used to love flying model aircraft as kid and I used to get the "Aeromodeller" magazine. Now, long before hang gliders were invented, one of the mags model designers came up with a triangular shaped wing device that had a centre strutt with outer rigging and could be made with a simple sheet of plastic and wooden poles with a lead centre balance and it looked distinctly like the early triangular hangliders that eventually came on sale c1970. Me and a friend did this and the model flew beautifully. So what next? Well how about a large tarpaulin shaped one with a kid as a balance weight rather than a few ounces of lead. Hmm, good idea, so we built one.

The scary thing was, it flew, with me hanging on underneath for about 300 yards. That wasn't the problem...the problem was that this distance spanned a small meadow valley that had pylon wires sagging down the middle of it...the reason I am here to write this is that I sailed right over the top of these to the other side!!! and all hanging on with two hands, no attachments whatsoever.

I now have 3 kids and if I ever catch them doing anything like this.....

Madoc Yacht Club
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31 Aug 2001
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Re: Thankee kind Sorr


bet you feel much better for letting it out.

Only trouble is that I had great difficulty reading it through the streams of tears about the jet gravy propelled frisbee!
