The Law of Tonnage


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
All that is fine ...... but swearing at me would be classed as a hate crime and the examiner would be out of job before close of business. ;)

Really? A hate crime?

It might be described as unprofessional conduct, but not a sackable offence unless there was a huge history and multiple offences...

And back in the real world...


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13 Sep 2008
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All that is fine ...... but swearing at me would be classed as a hate crime and the examiner would be out of job before close of business. ;)


I am sure that the 'do-gooders' have done their work by now and Examiners have to 'curb' their instinctive reactions .... but the point is that they are examining people for serious positions of responsibility and to pussy foot around is just not on ...

I have to say - that I am a traditional person and I consider PC has gone too far and possibly led to some of the events we see on the streets today.

If an examiner stresses a candidate and that stress shows that candidates weakness - then sorry - I am all for it. Rather that than an idiot out there with a ship !!


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12 Sep 2001
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I think I'd take the attitude that, if being sworn at reduced me to incompetence, I'm probably not going to be a lot of good mid Atlantic when the cargo's shifting in F11.

Hate crime? Only if it involved racial or religious slurs.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Really? A hate crime?

It might be described as unprofessional conduct, but not a sackable offence unless there was a huge history and multiple offences...

And back in the real world...

Totally unprofessional conduct and potentially a disciplinary offence.

Either that or one could choose to batter the imbecile's head against the wall.

I'm not saying which I might choose 'cos no-one has ever spoken to me like that in a professional setting .... and no-one never will. That's the real world. ;)



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13 Sep 2008
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I think I'd take the attitude that, if being sworn at reduced me to incompetence, I'm probably not going to be a lot of good mid Atlantic when the cargo's shifting in F11.

Hate crime? Only if it involved racial or religious slurs.

Exactly ..........

I have actually had a Master screaming and then broke down into tears in front of me on the bridge ... we were going through Pentland Firth and his 'order' was plain stupid and because he had not taken over the Con from me - I refused and told helmsman to continue my helm orders...

They do get through unfortunately .... that particular Master never amounted to much in the end and I recall correctly demoted later.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Exactly ..........

I have actually had a Master screaming and then broke down into tears in front of me on the bridge ... we were going through Pentland Firth and his 'order' was plain stupid and because he had not taken over the Con from me - I refused and told helmsman to continue my helm orders...

They do get through unfortunately .... that particular Master never amounted to much in the end and I recall correctly demoted later.

Not quite exactly ... see above,

But, indeed you are right that unless someone stands up to bullies and twats then they will slip through the net and could wreak havoc before they are finally removed. I'm would be removing him as a public service. :)



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15 Mar 2007
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Totally unprofessional conduct and potentially a disciplinary offence.

Either that or one could choose to batter the imbecile's head against the wall.

I'm not saying which I might choose 'cos no-one has ever spoken to me like that in a professional setting .... and no-one never will. That's the real world. ;)

Fortunate that you have retired then. assault, I would imagine, is a serious charge.


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3 Nov 2001
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Totally unprofessional conduct and potentially a disciplinary offence.

Either that or one could choose to batter the imbecile's head against the wall.

I'm not saying which I might choose 'cos no-one has ever spoken to me like that in a professional setting .... and no-one never will. That's the real world. ;)


I totally agree it can also be considered as intimidation and /or bullying.

I was once accused of being unfit to hold a skippers ticket as the examiner claimed I did it have a car driving licence.

The problem was that I did have a valid driving licence and produced it at the meeting.

All about intimidation and /or bullying.


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4 Jan 2015
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Blimey ... its years ago ... all I remember was he was the Senior Examiner in S'oton .... when they were at Dock Gate 10. Name ?? No idea now. We're talking late 70's into early 80's

Description ? Medium height .. about 5-10 I reckon ... clean shaven, tidy looking and smart, mid 50's ? lean to medium build ... I remember he had a smooth disarming voice - you didn't feel pressed when he spoke.

The one I do remember was another I had in Plymouth for an earlier Aurals .... Capt. Braid - who had a fearful reputation. Ex British and Commonwealth Shipping ... hated Tanker guys !! He was the lead DTI guy on an investigation into a small container ship disaster in the Channel ...

The chap i met only retired some 4-5 years ago, he told me he was originally a relief Master for a shipping company then he came ashore and became the examiner for ships Masters for the MCA, he did say some of the candidates came in virtually shaking.

Conversation was conducted through a velux window over several cups of tea whilst i fixed his roof. I admitted i had a small yacht.... '' So, you have a ticket Chris ? errrrrrrr no... I replied. '' Leak sorted and tools packed away I was handed a dvd 4 pack, the one of main interest being the Colregs, the amateur version which was very comprehensive (y) or you could study the professional version :eek: .

I need to return in the summer to do a long term fix to his roof in good weather, just a little nervous I am going to be met with a clipboard and 20 questions on the colregs. A very nice likeable chap, I just wish i could have enticed him onto the forum


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13 Sep 2008
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The chap i met only retired some 4-5 years ago, he told me he was originally a relief Master for a shipping company then he came ashore and became the examiner for ships Masters for the MCA, he did say some of the candidates came in virtually shaking.

Conversation was conducted through a velux window over several cups of tea whilst i fixed his roof. I admitted i had a small yacht.... '' So, you have a ticket Chris ? errrrrrrr no... I replied. '' Leak sorted and tools packed away I was handed a dvd 4 pack, the one of main interest being the Colregs, the amateur version which was very comprehensive (y) or you could study the professional version :eek: .

I need to return in the summer to do a long term fix to his roof in good weather, just a little nervous I am going to be met with a clipboard and 20 questions on the colregs. A very nice likeable chap, I just wish i could have enticed him onto the forum

Doubt it would be same guy ... he'd easily be in his late 80's / early 90's at least by now .. but he should be able to recall who I sat with then ... as my guy was the 'boss' !!


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
Totally unprofessional conduct and potentially a disciplinary offence.

Either that or one could choose to batter the imbecile's head against the wall.

I'm not saying which I might choose 'cos no-one has ever spoken to me like that in a professional setting .... and no-one never will. That's the real world. ;)


If you delete your previous rather silly post claiming erroneously that an examiner swearing at a candidate is a hate crime, the first line in your latest post above is a more sensible statement.

I see you’ve pulled back on the ‘..and he’d be out of a job by the end of the day’ statement too.

Suggesting (joking?) that you’d batter someone is worrying.

No ones ever going to speak to you like that? I’m glad you can predict the future with such confidence. Ever is a long time.


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22 Oct 2012
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Any examiner who uses an expletive towards a candidate has thereby rendered him or herself totally unfit for the role and their opinion can be safely dismissed. (y)


To be fair. I was being quite dense and very exasperating. He did lead me to the right conclusion and I learned an important lesson.
I do regret including the expletive, bear in mind it was well over 30 years ago and we were both “sailors” as opposed to gentlemen. Not to say it makes it ok. I wasn’t offended. It certainly wasn’t unusual to hear within the industry at the time.
the comparison to a Parrot cut deeper. It also was when I got the point. I needed to explain why I was taking the action I was taking not just explain what the rule said.

The truth is he was a very knowledgeable if rather intimidating character who while conducting an exam was also teaching me some important lessons.
He wasn’t trying to fail me, he was trying to lead me to the important point I was not explaining to him.
Most if not all the questions I answered well are forgotten. The ones I answered badly stuck with me.
hopefully I learned something.

I believe a good practical or oral exam is very much a learning oppertunity rather than just a test.

I personally felt no reason to question his professionalism or conduct and did not wish to imply there was.

So hopefully we can get back to the thread.

Which I found interesting as a question of good seamanship, rather than strict applicant of rules.
Last edited:


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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If you delete your previous rather silly post claiming erroneously that an examiner swearing at a candidate is a hate crime, the first line in your latest post above is a more sensible statement.

I see you’ve pulled back on the ‘..and he’d be out of a job by the end of the day’ statement too.

Suggesting (joking?) that you’d batter someone is worrying.

No ones ever going to speak to you like that? I’m glad you can predict the future with such confidence. Ever is a long time.

Good grief. This is heavy going. ;)



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12 Nov 2016
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C'mon, you clever clogs with the hard-earned Sustificates...

Have a read of my guestimations on #57 and take the opportunity to spell out, as per a tolerant Examiner, what else or different I ought to have considered.
Do please remember I wouldn't have a Mini-ARPA to offer TCPA and would be using chinagraph and 'sums'.


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22 Oct 2012
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'Line Of Constant Bearing' established.... in fog..... magnets at 3 min. interval representing series of plots.
Take all way off ship ( or reduce to bare steerage way ).... Rule 19e
Subsequent 'magnets' plots will show target passing ahead clear..... unless target vessel also takes way off ship.
Consider Rule 35 Sound Signals when appropriate.

A good answer? Safe,
unfortunately, the same error I made is still there. So you would have found yourself in the same situation as I was in having given an answer missing the important part the examiner was looking for.

MCA or in my day DOT fog. Comes and goes at the examiner whim. I am sure whatever I said about sound signals must have been acceptable. I’ve long since forgotten. Action when encountering fog the same.

It was very much about how and why I determined my response to the situation.
I will post the answer, I was hoping some more, attempts to guess my error of omission might be made.