That's all folks

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Biggles Wader

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3 Mar 2013
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Over-moderation, if that's what it is, seems to be stifling this one, I think.

But why has it been allowed to happen?

Is it because some users were not happy with it and complained, and the moderators acted to please them. If that's the case, was it users in general or just a few particularly influential ones (some of whom were trolls anyway)?

Are there moderators with a perhaps over-developed liking for order and discipline?

Is it due to the owners of the magazines, and hence this website, objecting to the sort of things being posted?
I think it is a combination of No 3 who appointed a couple of No 2s who were aided and abetted by No 1.
Sites like this, single interest forum with added social discourse, were common ten or fifteen years ago but have been largely overtaken by other social media formats and this one will go the same way if they continue to stifle it.


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17 Nov 2006
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Poor show! Thanks for all your help Steve. Hope we can still contact you through other channels if this all goes ahead.


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24 Jul 2021
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I think that's a fair summary of what it was all about in more enlightened times. If you go, the losers will be your fellow boaters, not the Admin who probably won't even notice. I think you have to accept as a fact of life that at the moment we suffer from a weird form of prissy moderation, which is quite properly the owners' prerogative, and you need to allow for it and tiptoe around it. But in the words of the prophet 'this too shall pass'. When they off-load the titles onto another publishing house, we may return to a more realistic form of moderation. In the meantime just learn to live with it.
After a good nights sleep and reflection youre absolutely correct, brush it off and enjoy the forumites.
That's not quite all folks!


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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After a good few years Im regrettably leavong the forum, unfortunately I seem to have fell fowl of the admin bods again. I listed an outboard and was promptly banned from the sales section.
The reasons given listings should be less than £ was.
You cannot sell on here as a business....I dont...I have never ever directly promoted my hobby/ website here. Other members have put a link in some threads but I havent.
Members can occssionally post items for sale....I asked if they could specify what occasionally was, Im.awaiting an answer. I have listed less than 5 items in over 12 months.
This is the second time it has happened, when i was steve66 i was asked by membersi f I could list carburettors for sale....Again swiftly banned.
I have spoken to many interesting and knowledgable folk here and also hope I have helped a few, and immensly enjoyed my time here.
So Im awaiting a response from my questions to admin, but fear its a fruitless task.

For goodness sake - create a second user and use it to sell things on the For Sale forum and keep advice to your current Forum name.

Others have done this in the past.


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8 Apr 2007
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Yes been there done that...used to be Steve1
So you’ve been in trouble 66 times?! How long till you hit 100 but then why are you now going backwards…

Everyone likes a rebel. Always appreciated your help when I had a Honda 2.0. Cheers.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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I think you have found there is a large groundswell of support for your presence on the, or this, forum. I'd like to think the Mods will take notice. My view is that as someone mentioned earlier someone, maybe only one, objected to your presence, they put you on report (a number if times?) and/or they are influential.

I suspect those or the person who put you on report has an inflated sense of his value and you may have pricked his ego - and it is they who should be sanctioned.

Dissenting views should be accepted, by you or me and others - that does not make the dissenting view correct.

Hang in there.

I have no issue at all with individuals in the industry contributing - I do, or only, object to them using their trade name. Erect a robust wall between your commercial activity and your activity on these forum.



Well-known member
16 May 2016
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I have no issue at all with individuals in the industry contributing - I do, or only, object to them using their trade name. Erect a robust wall between your commercial activity and your activity on these forum.


How does this work Jonathan ?

In the trade, must be anonymous, not tell anyone who you are, secret identity ?

Why ?


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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How does this work Jonathan ?

In the trade, must be anonymous, not tell anyone who you are, secret identity ?

Why ?
Well - the business seems to be called 'Rainbow Marine' and I'd expect anyone developing an advertisment would include the word 'Rainbow'. Your name here, on forum, is 'PaulRainbow'.

How about 'Paul the Sparky', 'Currents and Volts', 'electrickery on forum', 'Paul the electron manager' or 'Paul and Watts'- its not difficult - unless you really want to promote the name of the business. Most people hide their identity - except you, Vyv and I. I don't derive a cent in income from my posts, others are worried about 'privacy' (I think they are on a hiding to nothing and I have nothing to hide) - what's your reasoning?


Interestingly there are few active members here who are so obviously involved in Marine commercial activity - they seem to abide by the spirit of the rules. Some that were active, of which I am aware, - sort of melted away (anchor smith and Lewmar Girl, for example). Others may be active but they don't stand out like a sore thumb,

You could of course hide you indentity, in the spirit of the forum, say call yourself 'Moonshine'. You would answer posts professionally and technical correctly. You would slowly develop a reputation for honest and integrity and people would respect you posts. There would be no need for you to be ever associated with a commercial activity - just a benevolent member with expertise.

But that might be too slow and maybe altruism has its limits

Others have done it - why not you?
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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OH for god sake guys stop it .
@steve if you want an answer to your questions , write to the editor, it's what I had to do some years back. When out of the blue I when to log on and found it said I was ban for life , no reason , people who pm admin on my behalf got no reply , and sooner the editor got my complaint I was back on line .


Well-known member
16 May 2016
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Well - the business seems to be called 'Rainbow Marine' and I'd expect anyone developing an advertisment would include the word 'Rainbow'. Your name here, on forum, is 'PaulRainbow'.

How about 'Paul the Sparky', 'Currents and Volts', 'electrickery on forum', 'Paul the electron manager' or 'Paul and Watts'- its not difficult - unless you really want to promote the name of the business. Most people hide their identity - except you, Vyv and I. I don't derive a cent in income from my posts, others are worried about 'privacy' (I think they are on a hiding to nothing and I have nothing to hide) - what's your reasoning?


Interestingly there are few active members here who are so obviously involved in Marine commercial activity - they seem to abide by the spirit of the rules. Some that were active, of which I am aware, - sort of melted away (anchor smith and Lewmar Girl, for example). Others may be active but they don't stand out like a sore thumb,

You could of course hide you indentity, in the spirit of the forum, say call yourself 'Moonshine'. You would answer posts professionally and technical correctly. You would slowly develop a reputation for honest and integrity and people would respect you posts. There would be no need for you to be ever associated with a commercial activity - just a benevolent member with expertise.

But that might be too slow and maybe altruism has its limits

Others have done it - why not you?
Why should i hide my identity ? I'm happy for people to know who i am, what i do and to be accountable for the advice i post. If i posted garbage that would/could affect my business, if i did poor work i assume there would be some threads on here warning people of that.

I don't advertise on here, i only sell a few odds and ends from my own boat upgrades in the for sale forum.

I give my help freely. I'm a local installer to the East Coast of the UK, hardly going to be inundated with requests for work from the majority on here. I have more local work offered to me than i could take on if there were three of me.

People wonder why so few professionals post here, every one in the industry that i know tell me i must be mad, i suspect they may be correct.

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
Western Solent
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I think you have found there is a large groundswell of support for your presence on the, or this, forum. I'd like to think the Mods will take notice. My view is that as someone mentioned earlier someone, maybe only one, objected to your presence, they put you on report (a number if times?) and/or they are influential.

I suspect those or the person who put you on report has an inflated sense of his value and you may have pricked his ego - and it is they who should be sanctioned.

Dissenting views should be accepted, by you or me and others - that does not make the dissenting view correct.

Hang in there.

I have no issue at all with individuals in the industry contributing - I do, or only, object to them using their trade name. Erect a robust wall between your commercial activity and your activity on these forum.

I doubt many of us are hiding/seeking privacy. Most of us choose our boat’s name in some form it seems, or a silly joke, except for Bouba, I suspect that may be a dog! It’s a bulletin board tradition from the earliest days of the net.


Well-known member
14 Nov 2001
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When I started on here what seems a lifetime ago I was employed (director) of a Penta main dealer and felt able to throw some light on issues where appropriate but did not want to do so in a commercial or authorised capacity hence Scottie as in startreck
I have now come to a place where my knowledge is not up to date and would defer to Volvo Paul or Spannerman as being far better sources.
but like the OP wonder if it’s worth the bother as there are now many experts on so many subjects such as how to replace the points on yanmar diesels
so I think it’s siesta time
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