That's all folks

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24 Jul 2021
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After a good few years Im regrettably leavong the forum, unfortunately I seem to have fell fowl of the admin bods again. I listed an outboard and was promptly banned from the sales section.
The reasons given listings should be less than £ was.
You cannot sell on here as a business....I dont...I have never ever directly promoted my hobby/ website here. Other members have put a link in some threads but I havent.
Members can occssionally post items for sale....I asked if they could specify what occasionally was, Im.awaiting an answer. I have listed less than 5 items in over 12 months.
This is the second time it has happened, when i was steve66 i was asked by membersi f I could list carburettors for sale....Again swiftly banned.
I have spoken to many interesting and knowledgable folk here and also hope I have helped a few, and immensly enjoyed my time here.
So Im awaiting a response from my questions to admin, but fear its a fruitless task.


Well-known member
3 Nov 2001
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Sorry to hear that

I to have been banned and left and cane back but got banned from a thread again.

I am retired and have no business interest but over 60 years mechanical, electrical, electronic and software design experience ans only too willing to help.

There have and are members who are bullies and do run a business in th boating service / supply but the moderators seem to not be interested and only react to reports.

I fully expect to be banned for these comments as one of the rules is that we are not allowed to criticize the moderators if that happens so be it. It will be in my vies a loss to the members of the forum

Over the years I have been involved in boating and the PBO forum lots of well respected members have left for various reasons including the same as your reason.


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9 Dec 2010
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After a good few years Im regrettably leavong the forum, unfortunately I seem to have fell fowl of the admin bods again. I listed an outboard and was promptly banned from the sales section.
The reasons given listings should be less than £ was.
You cannot sell on here as a business....I dont...I have never ever directly promoted my hobby/ website here. Other members have put a link in some threads but I havent.
Members can occssionally post items for sale....I asked if they could specify what occasionally was, Im.awaiting an answer. I have listed less than 5 items in over 12 months.
This is the second time it has happened, when i was steve66 i was asked by membersi f I could list carburettors for sale....Again swiftly banned.
I have spoken to many interesting and knowledgable folk here and also hope I have helped a few, and immensly enjoyed my time here.
So Im awaiting a response from my questions to admin, but fear its a fruitless task.

Sorry to hear that Steve, I hope we don’t lose you.


Well-known member
12 Nov 2016
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The 'stock in trade' of Practical Boat Owner has always been the years - sometimes decades - of knowledge and of invention that contributors bring and freely share with the rest of us.

Our boating world was enriched by such 'community altruism' and it formed a central plank of our shared identity. It seems of late to be withering on the vine, or rather, being ripped up by the roots..... and for what purpose?

Forum rules, terms and conditions ought to evolve to serve a consensual purpose. If not, the worth of reading and sharing practical know-how here will decline until it is no longer supported by 'footfall'. Not only would that be regretable - it would lead to redundancies.


Well-known member
4 Aug 2006
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Our boating world was enriched by such 'community altruism'


I think that's a fair summary of what it was all about in more enlightened times. If you go, the losers will be your fellow boaters, not the Admin who probably won't even notice. I think you have to accept as a fact of life that at the moment we suffer from a weird form of prissy moderation, which is quite properly the owners' prerogative, and you need to allow for it and tiptoe around it. But in the words of the prophet 'this too shall pass'. When they off-load the titles onto another publishing house, we may return to a more realistic form of moderation. In the meantime just learn to live with it.


Well-known member
31 Jan 2003
in limbo at the mo.
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It does seem a ridiculous situation, the idea of PBO forum is to ask for help and to help others, your postings over the years have helped and guided others with their problem outboards, the same thing happened with an electric outboard seller, he also gave plenty of unbiased help, sad days for anyone requesting help from people in the business, stick it out Steve.!


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Hang in there. Been there done that, or doing that.

My understanding is that many penalties and banishments are, sometimes, as a result of 'reports' by fellow members (who appear to have thin skins and who find your activity detracting from their ......)

I obviously don't know anything about you - except you and I are part of a very select group.

Hang in there - someone does not like you but many do - work to support the many - just hanging in there and being a bit more 'Mod flexible' will continue to annoy your detractor but keep you on side.

Its not easy

Good Luck


Edit - the fact this thread exists suggests you have not exhausted your brownie points (though I might have lost a few more with this post). Of course this might change. One of my previous thread was removed completely. :(


Active member
30 May 2001
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After a good few years Im regrettably leavong the forum, unfortunately I seem to have fell fowl of the admin bods again. I listed an outboard and was promptly banned from the sales section.
The reasons given listings should be less than £ was.
You cannot sell on here as a business....I dont...I have never ever directly promoted my hobby/ website here. Other members have put a link in some threads but I havent.
Members can occssionally post items for sale....I asked if they could specify what occasionally was, Im.awaiting an answer. I have listed less than 5 items in over 12 months.
This is the second time it has happened, when i was steve66 i was asked by membersi f I could list carburettors for sale....Again swiftly banned.
I have spoken to many interesting and knowledgable folk here and also hope I have helped a few, and immensly enjoyed my time here.
So Im awaiting a response from my questions to admin, but fear its a fruitless task.
If the banning of Steve65 goes ahead, it will be a stupid and self-defeating act and we will all lose. Over many, many years, Steve has, I'm sure, put far more into these forums than he has got out. His knowledge and experience are absolutely in the spirit of mutual assistance and friendship that makes all this worthwhile.
I don't know Steve personally but I have benefitted enormously from his detailed and generous help. I have bought things from him at ridiculously low prices - any idea that he is a businessman on the make is just nonsense. I bought an engine from him and it was far better than new. He just didn't have to make it that good! We need people like Steve here: let him stay.


Well-known member
16 May 2016
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I have been banned and excluded from threads several times.

As a professional marine electrician i freely post on here, sharing decades of knowledge, in the real World, this would cost money.

Over moderation kills forums.

I answer a fraction of posts compared to what i used to.


Well-known member
16 May 2016
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There have and are members who are bullies and do run a business in th boating service / supply but the moderators seem to not be interested and only react to reports.
I guess i am one of the above, in your eyes.

I have decades of experience and am up to date with modern systems, equipment and methods and i freely share that information. I don't make any charges and i don't invite people with problems to pay me to fix things.

There are very few in the industry who are willing to post on these forums, as we do it for free and our only reward is usually comments like the above and bans from the moderators when we challenge poor and dangerous advice given by some.

Perhaps you would like to see a rule where those of us in the industry should not be allowed to post here ?


29 Nov 2002
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I have been banned and excluded from threads several times.

As a professional marine electrician i freely post on here, sharing decades of knowledge, in the real World, this would cost money.

Over moderation kills forums.

I answer a fraction of posts compared to what i used to.
That’s madness, it’s knowledge like yours, freely shared, that makes these fora worthwhile. Otherwise it’s worse than daytime tv.


Well-known member
23 Jul 2005
South London
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Over moderation kills forums.

Over-moderation, if that's what it is, seems to be stifling this one, I think.

But why has it been allowed to happen?

Is it because some users were not happy with it and complained, and the moderators acted to please them. If that's the case, was it users in general or just a few particularly influential ones (some of whom were trolls anyway)?

Are there moderators with a perhaps over-developed liking for order and discipline?

Is it due to the owners of the magazines, and hence this website, objecting to the sort of things being posted?
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